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In this issue: Creating images people respond to, the importance of having customer reviews, using “Power Words” to increase conversions.

What’s in The News This Week

TikTok launches "Shopping Ads" for easier advertisement. Shopify launches "Collabs" for creators to earn revenue. Instagram gives users added control of their feed content.

Growth Hack #1 Share the excitement

Google Analytics is something we spend hours exploring and learning from (weird, right?).    It’s the best way to manage and track web data and use it to make smarter decisions for us and our clients. There’s nothing more telling than data. It doesn’t lie and it’s always there to tell you things you might be missing.    That said, Google Analytics can sometimes get a little wonky. From the integrity of your analytics to the quality of what the platform is giving you, it’s worth taking time to perform this 20-step Google Analytics Audit to ensure you’re getting the optimal performance out of this essential platform. 

Where to Start for your 20-Step Google Analytics Audit

Review Your Account Setup

This might sound like a simple first step, but it’s important to utilize your Google Analytics account properly. That means making sure you have the correct info on your account, including:
  • Checking your default URL
  • Reviewing extensions to your website
  • Checking your time zone and demographics
  • Watching for any errors that Google Analytics shows in your settings
You might be surprised to see a few things out of place or loaded with the wrong info, especially if you created the account awhile ago.

Review Your Audience Reports

Under your Audience Reports, you’ll find a lot of great info. From retention and bounce rate to the number of people visiting your pages, there’s a lot to learn from here. Take a quick moment to peek at things for accuracy.    For example, if you’re finding that you report a low page visit average, double check that you’re tracking page views correctly. Likewise, ensure that your demographics option is turned on. Peeking for any outliers or weird data can help show you if you’re missing something.

Review Your Acquisition Reports

When you go to Acquisition, you’ll find all sorts of info about your traffic. If any of this data looks odd, double check that you’re properly tagging campaigns within Analytics.   The fix is a bit of a long process, but making sure that you download the Google Analytics Debugger can help a ton to speed up the process. Go ahead and peek at self-referrals too. If you find that your domain tracking isn’t matching up in Analytics, you can check to see if you have any subdomain issues related to your website. This is handled on your backend, but Analytics does a good job highlighting them for you to fix.

Check for These Common Issues with Behavior Reports

Under Behavior Reports, you might find that you’re violating the Terms of Service for this platform. Double check in your site content collection to see if you’re collecting personal email addresses. If you are, fix that before it becomes an issue.    Next, make sure your page URLs are split into fragmented URLs based on permalink text. If so, go ahead and start handling that on your backend; the difference will show in your Analytics once you address the issues.

Conversion Reports - Do Things Match Up?

Here’s a quick one you can check easily. Under Conversion Reports, double check that your ecommerce software and the Analytics line up. If not, you’ll want to check your plug-ins on your website and their extensions. Likewise, you need to make sure you check your time zone and the date to ensure that these line up, otherwise the data will be all messed up.  These are the best places to start making sure you have everything in order on your Google Analytics account! When it comes to tips on everything digital, be sure to keep an eye on our blog for the latest tricks and guides to everything you need to grow your business.

Every time you put an ad in front of a potential customer, you want them to do something. The ultimate goal is to get them to buy your product or subscribe to your service, but even at the earlier stages, you might just want them to give you their email address, sign-up for a free trial or subscribe to a newsletter. A lot of work goes into moving people to take these different actions. However, whether they found your content in search results, email, Facebook ads or Google ads, you need to know how to get the message across. One of the best ways to do this is to have a good CTA. If you are looking for a call to action definition, it is a short instruction that is intended to provoke action. They can appear on web pages, in apps, in social media ads, in emails and more. They can appear as a CTA button or as a call to action phrase with a link. A good CTA not only inspires action, but it lets the viewer know what you want them to do.  Since a call to action is so important for so many different types of marketing efforts, you should put more than a little passing thought into finding the right one. In this post, we are going to look at a few call-to-action examples to show you what it looks like when it is done right.

State Farm

The CTA on this page from the insurance company State Farm is “Start a Quote”. It is an effective CTA because it makes it clear what the page wants the user to do and it stands out because it is a red button on a white background. The accompanying text also helps to push the reader closer to a click by adding language about saving time and money.

New Balance

The footwear company New Balance does a great job with this CTA. The text says “Explore” and it directs the user to a shopping page on the website. This is a smart ecommerce tactic because it is not as pushy as something like “Buy Now” but it moves the customer further down the funnel by taking them to a page that can expose them to products and sell them on the benefits of making a purchase.

Pizza Hut

This is a good example for Facebook ad campaigns. With a call to action of “See Menu”, Pizza Hut is letting customers know that they can check out the menu and order online. This could be a good CTA for any restaurant that is trying to sell food and get people to look at their offerings through Facebook ads.


With “Start your site”, WordPress has a simple CTA, but they actually sell it with the accompanying text. The copy makes it clear that you can have a website ready in minutes, and they tell you that they have everything you need to get started. With good text surrounding the CTA, the button just makes it easy for visitors to know where they should click to get started with building their new website.

Magic Spoon

This is a call to action example for a website pop-up. With this, Magic Spoon is offering visitors the opportunity to win a free month of cereal. All the visitor has to do is enter their email address and click the button for “Enter the Contest”. With a simple pop-up like this, Magic Spoon can probably collect a lot of email addresses from visitors.

Rosetta Stone

If you have something to offer for free, you should highlight that in the CTA. That is why Rosetta Stone is using the CTA “Start 3-Day Free Trial”. People like getting things for free, and if a visitor is interested in the service but unsure about signing up for an account, offering the free trial can be a great way to move them closer to being a paying customer.


In this Facebook ad, Spotify uses the CTA of “Listen Now”. This is an obvious CTA for a company like Spotify. It tells the user what they will get when they use the service and it is direct and to the point. If you are promoting a music service, a podcast or an audiobook, this could be an effective Facebook CTA. Those are just a few examples of effective CTAs and why they work. While it isn’t rocket science, it is something you need to think about. Create a good CTA, make sure it works with the rest of the content on the page and make sure it is easy to see. When it is done right, a good CTA can increase your conversion rate significantly.

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bruno mars GIF

Growth Hack #1 - The 21 Best Ways to Add Social Proof to Your Site:

Does this scenario sound familiar: Your product/market fit, copy, images, product, urgency, pricing, etc. are great...but conversions are still low

If so, there is a big chance that it's because people don't trust you.

In this case, you need to add social proof.

Here are the top 21 ways to do just that:

1. Customer testimonials

2. Celebrity endorsements

3. Case studies

4. Media mentions

5. Who are your customers

6. Trust seals

7. Certifications and badges

8. Platform integrations

9. Social share count

10. Subscriber/user/customer count

11. Screen shots from social media

12. Public ratings and reviews

13. Test scores

14. “Best seller”

15. Results of surveying your customers

16. Number of orders

17. Real time stats

18. A list of popular posts/products

19. Customer showcase

20. Customer photos

21. Customer stories



Growth Hack #2 - Case Study: Invest $0 and Recover 11.5% of Lost Customers:

Ninja Outreach is a SaaS. When people clicked "14-Day Free Trial" they needed to input their credit card data.

A lot of people get lost at this stage.

So, the team took these 5 steps to fix the problem:

1. Instead of asking their payment details after hitting the trial button. . .

2. They asked for just their email.

3. After a user submitted their email, they was redirected to a page asking their payment details.

4. If a user abandoned the form, they received an automated email reminder.

5. These emails recovered 11.5% of abandoners.

After the team applied the magic:

1. 11.5% of abandoners finished their trial sign up

2. And are now trying out plans ranging from $29/mo to $249/mo



typing on computer

Growth Hack #3 - Improve Email Performance +25% With the Right Ratios:

Images aren't categorically bad for emails. But, the RATIO of images:text does matter.

Don't go below 2:3

Don't make your entire email one big image with text on it

Include descriptive alt text that gets people to expand / view all images (and tracks your opens)

Source: 500 Startups


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the Rock GIF

Growth Hack #1 - How to Overcome a 75% Bounce Rate (A Twitter Study):

A few years back, over 75% of Twitter’s users weren’t coming back. So, they set out solve the problem in the following 4 steps:

1. The team separated out the engaged users from those who dropped off.

2. Then they studied: Of those people who get it, what’s different about them?

3. They discovered patterns that indicated that if you follow at least 30 people, you’re likely to remain engaged.

4. So they redesigned the product to help everyone get to this number faster.


Growth Hack #2 - How Neil Patel Gained $25K in Revenue From Commenting on Other Blogs:

Neil Patel ran an interesting experiment. For 1 month, he commented on different blogs.

