Taos Footwear

Taos Footwear offers women’s shoes, boots, and sandals that are stylish, comfortable, and made from high-quality materials.

The Taktical approach

We expanded Taos’ customer base by targeting Facebook Lookalike Audiences based on purchasers of specific styles and seasonal trends.
We also chose to put actual customer reviews front-and-center in ads. Their words resonated with new customers (and replicated easily) much more than traditional copy would have.
As you can imagine from the results below, Taos was very pleased with our work.

Goals and challenges

Taos’ internal Facebook campaigns had already delivered strong results. They approached Taktical to take their performance to the next level. The brand tasked us with two major objectives: increase sales, and increase return on ad spend. Achieving these goals required strategically reaching new customers while carefully optimizing our budget.

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