Here are his findings:

1. Short (1 to 4-word) comments generated 3.2 visitors per comment.

2. Long (4 to 17-sentence) comments drove 17.4 visitors per comment (5x more).

3. Mainstream, broad blogs drove visitors but no conversions.

4. When his comment was higher on the page it drove more traffic.

5. Only comments on guest posts he wrote generated real leads.

He generated 7 leads from guest posts on others' sites, which resulted in $25,000 in revenue.



Growth Hack #3 - A 3-Step Plan for Effective Selling:

The most effective reciprocity is indirect, not overt (salesy). Turn this fact into action with the following, 3-step plan:

1. Give: Provide an incentive to potential customers with the following phrases: "Free offer", "free service", "surprisingly good", "no strings attached". 

2. WAIT. Disassociate Give step from Ask step. Doing so makes the whole process feel less like a sale and more genuine.

3. Ask.Now that you've waited, you can make your request with the following phrases: "Sign up", "purchase", "refer your friends".  

Source: 500 Startups

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the Rock GIF

Growth Hack #1 - How to Overcome a 75% Bounce Rate (A Twitter Study):

A few years back, over 75% of Twitter’s users weren’t coming back. So, they set out solve the problem in the following 4 steps:

1. The team separated out the engaged users from those who dropped off.

2. Then they studied: Of those people who get it, what’s different about them?

3. They discovered patterns that indicated that if you follow at least 30 people, you’re likely to remain engaged.

4. So they redesigned the product to help everyone get to this number faster.



Growth Hack #2 - How Neil Patel Gained $25K in Revenue From Commenting on Other Blogs:

Neil Patel ran an interesting experiment. For 1 month, he commented on different blogs.

Here are his findings:

1. Short (1 to 4-word) comments generated 3.2 visitors per comment.

2. Long (4 to 17-sentence) comments drove 17.4 visitors per comment (5x more).

3. Mainstream, broad blogs drove visitors but no conversions.

4. When his comment was higher on the page it drove more traffic.

5. Only comments on guest posts he wrote generated real leads.

He generated 7 leads from guest posts on others' sites, which resulted in $25,000 in revenue.




Growth Hack #3 - A 3-Step Plan for Effective Selling:

The most effective reciprocity is indirect, not overt (salesy). Turn this fact into action with the following, 3-step plan:

1. Give: Provide an incentive to potential customers with the following phrases: "Free offer", "free service", "surprisingly good", "no strings attached". 

2. WAIT. Disassociate Give step from Ask step. Doing so makes the whole process feel less like a sale and more genuine.

3. Ask.Now that you've waited, you can make your request with the following phrases: "Sign up", "purchase", "refer your friends".  

Source: 500 Startups


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Growth Hack #1 - 5 Video Tutorials From an Expert to Crush It at Facebook Advertising:

It's been PPC ad expert Savannah Sanchez's personal mission over the last year to share the best paid social advice via her Twitter, Facebook Group, and Youtube. 

She just released 5 new videos that will teach you how she approaches (and wins at) Facebook ads:

1. My Advanced Facebook Account Structure For E-commerce:

You don't need anything more complicated than this structure in order to run an ad account effectively. Sanchez has used close variations of this structure to scale:

Video :

2. My Simplified Facebook Account Structure For E-commerce:

Just launching a new ad account? Do not fear! Follow this super basic structure that she's used to scale many ad accounts:


3. Setting Up Your Default Account Columns in Facebook Ads Manager:

Here's what metrics Sanchez uses to track success on her Facebook campaigns. Follow this easy tutorial to see how to set up your own column:


4. Building Custom and Lookalike Audiences on Facebook:

Sanchez walks through the steps of audience building on Facebook ads manager:


And lastly (but most importantly) - 

5. Understanding Kill Targets & Delay Attribution Multipliers:

This is probably the most important part about media buying on Facebook. You have to understand your metrics across the full funnel and how delayed attribution will affect your end of most ROAS.




Growth Hack #2 - What Drops Conversions -36% and Increases Them +96%? The Answer:

Unbounce analyzed 2,345,864 exit intent popup views and uncovered 2 insights:

1. The first dropped their conversions by 36%.

2. The second increased them by 96%.


They A/B tested:

A: 900x700px popup.


B: 800×500px popup.

Result: The 900x700px popup turned out to be too large for some browsers. As a result, it reduced load/view ratio and overall impressions by 36%. Meanwhile, the 800x500 px popup increased conversions 96% comparatively.




Growth Hack #3 - The 2 Biggest Email Mistakes From Analyzing 100M:

Noah Kagan, founder at Sumo (AppSumo) has sent more than 100M emails. Here are the 2 biggest mistakes he learned:

#1. A couple years ago, he tested segmentation and spent tons of time and a lot of money. The result? He found that segmentation isn’t worth the effort.

Non-segmented emails generate 3.19X more revenue than segmented.

#2. So many brands only put a CTA at the end of the email. But, very few people who open that email are going to make it down the page (on average 80% read only the first screen).

It means that by placing your CTA at the top of your emails, you can see around 4 times more conversions.



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film GIF

Growth Hack #1 - Four Important Takeaways from 3,000 Facebook Videos:

BuzzSumo analyzed the TOP 3,000 most engaging videos on Facebook.

Here‘s what they found:

1. Heavy video interaction does not depend solely on audience size.

2. TOP 3 calls to action:

- "like our page for more"

- "get the full recipe"

- "like, share, and comment"

3. Storytelling (Setting + Characters + Conflict + Resolution) is an important element of Facebook videos that people share, like, and comment on.

4. TOP 5 most engaging topics:

- Inspiring

- Animals

- Amusing

- DIY 

- Recipes



Growth Hack #2 - Earn 258% More Backlinks With the Right Image:

Neil Patel decided to analyze the types of images he uses in his blog posts that generate the biggest number of backlinks.

Here are the images that he compared:

1. Stock photography

2. Screenshots

3. Hand-drawn images

4. Graphs and charts

5. Infographics

6. Royalty free images

7. Animated graphics


#4. Graphs and charts received 258% more backlinks than blog posts with other types of images.


Because data and facts are the most valuable.

And while infographics also have data, graphs and charts are usually smaller and more focused.



using Pinterest

Growth Hack #3 - How Pinterest Increased Conversions +50% With Just One Quick Experiment:

When you are as huge as Pinterest, you're pretty happy when your next A/B test shows a 0.1% improvement.

Imagine how happy their growth team was when they saw a 50% increase in conversions.

So here's how they managed to do that:

1. They stopped the user from scrolling after a while (the default action of a Pinterest grid is people scrolling).

2. Instead, they pulled up a little banner that said, ‘Sign up to see more of this content.’

This experiment alone improved their conversion rate 50%.



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long receipt GIF

Growth Hack #1 - Earn 9X More Leads With The Right Copy Length:

Neil Patel's team wanted to compare long-form content (over 1000 words) to short-form to see what drives shares and leads

So, they wrote short-form and long-form articles for their blog and email subscribers. Then they compared results.

Here they are:

3 times more Shares for long-form content generated compared to short-form.

8 times more Page Views received from long-form content.

9 times more Leads generated from long-form content.



Growth Hack #2 - How to Earn 2.91X More Blog Shares With Zero Spend:

The Curata team created 24 blog posts, using 3 different sources:

1. Internal resource (staff)

2. Agency/Freelancer

3. Guest blogger

Here‘s how many social shares on average each source got:

1. Internal resource (staff): ~110 shares per blog post

2. Agency/Freelancer: ~250 shares per blog post (2.27 times more)

3. Guest blogger: ~320/blog post (2.91 times more shares)

Looks like typical research until you understand that:

1. Guest posts placed on your blog cost you 0 dollars.

2. Guest posts placed on your blog cost you 0 time spent on creating them.

3. It means they drive traffic to your blog for free.

4. And as a bonus, they get 2.91 times more shares (probably because the author also promotes his/her blog post).



FB ad creative testing diagram

Growth Hack #3 - Organizing and Testing a Lot of Creatives in Ads Manager:

Florian Litterst had the chance to hold a training on FB & IG Ads. Something he talked about is creative testing workflow.

No doubt, creatives are *the most important factor* for a high performing campaign in 2020. That's why you should try to test at least 5-10 new creatives each week. But when you test lots of new creatives things can get messy (really messy!) Here is how to do it better:

1️⃣ Use sandbox campaigns (always paused) to organize your creatives as you do in your Google Drive or Dropbox files, f.e. Campaign: 2020 - UK - Creatives + Ad set name: 2020 - June. The goal is to put in new creatives and prepare everything for the testings.

2️⃣ After preparing new creatives in the sandbox campaigns, dupe them to the testing campaigns where you A/B-test and prove all new creatives. This way you're not resetting learnings of your core campaigns and keep things organized.

3️⃣ In testings campaigns, use MOFU/TOFU audiences (no manual bid, PUR-optimization) and try to prove every creative before you dupe it to the "core" campaigns. MOFU = 180 days WCA + 365 ECA, TOFU = 1% or 5% general purchase LAL.

4️⃣ For the testing campaigns, use automated rules to pause creatives if performance is low (f.e. spent is 3-5x CPA and ROAS is below 1). Only when creatives have been proven to work, duplicate them to your core campaigns.



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price is right GIF

Growth Hack #1 - 29 Pricing Tricks to Boost Sales:

Another way to influence buying decisions is by picking the right price.

SocialMediaToday listed 29 pricing tricks, and here are a few of them:

Choose numbers with fewer syllables: Even though people do not say the price out loud, they actually perceive phonetically short prices as cheaper.

Use words related to small amounts: Descriptions like “low maintenance” are more appealing than “high performance”.  Another example of loss aversion in action.

Make products seem expensive to manufacture.

Visual contrast between sales prices is powerful.

Well, all these tricks won’t make or break a business, but they’ll definitely help you get more of that green stuff 🤑.



Growth Hack #2 - Make Sure You're Reaching 85% of Your Customers:

According to a study by SimpleRelevance: 

1. Women make 85% of all consumer purchases.

2. 91% of women feel that advertisers don’t understand them.

It means, even if you sell consumer products for men, women are the ones who actually buy them.  So, it's women you need to market to and convince.

Here's more detailed data by industry:

1. Cars: 65% of purchasing decisions are made by women.

2. Computers: 66%

3. Healthcare: 80%

4. Bank accounts: 89%

5. New homes: 91%

6. Vocations: 92%

7. OTC Medicines: 93%

8. Food/Groceries: 93%



retargeting ad sets

Growth Hack #3 - Keep Retargeting Ads Fresh Automatically:

Do your retargeting creatives burn out fast?

This is a common issue, simply because retargeting audiences are usually smaller than cold audiences. However, this retargeting set up shared by Josh Graham, which leverages Facebook Dynamic Creatives, might be an easy fix.

The idea is that you upload the creatives and the ad system rotates them to keep ’em fresh.

Here’s how Josh does it:

- Audience: All Website Visitors in the last 30 days, excluding purchasers.

- Two ad sets targeting the same audience but leveraging two different types of creatives: Customer reviews vs. FAQs. Both optimized for purchases on 1-day click attribution.

+ Ad set using reviews: Here you can build five different ads based on five different users’ reviews, using the review as the the copy and UGC pieces as creatives.

+ Ad set that uses FAQs and common buyer objections: Here you can go with your website FAQs section and look for comments on your ads to catch common objections. For the creatives, Josh uses product pictures and videos.

So, once you have all these ads set up you can leverage Facebook Dynamic Creatives features to make them rotate to the most appealing users.


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cognitive behavior GIF

Growth Hack #1 - Four Cognitive Biases That Influence Behavior :

Our brain has glitches, too, and it’s fairly easy to leverage a few of them when it comes to purchase behavior:

Anchoring effect: Customers tend to attach more weight to the first piece of information in a sequence. After that, they subconsciously alter their perception of value.

Example: Start by introducing your most expensive item. After they see that, your cheaper items still look more competitive.

Social proof: A common one. People tend to “view a behavior as more correct” when others are engaging in the same behavior.

Loss aversion: People put greater emphasis on a loss rather than a gain of equal value.

Example: Trial of a software. Once people start using a software service and the trial period expires, the loss of that software is far more influential than the thought of acquiring something new in that first moment.

Goal gradient: The effort we put into reaching a goal grows as we get closer to that goal

Example: A 10-space coffee card pre-stamped twice will be completed faster than an 8 with no pre-stamps. This can be useful to shorten the purchasing cycle.


Growth Hack #2 - A Paid Social Expert's Advice on Bid Caps vs. Cost Caps on FB:

When is the right time to use a bid cap vs a cost cap in PPC advertising? "Paid Social Evangelist" David Hermann has the answer:

✔️ Bid Caps w/proven creative and a clear understanding of your target CPA. 

✔️ Cost Caps for creative testing/scale and a bit open to seeing what your target CPA will be. (Bidding roughly 10-20% higher than target CPA)

Source: David Herrmann on Twitter


bidding schedule

Growth Hack #3 - Four Steps to 192% Better Google Shopping Ads:

Boosting Google Shopping Ad performance can come down to a few key steps. Here are four that resulted in a 192% increase in ad revenue

1. Analyze your query data and pick out long tail (more than 3 words long) search terms that are product specific and generating the highest volume and revenue. Raise your bids on those terms. 

2. Then set up remarketing ads to those who:

- Viewed basket, didn’t commit to purchase

- Viewed a high 'detail-view’ to checkout-rate product

- Viewed website for over 4 minutes in one session

- Viewed site in the past 5, 10 and 15 days

- Viewed site from high converting location

- Viewed site from high converting device

- Viewed site and in top lifetime value segment

3. Segment your data by mobile devices, gender, age, geography, and find who generates the highest ROI. Then focus your ads specifically on the most valuable segment.

4. If you find that time and day influence ROI, you can use a chart like the image above. Create scripts to automate bidding across this custom schedule.



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dude where's my car gif

Growth Hack #1 - Dude, Where’re My Conversions?:

Scott Minker shared some hacks he used to reduce abandoned carts and boost conversions of his ecomm stores. Let’s quickly dive in to what he has to offer:

Transparency about added fees: Keep the pricing uniform across the product pages to the checkout process. 

Guest checkouts: Yup, you will have to sacrifice a bit when it comes to customer data, but on the flip side you make things much easier for your customers.

Trust Logos and payment options: As per Shopify, 61% of consumers reconsider purchasing if trust logos are missing. Use transaction forms to establish trust and offer a variety of payment options. 

Save my cart for later: Allow your customers to save their cart while they go back to watching cute cat videos. Use email reminders to guide them back to checkout.

Strong CTAs on checkout pages: Even if a prospective customer has added something to their cart, they still need an incentive to actually go through with the purchase. Use uniform and consistent CTAs across all pages.

Effortless navigation: It is one of the most effective ways of reducing friction during the checkout process. Constantly strive to optimize the checkout experience and make it easier for consumers to buy more stuff.


Growth Hack #2 - The Early Bird Doesn't Always Catch the Worm:

The Taktical team usually sends cold emails at 9:00-9:30 AM. The average email open rate was 55%.

Then we thought: "What if I send emails a bit earlier so that when a person wakes up, an email is already in their inbox?" 

The email's subject, body, and everything else stayed the same. Only the send time changed.

Result: Open rate dropped by 30%. So, we switched back to 9:00-9:30 AM. The average email open rate got back to 55%.

What did we learn? Just because you send an email earlier does not mean your prospect will open it.


Autopilot gif ad example

Growth Hack #3 - Use GIFS to Spruce Up Bland Facebook Ads:

GIFs are the newest hotness in Facebook ads. They're easier to create than live action video but more engaging than static photos. 

Autopilot decided to test this with the ad pictured above.

Result: not only did the GIF ad drive the highest volume of free trial signups, it outperformed their average cost per lead by 37%

Check out the instructions on how to create your ads with GIFs:


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edit titles

Growth Hack #1 - Write With Your Eraser

Consider it like this: You get $100 for every word you remove from your title.


don't exaggerate

Growth Hack #2 - Don't Exaggerate:

An honest line always feels warmer, don't you agree?


no one cares what you can do

Growth Hack #3 - No One Cares What You Can Do:

We're not trying to insult you. We just mean everyone cares what you can do for them.


avoid the passive voice

Growth Hack #4 - Avoid the Passive Voice:

Not only will the passive voice cost you in terms of readability score, but it's also just plain awkward


don't kill your personality

Growth Hack #5 - Don't Kill Your Personality:

The best brands feel “real”. Be relatable, funny, cheeky, serious, loopy – the point is just to be authentic.


avoid landing page words

Growth Hack #6 - Avoid “Landing Page Words”:

You know how people joke about buzzwords like synergy? Well, the same can be said for landing page buzzwords

Avoid these: 

Unlock, unleash, exceed, empower, supercharge, etc.

Just like synergyreal people don't talk like this.


find the tension

Growth Hack #7 - Find the Tension:

Pleasant gets forgotten. Don't be the wallflower of content: Create interest with conflict.


avoid contained titles

Growth Hack #8 - Avoid “Contained” Titles:

If you say it all from the get-go, what incentive do people have to keep scrolling? Instead, write titles that pull your reader down the page.


formatting matters

Growth Hack #9 - Formatting Matters:

Write scannable copy. This means: 

- Use headings 

- Replace commas with periods

- Get rid of flowery language (too many adjectives and adverbs are a no-no)

- Create a storyline


Growth Hack #10 - Think Slippery Slide:

Every line of copy should lead to the next. Play the ad above and you'll get it: You won't be able to stop.


first line is crucial

Growth Hack #11 - Your First Line is Crucial:

If people don't read the first line, they're not going to read your second line either. The secret to a great first line? Keep it short.


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Growth Hack #1 - Acquire New Customers With This Beta Feature in Smart Shopping:

Google is beta testing a new conversion goal for its Smart Shopping campaigns - New Customer Acquisition (NCA). This new goal type allows you to set Smart Shopping campaigns to optimize specifically towards acquiring new customers.

How does Google know whether a user is new?

There are three things taken into consideration:

- Google’s native data: It uses a 540-day lookback window based on its own data

- Self-reported data: You can tag new customers with a combination of the Global Site Tag and new customer parameters.

- First-party list: You can upload a customer list to Google Ads.

It is recommended that, for the highest possible accuracy, all three are utilized.

In addition, Google plans to implement a tag parameter in the future that will allow you to measure lifetime value dynamically based on custom criteria. This data will be reported in a Lifetime Value column, which can be then used for bidding optimization.

If you would like to be a part of the beta test, contact your Google reps for access to be whitelisted.


Growth Hack #2 - Get Experts to Share Your Blog Post:

A roundup blog post can be a significant tool to boost engagement and drive traffic to your site. But, that requires getting it in front of people first. 

Try these 6 steps to achieve high-quality, organic traffic to your blog post: 

1. Visit “Search Twitter bios” on FollowerWonk.

2. Input your keyword (SEO, cars, etc.)

3. See the list of the most influential experts in your niche.

4. Find their emails.

5. Send a VERY short email: “I’m doing a roundup of X experts … As one of X gurus, can you please reply to my short question …”

6. At the end say thanks to every expert and send them a link to your roundup (don’t ask them to share).



email subscriber

Growth Hack #3 - Optimize Email Campaigns By Getting Rid of Subscribers:

Achieve better email campaign results by removing subscribers? Seems counter-intuitive, doesn't it?

But actually, you’ll maintain a much more engaged, focused, and valuable subscriber base if you remove people that are just the opposite. 

How to do this:

Segment out subscribers that haven’t engaged with your recent emails and send them another email telling them you’re breaking up with them if they don’t respond.

Use a subject line that makes this very clear: 

“This is the last time you’ll hear from me …” / “I’ll never email you again, unless …”. 

Then, in the email ask them to click a link to re-confirm that they want to keep receiving your emails. 



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lead generation meme

Growth Hack #1 - 240% More Email Leads by Optimizing Old Blog Posts:

BuzzFeed tested WhatsApp’s share button and found that 38% more people share via WhatsApp than via Twitter!

Aviary said that WhatsApp shares were almost the same level as Facebook and Instagram.

Maybe that's because WhatsApp has 2 billion monthly active users (vs Twitter`s 330M), plus the open rate is over 90%. Pretty impressive, right?

So how can you get a piece of the WhatsApp engagement pie? Embed the share button!

Here's how:

1. WordPress plugin.

2. AddToAny widget.

Boom. Done.



Growth Hack #2 - Reduce Ad Creative Fatigue While Growing Your Brand:

The problem: 

If you’re spending at high budgets on social media, at a certain point you’ll hit plateaus. 

What’s the solution? 

Simple - open up new audiences. Easier said than done, right?

What Savannah Sanchez suggests is opening up new audiences inside the broad one you’re already targeting by hitting them with different motivators.

In other words, customers have different reasons for buying, and leveraging different angles in a single broad audience helps you unlock new customers. It’s basically like putting several fishing baits in the same lake.

Finally, Savannah also featured a simple frame you can use to build motivation-based creatives:

1. Capture all possible reasons that would either encourage or prevent consumers from buying. To do this, consider all the different types of people in your audience, as well as different times of the year, week, and day.

2. Pick the top three barriers or motivators.

3. Make sure these three angles do not hit the same people.

4. Build your creatives based on these three motivators/barriers.

Finito! However, the original thread comes with different examples of creatives used, so you might want to check them out!




Growth Hack #3 - Faster Follow-Ups Yield 2X More Responses:

Fast email follow-up on new leads (within 1 hour – or better yet, 1 minute) gets TWICE as high response rate and less time/fewer calls to qualify.

Get notified, then get in touch immediately!

Some ways to get fast notifications:

- email alert or Zapier to get lead notifications

ToutApp or Sidekick by Hubspot to get 1:1 email tracking notifications



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pug GIF

Growth Hack #1 - 2 Questions Can Give a 16% Lift in Conversions:

Hootsuite asked their landing page visitors 2 questions:

1. Do you have enough information to make a purchase?

2. (If No) What other information would be more helpful?

Armed with their survey results, Hootsuite had a clear path to take action and revamp their landing page

The result? 

The new version led to 16% more conversion!



Growth Hack #2 - 7 Ways to Get on the Reddit Front Page:

Datastories analyzed 4 million data points to see what makes it to the front page of Reddit. Here's what they found:

#1. 5pm - 9pm PST is the hottest upvote time.

#2. Images get much more upvotes than text posts.

#3. Very Positive or Very Negative posts perform significantly better than Neutral ones.

#4. Text posts get more comments and stay on the front page longer.

#5. These 5 Sub-Reddits completely dominate the front page of Reddit: r/funny, r/pics, r/gifs, r/TodayILearned, r/gaming

#6. Putting a number in your headline increases chances of being among the top posts.

#7. Internal self-posts LIVE SIGNIFICANTLY LONGER than external posts.



alarm clock

Growth Hack #3 - Eliminate Conversion Delays:

When selling something online, it works best when you consistently follow through on the ‘threat’ to expire the offer. The whole point is to encourage them to ACT NOW.

Try these tips:

- Decrease your free trial time period (cut it in half or more)

- Limit free trial units (only X available)

- Display a counter — time OR units are running out

Remember: A delayed conversion = a lost conversion.

Source: 500 startups


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Growth Hack #1 - Bypass YouTube's Remarketing Pixel Restrictions:

Jordan Gutierrez from Wishpond found after a bunch of A/B tests that YouTube video ads are, by far, the most effective retargeting tool out there. But YouTube does not support remarketing pixels. 

You can, however, still create a remarketing list only out of people who watched your videos.

In order to handle this, Wishpond`s team created and embedded short videos for each of their most popular articles. To do this, they used a white-screen video without sound, 1 second in length, and autoplayed it on every page with this invisible code:

<iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“” frameborder=“0” style=“position: absolute; left: -500px;”></iframe>



Growth Hack #2 - HTML Buttons in Email Increase Conversions by 28%:

Here's a simple but effective change to make to your emails.

Campaign Monitor sent their emails with the link as a Call to Action at the bottom.

Then, they changed the link to an HTML button.

 Result: their click-throughs increased by 28%.



marketing growth hacks - Kaya skin clinic

Growth Hack #3 - One Simple CTA Change for 137% More Conversions:

Kaya Skin Clinic tried optimizing their landing page by changing the call to action above the form.

Original CTA: “For a skin consultation register here”

NEW CTA: “I want an expert opinion. Sign me up for a free skin consult!”

Result: Conversion rate went from 4% to 9.5%! That's a nearly 137% increase!

Added bonus: They added a Facebook likes counter and conversion jumped another 70%.



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Growth Hack #1 - Boost Email Captures by 785%…Overnight:

It's called a content upgrade.

Normally people have to pay for premium content. You can give it away in exchange for an email address.

Take a blog post or a video that you’ve got and offer an extra bonus as a PDF. Make your users give up their emails to get the upgrade.

Brian from BackLinko added “Download PDF version of this article in exchange for your email". 

The results?

Instant 785% increase in conversions!

Bonus: Other folks utilize it on their YouTube channels, offering “Download the PDF transcription of this video”.



Growth Hack #2 - 844% More Leads Through Crazy Minimalism:

TheHOTH had a typical landing page with sections like: Signup Form, Featured At, Description, How it works, Support, Team, etc.

They then created a super minimalist landing with only the sign-up form, a 6-word title, and an 8-word subtitle.

Result: account signups increased from 1.39% to 13.13% (up by 844%)!



online marketing tips - 1-1 customer service

Growth Hack #3 - How PopcornMetrics Increased Revenue +367% in 12 Weeks:

This is what they did:

They focused on helping their churned (lost) free trial users become successful in achieving their goals by using their product with deep 1-on-1s. They tweaked code, gave useful info, spent hours on Skype — whatever it took.

After a while, that un-scalable hustling turned into scalable texts, videos, tutorials, onboarding emails, FAQ section, etc., 

This boosted their conversions by 367% over 12 weeks.


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Growth Hack #1 - Increase Signups +26% with Gradual Engagement That Proves Value:

Instead of asking visitors to sign up immediately, why not ask them to first perform a task through which something of value is demonstrated?

During such initial interactions the product can show off its benefits. AND this process can lend itself to personalization

GoodUI tried this and found a 26% increase in signups.

Once users begin to see your product’s value and see how they can make it their own, they will then be more open to sharing additional information with you.

Gradual engagement is really a way to postpone the signup process as much as possible and still allow users to use and customize your application or product.



Growth Hack #2 - Boost Landing Page Performance 680% Using a Single Column Format:

Marketing Experiments Blog did a test where they compared two variants of a landing page: 

One with a column on the right


One with a single column.

The single column variant outperformed the two column design by a stunning 680.6%!



tips to help marketers - blue lightbulbs

Growth Hack #3 - The Magic Button Color That Yields a 6.19% Higher CTR:

3Q Digital queried their database for ads that contained rectangles that made up less than 33 percent of the canvas (buttons, basically). They ran a query on the typical color of buttons created and posed the question: 

“Which button color works best?”

The answer? 

It' blue.

When blue buttons are compared to others, the blue button color yields an average CTR increase of 6.19%. No other color had a common trend of increased CTR.



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Growth Hack #1 - Add Popup Annotations to Mobile YouTube Videos:

YouTube has 2 billion users who watch 1 billion hours of video every day.  And, more than 70% of YouTube traffic come from mobile devices.

Adding annotations to a video boosts your views/retention? 

But. . .and this is a big but: 

Annotations don’t show up on mobile!

Here’s how to fix it:

Use YouTube Cards instead.

1. Go to your YouTube channel.

2. Click your video.

3. Click on the cards icon.

4. Press “Add card”



Growth Hack #2 - Make App Onboarding a Breeze By Looking to Leaders in the Field:

Don’t copy brand name onboarding/activation flows because they’re famous.

Copy them because THEY WORK.

Major apps with massive user bases in every field and subject matter have already trained people to follow a set activation flow.

In fact, regardless of what type of app you're launching, your new users are probably already their existing users.

Let them do what they’re used to.

Source: 500 Startups


marketer growth hacks - email CTA

Growth Hack #3 - 127% More Clicks By Using Buttons in Emails:

Research shows that most people scan email campaigns rather than reading them word-for-word. So, text links will often go overlooked. Instead, using buttons for your call to action means they will stand out to skimmers.

Campaign Monitor tested this theory, running a campaign where one version had a button to get the click, and another version had text.

The result?

127% more clicks from the version using a button CTA! 



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Growth Hack #1 - Leverage Your Competitor's User Testing:

The company Uber Testers offers a chance for real people to test your website or product. Then, you can get feedback on what they liked and didn’t like. Its the focus group for the 21st century.

But why stop there?

Use Uber Testers on your RIVALS

Find out what they’re doing right and wrong, get inspired, and find opportunities.

Source: 500 Startups


Growth Hack #2 - Recover 30% of Credit Card Sales:

Did you know that the average amount of lost sales due to a “card declined” error is 2-5%?

Here is a simple technique that helped recoup 30% of those “Card Declined” abandonments.

Baymard, in the credit card error message, simply added a suggestion to “Pay with PayPal”.

The result? 

30% of the people whose credit cards failed went ahead with PayPal.



hacks for small businesses - push notifications

Growth Hack #3 - Send Push Notifications in the Evening for Maximum Impact:

Leanplum, a mobile marketing automation tool, broke down 671 million pushes to uncover some interesting trends on time-of day targeting for push notifications.

Here's what they discovered:

- Pushes sent and opened trends upward throughout the day, with a small peak around noon, a slightly larger one around 3pm, and the largest in the evening

The post-evening trend is interesting: after 6pm, on a relative basis, Pushes Opened starts to trend higher, relative to previous hours, and Pushes Sent is lower

This indicates that while mobile apps are delivering a ton of pushes leading up to evening, it might be more effective to time them post-evening, when engagement seems high.



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Growth Hack #1 - Emojis Increase Facebook Ad Engagement by 386%:

Aaron Zakowski, the Facebook ad guru, ran a test to see how he could get more people to click ‘play’ on his Facebook video ads. 

His solution? Add some emojis of speakers to get people to click for sound then A/B test those against ones without emojis.


The version without the CTA and emoji only had 0.35% of people click the play button

Meanwhile, the ad with the emojis had 1.7% of viewers click the play button for sound.

That’s an improvement of 386% for the version with the emoji CTA.


Growth Hack #2 - 300% More Leads With a Tempting Exit Pop-Up:

Gr8tFires - which makes wood-burning stoves and fireplaces - discovered that one of the biggest customer pain points is the cost of installation.

So, how did they leverage this information?

1. They installed an exit popup (shows up when you are about to abandon the page).

2. In the popup they offered an installation calculator for free in exchange for an email address.

Result: a 300% increase in monthly sales leads.



business growth tricks - CTA screenshot

Growth Hack #3 - Bullet Points Increases Signups +15.9%:

In general, bullet points are ideal for listing out key features and benefits

For example, compare the following:

"Bullets make your copy more readable, easier to understand, and more convincing." 


"Bullets make your copy:

  • more readable
  • easier to understand
  • more convincing"

Which looks better to you?

During an A/B test by Swedish Company Unionen (pictured above), switching from a wall of text to bullets generated a 5.3% conversion rate. This was a 15.9% improvement over the version without bullets.



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Growth Hack #1 - Recommend What to Buy for +25% Customers:

When showing multiple offers, an emphasized product suggestion might be a good idea as some people need a little nudge.

There are some psychology studies out there which suggest that the more choice there is, then the lower the chances of a decision actually being made and acted upon.

In order to combat such analysis paralysis, try emphasizing and highlighting certain options above others.

When businesses tried this, they saw a 25% boost in purchases.



Growth Hack #2 - How Important are H1 Tags?:

Ever since the early days of SEO, H1 tags have been believed to be extremely important for ranking the content in SERPs. But are H1 tags really necessary?

Here’s how Google likes to answer it:

"You can use H1 tags as often as you want on a page. There's no limit, neither upper nor lower bound.

H1 elements are a great way to give more structure to a page. But, your site can do perfectly fine with no H1 tags or with five H1 tags."

But you don’t always have to take Google at face value.

So, Moz decided to test it out. They used H2s and H3s for headlines instead of H1s and monitored the results.

They devised a 50/50 split test of their titles using SearchPilot.

Results 8 weeks later?

Changing the H2s to H1s made no statistically significant difference.

The results of this test were inconclusive in terms of organic traffic, so they reverted it back.

PS: While this experiment doesn't definitively prove that H1s aren't a ranking factor, it does show that they couldn't find a statistically significant difference between using H1s and H2s.

That being said, there are some reasons you should still use H1:

- H1s help accessibility.

- Google sometimes uses H1s in place of title tags.

- Heading use is often correlated with better rankings.


tips and tricks for businesses - stock photo

Growth Hack #3 - Replace Stock Photos With Real Ones for 45.45% More Conversions:

Stock photos are high-quality, but they look staged. They are irritatingly perfect.

Harrington Movers decided to replace their high-quality stock photo with a real crew image.

The A/B test has been running for three months.

As a result, the version with the crew image showed a conversion increase of 45.45%!



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Growth Hack #1 - 12.1% More Paying Customers + 4 Tips for More Blog Conversions:

ComScore found that 27% of people who searched for a coupon code never returned to purchase.

Blog content can help drive website visitors through the funnel towards converting. Here are some ways you can turn your blog readers into customers:

1. Use retargeting ads. These ads display only for people who have visited your blog in the past.

How to do it: Place a remarketing pixel on your blog to capture your audience -> Add remarketing ads -> CTR (Click thru rate): 0.2%

2. Place Hellobar on your blog -> Average Newsletter subscribers: 3.53%
3. Place a popup on your blog -> Average Newsletter subscribers: 0.5% - 2%
4. Opt-in form at the end of each blog post -> Newsletter subscribers: 0.75% - 2%
5. Offer free webinars using Google Hangouts for your subscribers -> Free trial signups: 41%. They convert to –> Paying customers: 12.1% of the time



Growth Hack #2 - Free Stuff is 82% Better Than a Good Deal:

What types of offers lead to more sales? Well, this study did an A/B test of a good deal and a free offer.

Here was the offer:

1. A cupcake and 2 cookies package for $10.
2. A cupcake for $10 + 2 cookies for free.

The results showed that people buy option #2 at an 82% higher rate than #1.



small business insights - website

Growth Hack #3 - Why Exit Pages Matter Most When Optimizing Your Website:

Most of the time, we like to look for the most popular pages on our website. This is helpful for coming up with new blog post ideas, among other things.

But opportunity also lies in identifying your worst performing pages. This process is how you find holes in your content and SEO strategy.

Here's how that process works:

- Ideally, you want to keep prospects on your site long enough to convert them from lead or customer.

- For this reason, you need to go to the Behavior tab in the Google Analytics menu.

- Then, click Exit Pages under the Site Content menu.

This process will show you the pages where prospects most often exit your website.

With that information, you can then analyze these pages and look for ways to keep prospects engaged with your website.f

You might have to change the design or refresh/re-write the content, depending on how important the page is.



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Growth Hack #1 - Go Green With Your Amazon Orders in Just 5 Minutes:

ComScore found that 27% of people who searched for a coupon code never returned to purchase.

If you must shop on Amazon, it is possible to get plastic-free packaging.

Here is how you do it:

- Open your Amazon account
- Go to 'help/customer service'
- Go to the 'contact us' page
- Use their 'chat' option
- On chat, request to make all future orders plastic-free with minimal packaging, and where absolutely necessary, use only degradable packing materials like paper.
- This information will be saved to your account for all future orders!

It will take you 5 minutes to make all your future Amazon orders plastic free!

Here's what you should do:

1. Remove the coupon code field.
2. Use direct links, which have a coupon code attached.

Macy’s added a link to “Find one now” near “Have a promo code?”. The link shows page listings with current discount codes, keeping customers on their site.



Growth Hack #2 - Contests that Convert 40% More Subscribers:

A research project analyzed 3 million visitors to a contest page. They A/B tested two versions of the page to determine which yielded more sign-ups:

“$500 giveaway” vs “October $500 giveaway”.

Notice the difference?

The results showed that, when you specify the month of the contest, conversion rates increase by an astounding 40%.



taktical growth hacks newsletter - credit card

Growth Hack #3 - Credit Card Now vs. Credit Card Later (The Answer May Surprise You):

Totango released an interesting study that showed the difference between asking for credit card info upfront versus asking for it later.

The results?

By dropping the credit card requirement, they were able to increase front-end signups by 500% and overall paid customers by 50%.



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Growth Hack #1 - Attract 27% More Customers Searching for Coupons:

ComScore found that 27% of people who searched for a coupon code never returned to purchase.

Here's what you should do:

1. Remove the coupon code field.
2. Use direct links, which have a coupon code attached.

Macy’s added a link to “Find one now” near “Have a promo code?”. The link shows page listings with current discount codes, keeping customers on their site.



Growth Hack #2 - Facebook Posts on Weekends Win:

Ever wonder why this weekly email goes out on Sunday?

No competition. That's why. You’re not busy on Sunday at 4pm, so you can open this email and enjoy.

Apparently, the same is true for Facebook. Quicksprout analyzed 8 BILLION (with a B) Facebook posts. They discovered that the weekend is your best bet.

Additional note: Posting between 9pm and 11pm local time is also a good option



growth hacks newsletter - clicking through

Growth Hack #3 - Be Super Clear with Calls to Action for +213% CTR:

ContentVerve has a case study showing that adding a few clarifying words can significantly increase conversions.

Here's what they discovered:

Changing the CTA copy from, “Get Membership” to, “Find Your Gym & Get Membership” increased click through to the payment page by 213.16%.

Lesson learned: get specific in your offer without going overboard with copy.



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Growth Hack #1 - Increase Adds to Cart +11.9% Without Social Sharing:

Social proof can work both ways. removed social sharing buttons from its product pages. This one change increased ‘add to cart’ actions by 11.9%.


The number of shares on most of the product pages was zero.

While a high number of shares and likes acts as positive reinforcement, a low number of shares breeds distrust in the mind of the customer about both the company and the quality of the product.



Growth Hack #2 - Geo-Target Your Testimonial Pages:

Pipedrive’s testimonials are dynamic. Based on where you are located, they show you testimonials from local businesses in your area.

If you're in San Francisco and log into their platform, you'll notice only Californian testimonials.

It's a subtle thing to do, but people are far more likely to recognize brands and companies that are in their local area, making the testimonials far more powerful.


ways to boost business - click through rate

Growth Hack #3 - +63% CTR With Negative Headlines:

Outbrain, the leading native content advertiser, compared 65,000 paid blog article advertisement titles. They contained positive (“always” or “best”) superlatives, negative (“never” or “worst”) superlatives, and no superlatives.


Headlines with negative superlatives performed 30% better than ones without superlatives.

And the average click-through rate on headlines with negative superlatives was a staggering 63% higher than that of their positive counterparts.



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Growth Hack #1 - The One Addition to a Job Posting That Attracts Top Talent:

Your growth depends on a great team, but it’s hard to compete with giants in the marketplace.

Try to include a “Who You’ll Work With” section in your job posting as a personal touch that’s rarely applied. It stands out and adds a human element in a meaningful way.

Here's how that section should look:

1. Highlight the 3-4 people they’ll work closest with.
2. Place emphasis on why it’s rewarding to work with them.
3. Include at least one person in a leadership role.

Bonus: Include articles from your peers about your company culture.



Growth Hack #2 - How MailChimp Promotes Their New Products:

Mailchimp does something a little differently when it comes to displaying their latest products or features to existing users.

Instead of taking you directly to their home site to - as many web apps usually do - they show these in the logout screen.

What they're doing is taking advantage of that user action to get a last opportunity to get your attention.

If you want to see it live, sign out of your Mailchimp account. You'll notice you're taken to a split-screen, with some type of Mailchimp promotional content on the right.



growth hacks from Taktical - credit card purchases

Growth Hack #3 - Overcome Credit Card Objections in 4 Easy Steps:

CrazyEgg tested the following modifications to their signup process to get over twice as many people to give them credit card info:

1. Added a FAQ answering, “Why do you need my credit card for a free trial?” (Answer: To prevent multiple free trials for one person).
2. Added an explanation: “Nothing will be billed for 30 days. You can cancel at any time.”
3. Added a list of companies that use their product.
4. Order total: Changed from “$49 per month” to “$0 for 30 days” + small text “after 30 days: $49 per month".

How did Crazy egg even think to do this?

Well, they installed a survey tool on the checkout page so they could understand what objections were on the minds of visitors right there.

This helped to create an FAQ box that countered those objections.



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Growth Hack #1 -Trying to Gain 349% More B2B Leads? Change Your Tone:

Marketing Experiments ran a test to see which copy tone would result in a higher rate of lead inquiries?

Here are examples of each type of tone they looked at:

1: Selling tone: You are one step away from getting free access to …

2. Helping tone. We are just here to provide you with whatever assistance you need in [reaching customer`s goal] …

The result?

#2 - the helping tone - saw a 349% increase in total lead inquiries.



Growth Hack #2 - Try the Soft Sell for 66% More Conversions:

Asking your users to pay after their trial expires is a hard stop to the user’s experience. Try to do it softer.


By giving them an option after their trial period has expired:

1. "Select your paid plan."


2. "Request a 5 day extension." (They will be asked for their credit card information, but won’t be charged yet)

Trial extensions converted to paid customers at a rate of 66%.



Taktical business tips - press mentions

Growth Hack #3 - The Perfect Piece of Content, According to Top Editors:

More than 500 editors at top sites like BuzzFeed, TIME, Lifehacker, Scientific American, TechCrunch were asked, “What characteristic does the perfect piece of content possess?

Here's what they said:

15% said “Emotional Stories”
19% said “Relevant Content”
27% said “Breaking News”
39% said “Exclusive Research”

Offer these kinds of stories and you’ll land more press.



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Growth Hack #1 - The NUMBER ONE Reason People Abandon Their Carts on eCommerce Sites:

The answer is super simple: Unexpected shipping costs. Seriously.

A survey by Visual Website Optimizer found that 28% of shoppers who abandoned their carts did so because of unexpected shipping costs. In fact, it was the greatest cause cited by respondents.

The solution: You can charge for shipping, but be super visible about it.

What do we mean? Well, include it on the product page so that your users know exactly what they’ll be paying.

People don’t mind paying for shipping, they just don’t like being surprised.



Growth Hack #2 - The 3 Magic Words of Mobile Advertising:

Adbasis created a lot of ad tests before they were acquired by AirBnB – a LOT. We’re talking over 3,000 ad tests in a year.

Some were mobile ad tests, some were not. But no matter what industry, vertical, or audience, there are three magic words that can drastically improve your mobile conversion rate.

It doesn’t matter if you’re B2B or B2C, you need mobile-specific content and these three words will help.

What are these 3 magic words?


The average increase in conversion rate based on the 42 positive examples is +36.6%. Yes, this single test on average increased conversion rate by 36.6%.

12 times out of 48 this test more than doubled conversion rate (100%+ lifts).



tips for business growth - stacked coins

Growth Hack #3 - 4 Steps to Reap the Rewards of Your Competitors' Popularity:

Competitors or related companies might have a huge following on Twitter.

Here's the thing: that's a reason to celebrate because it represents all the more growth to hack!

How to do this:

Step 1: Visit and download a report on your target Twitter account’s followers (a free account can get you 50,000 contacts).

Step 2: Submit the list of usernames and URLs to Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and crowdsource the email addresses.

Step 3: Pop these users into a Google mail merge (or the mailing software of your choice) with the subject line “I saw you follow xxxxxx”

Step 4: Profit


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Growth Hack #1 - The Best and Worst Words for Email Subject Lines:

The words you use in your subject lines impact email open rate. We know this. But, just how much of an effect can they have?

Here are the words that can impact your open rate the most:

- Free: +2%

- Freebie: +26%

- Urgent: +79%

- Thank you: +57%

- Cancelled: -40%

- Helping: -12%

- Donate: -56%

- Last chance: -45%



Growth Hack #2 - Increase Conversions 40% by Including a Number:

One of these two headlines performed better than the other.

1st: “The simple test that increased our referrals”.
2nd: “The simple test that increased our referrals by 30%”.

The second looks more promising. But by how much? +40%!

Data makes your headlines stronger.

Here is a great, massive resource with all kinds of data to make your headlines stronger:



growth hacks by Taktical - sign up

Growth Hack #3 - +20% Sign-ups With a Single Phrase Change:

Carnegie Mellon set up a free trial program that customers can sign up for and tested it between two phrases:

1. “a $5 fee”
2. “a small $5 fee”

The second phrase was able to increase sign-up rates by over 20%.

They found that the emphasis on the “small” fee made it much easier to deal with conservative spenders.



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Growth Hack #1 - Last-Minute Growth Hacks for Q4: A Big List of Little Ideas:

Looking for some quick tips that can give your brand a boost as we approach the end of Q4? Look no further:

All discounts should be at least 20% off. Anything less isn't a holiday deal and will be outdone by competing products.

- Experiment with "dollars off" language rather than "percent off" for products over $50.

- Auto-apply your discounts site wide, rather than asking people to look for coupon codes

Bundle your smaller products into bigger items. People often do not by overly small gifts; a bundle of different products or multiple of the same one offers the opportunity to sell it as a gift.

- Focus on urgency: Repeatedly tell your visitors that time is running out. Consider a countdown timer.

- Figure out when is your last-minute, guaranteed-by-Christmas shipping date. Then, run a special promotion/email focused on that deadline.

And here are a couple of tips for NEXT YEAR:

- Increase your prospecting traffic heavily in the days and weeks leading up to Black Friday in order to maximize retargeting pools.

Triple the rate at which you send emails to cart abandons and past customers.

Happy holidays! 🎁⛄


Growth Hack #2 - The Right Way to Do Loyalty Cards:

Researchers handed out loyalty cards at a car wash. The cards offered a stamp for every car wash the customer bought.

Half of the cards had spots for eight stamps, with a free car wash offered for collecting all eight.

The other half had spots for ten stamps, but two of the spots came pre-stamped.

(oooooooo vs ooooooooXX)

The result?

The pre-stamped cards resulted in 178% more repeat business than the unstamped ones.

Source: Shopify


hacks to grow a business - sale sign

Growth Hack #3 - A Rich Snippet for Boosting the Effectiveness of Your Limited-Time Sale:

We all know that urgency increases conversion rates. People are more inclined to make a purchase if they see a limited stock level, or something that says “Buy now – the offer will expire soon!”

The Limited Availablity JSON-LD Code will help inform the search engines that you are running a time-limited sale. This way, they can include this info in your rich snippets.

Here’s the code:

Also, this code will let you specify the number of items on sale, a short campaign description, and location.



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Growth Hack #1 - 10.66% More Signups With an Easy Color Change:

The MECLABS Institute was exploring how color affects sign-up conversions on a landing page. So, they A/B tested a simple change for their special VIP landing page.

A. Dark background and white text.
B. White background and dark text.

Which do you think won for their VIP landing page?

Here's the result: The white background and dark text generated +10.66% more signups.



Growth Hack #2 - Add Popup Annotations to Mobile Youtube Videos:

YouTube has 1.3 billion users who watch 5 billion videos every day. More than half of those YouTube views come from mobile devices.

Adding annotations to a video boosts your views/retention. But: Annotations don’t show up on mobile!

Here’s how to fix it: Use YouTube Cards instead.

How to set these up:

1. Go to your YouTube channel.
2, Click your video.
3. Click on the cards icon.
4. Press “Add card”



Taktical Digital - blog reads

Growth Hack #3 - 5 Steps to Maximize Blog Readership:

Headlines are 90% of the battle when it comes to getting clicks and shares for blogs. The next 10% is engaging the audience.

Here's how to deal with both sides of the equation to get your blog post in front of as many eyes as possible:

1. Jump on
2. Examine highly shared blog posts and copy their title styles.
3. Write a blog post that mentions popular people on Twitter.
4. Publish the blog post and tweet at the popular people you mention.
5. Get retweeted.
6. Repeat.


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growth tips for small business - A/B test gif

Growth Hack #1 - +49.6% CTR in One Minute (Easy A/B Test):

Optimizely created a webinar and then A/B tested two CTAs to convert readers into viewers:

CTA #1. Watch Webinar
CTA #2. View Presentations & Slides

Which one do you think has increased the CTR by +49.6%?

#2: View Presentations & Slides



Growth Hack #2 - 10 Tested and Proven Headline Formulas:

We all know headlines matter. But sometimes coming up with compelling ones again and again can be tricky.

Save yourself some time; here are 10 proven headline formulas that work:

1. Who Else Wants [blank]?
2. The Secret of [blank]
3. Here is a Method That is Helping [blank] to [blank]
4. Little-Known Ways to [blank]
5. Get Rid of [problem] Once and For All
6. Here’s a Quick Way to [solve a problem]
7. Now You Can Have [something desirable] [great circumstance]
8. [Do something] like [world-class example]
9. Have a [or] Build a [blank] You Can Be Proud Of
10. What Everybody Ought to Know About [blank]



growth tips for small business - Spearmint LOVE ad

Growth Hack #3 - From 0% to 500% ROI: A Smart Facebook Study:

Spearmint LOVE sells baby clothes and goods. They started out doing well but eventually their ROI disappeared.

For 6 months they tested different solutions. Then they uncovered 2 tricks that yielded 5x-10x ROI.

Trick #1:

They started to put up a photo – not just of a shirt or shoes – but of an entire outfit that appeals to a particular emotion. As a result, Moms started to buy everything in that picture.

Example pictured above.

Trick #2.

They realized an obvious thing: children grow. And so, they need to readjust their Facebook ads according to age.

1. They started to advertise only to pregnant moms.
2. Then they added the visitors to a retargeting audience.
3. Based on how long the visitors are in that audience, they know the approximate age of the baby.
4. For different ages, they show different suitable clothes and goods.

Voila: 5x-10x ROI.



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Growth Hack #1 - 300% More Shares With 1 Simple Change:

Winnie – an app for parents – had a Share button on every post, but not too many people used it.

Then they made one change and saw a 300% boost in shares.

What did they do?

1. They removed the Share button from every post.
2. Instead, they replaced it with a Save button, so that users could create their own collection of interesting posts.
3. Then they added the Share button on the collection of bookmarked posts.

Boom! +300% more shares.



Growth Hack #2 - 48% More Instagram Video Views From IGTV:

People are still way too hesitant to move their IGTV preview into the feed.

True: It is not that great looking. But, Instagram favors IGTV in the feed.

So, when you tick the box for preview, your video will earn maximum traction.

We have lately seen up to 48% more views on videos that were posted to IGTV than similar videos posted to the feed.

We have also seen more engagement from these videos that are on IGTV.

Pro tip: You should use IGTV and the preview function no matter what. But, if you don't want it to mess up the look of your feed, then you do have the option to only keep it there for the first 12h.

Source: This growth hack was sent by fellow subscriber, Cordula Pflügl, from @africanbushcamps. Thanks, Cordula! Don't forget to send in your own growth hack for the chance to be featured in a future issue.


growth ideas for businesses - A/B testing CTAs

Growth Hack #3 - 2 Words that Decrease CPC by 2 Times:

Would you like to decrease your cost per conversion by 2.58 times? Of course you do!

This is exactly what AdEspresso managed to achieve with just 2 words while A/B testing tons of ads.

What are these 2 words?

Have a look at the 2 A/B tests in the image above.

Did you notice those 2 powerful words?

They are: "Free ebook".

Creating less distraction and maximizing focus on these 2 words always generated huge improvements for them.



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Growth Hack #1 - The Instagram Linking Loophole You Should Know:

On Instagram, if you haven't reached the 10K follower mark, the only place to insert a link until recently was your bio. By adding another step to the process of users clicking through, this can be a big problem when it comes to driving traffic to your site.

But, here's the good news:

You can add a fully clickable link into your IGTV video description!

You can even place more than one link, and tag it with a UTM to see if it's coming specifically from IGTV.

Too few people are using this feature yet. So, it's the perfect time for you to take advantage of it.

Source: This growth hack was sent by fellow subscriber, Cordula Pflügl, from @africanbushcamps. Thanks, Cordula! Don't forget to send in your own growth hack for the chance to be featured in a future issue.


Growth Hack #2 - The One Quality 77% of People Want in Customer Service:

77% of customers say this is the most important thing a company can do to provide good customer service:

According to a recent Forrester Consulting study, 77% of customers say that valuing their time is the most important thing a company can do to provide good customer service.



business tips and tricks - woman holding shopping bags

Growth Hack #3 - Case Study: +178% More Repeat Business:

Researchers handed out loyalty cards at a car wash. The cards offered a stamp for every car wash the customer bought.

Half of the cards had spots for eight stamps, with a free car wash offered for collecting all eight. The other half had spots for ten stamps, but two of the spots came pre-stamped (oooooooo vs ooooooooXX).

The result?

The pre-stamped cards resulted in 178% more repeat business than the unstamped ones.



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tips for small businesses -  click GIF

Growth Hack #1 - Replace One Word to Get 90% More Clicks:

Buttons that are written in the first person experience a 90 percent increase in clicks.

Just use the word “my” instead of “your”.

Here's it in action:

"Start my free 30 day trial" instead of "Start your free 30 day trial".



Growth Hack #2 - 35% Higher Conversions With a Chatbot:

Anyone who’s ever built a landing page knows how hard it is to convert mobile traffic –especially from Facebook Ads.

Dimitry Kagan managed to double his conversions by switching from landing pages to a chatbot.

Here’s how:

1. First he tested out a “Messages to Page” campaign and it went pretty well! A Customer Service Rep chatted with people and converted them.

2. Then he turned the highest converting flow into a script to automate the process.

3. He created a Facebook Chatbot, and now it chats with leads even while he sleeps.

The 4 tools you’ll need to create your Facebook Chatbot campaign:

1. A regular “Clicks to Website” Facebook Ads Campaign. Instead of a website URL, you’ll pick “Messenger” as the destination.

2. Chatfuel: a free chatbot builder

3. Zapier: to extract leads from chats

4. Google Sheets: to store lead info

Example by Dimitry - In the ad leading to the chatbot he writes:

“Want me to create a great landing page for your business?
Click this link and type: 'landing' in the chat”

That way, when people chat with your bot, they’ll know they can use this keyword. And you can program the bot to respond to it with an appropriate answer.

Result: A 35% conversion rate from clicks to leads (double the performance of his landing pages) + cheaper clicks to the bot.



tips for small businesses- tracking metrics

Growth Hack #3 - Optimize the Customer Experience With the Right Tracking Metric:

Track users on their journey through your product/service, rather than focusing on simple aggregate metrics commonly talked about

Why? You can optimize the experience, and know where you are 'losing' the user with the former, but not with the latter.

Knowing and tracking how many users went from homepage, to search, to product, to cart, how long they spent on each stage, and did they go back and forth between pages is more insightful than the default unique active users, or total number of page views.

How can you do this?

Implement the 'event' functionality of your tracking tool (or use one is designed around event tracking - like Mixpanel and Amplitude, rather than just the 'default' setup of Google Analytics)



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small business growth tips - RIP gif

Growth Hack #1 - Take Advantage of Your Competitors' Dead Links:

Broken and dead links of your competitors are a huge opportunity for link building. But first you need to find them.

Here's how:

1. Visit to find a huge list of your competitors.

2. Check dead links using browser plugins (Check My Links, Domain Hunter) OR upload a list of URLs to Xenu or Screaming Frog.

3. Google "link:".

4. Contact every website owner to alert them of a broken link and offer a relevant link of yours to replace it.



Growth Hack #2 - Get Specific With Your Facebook Ad Interest Targeting:

If you don't have an existing customer base and you're creating a Facebook ad target audience using interests, avoid using generic or broad interests. For example, don't just use "Running".

Instead, pick specific interests, like The Boston Marathon.

How do you ensure you're targeting the hardcore runner and not just the generic fan?

Pick the interests ONLY hardcore running enthusiasts know, like Runkeeper or Runtastic or Endomondo.

The same rule applies for other interests, too.



small business growth tips - social media timing chart

Growth Hack #3 - This Google Shopping Case Study Earned +192% Revenue:

Midas Media managed to boost their revenue from Google Shopping by +192%, and profits by around 300%!

How did they do it?

1. They analyzed data and found that 8-9-word long search queries (product specific) generate on average +300% more revenue.

So they started to bid high against these terms.

2. Then they remarketed ads to those who:
Viewed basket, didn’t commit to purchase
Viewed a high 'detail-view’ to checkout-rate product
Stayed on website for over 4 minutes in one session
Viewed site in the past 5, 10, and 15 days
Visited site from high converting location
Visited site from high converting device
Viewed site and in top lifetime value segment

3. Then they segmented their data by mobile devices, gender, age, and geography and found who generates the highest ROI. They focused their ads specifically on the most valuable segment.

4. They found that time and day of the week when their ad was displayed heavily influenced their ROI. So they regularly calculated data and get something like the chart image above.

Then they created scripts that automated bidding across this custom schedule.

Boom: 3 times more profit!



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ways to grow a business - gift gif

Growth Hack #1 - Increase Referral Sales by 3,600% With Tangible Offers:

Have you ever seen "Invite a friend - get X amount of money", or "X%/$X discount for your next purchase"?

These offers are everywhere.

But do they work?

A study found that simply shifting from a cash reward to a bottle of wine (1/10th the cost of the cash reward) increased the number of referral sales by 3,600%!

The takeaway: Real gifts work much better than cash incentives.

Maybe this is a reason why Uber positions its referral message as "Get a free ride worth up to $5 when you refer a friend to try Uber" and not just "Get $5 …".



Growth Hack #2 - Boost your Ecommerce Revenue +190% Through MultiChannel Ecommerce:

Stitch analysts found that retailers who sell on 2 marketplaces see 190% more in revenue than those who sell only on a single marketplace.

In this case, boosting your sales is as easy as putting your products in front of the eyes of the new ready-to-buy audiences.

Where else can you sell your products?

Check out these 5 marketplaces.

  1. Amazon
  2. eBay
  3. Etsy
  4. Rakuten
  5. Jet



ways to grow a business - king in chess

Growth Hack #3 - Facebook Ad Hack That Decreases CPE 64% and Increases CTR 920%:

This simple Facebook hack can transform your business.

First gain “social proof” (~1000 Likes) from low-demand countries (e.g. India, Philippines) for $0.005 per post engagement.

Then, switch target to the high demand, high competition countries.

Get 64% less cost per engagement, 920% increase in click-through rate.



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growth hacks for businesses - Spam gif

Growth Hack #1 - Privacy Copy Can Cost You 18.7% of Conversions:

A company tested two checkboxes for an email signup box.

Version A: just said "Terms and Conditions"
Version B: Said "100% privacy – We will never spam you”.

The treatment with the privacy policy reduced conversions by 18.70%. The result was completely counter-intuitive, but it teaches an important lesson: simply adding a privacy policy doesn’t guarantee more sing-ups. In fact, it can seriously reduce your conversion rate.

Tests indicated that the word "spam" had an undesirable effect – even when used to assure visitors that they would not receive any spam. The hypothesis is that by placing the word spam in close proximity of the form, you actually plant an idea in the minds of the prospects:

“Oh wait, could they actually end up spamming me?”



Growth Hack #2 - 60K Facebook Ad Examples From Every Industry:

You set up your next Facebook ad A/B test and you get stuck. Sound familiar?

Here‘s how you can break a creativity wall in seconds.

Have a look at this catalog of over 60K Facebook Ad examples from every industry:

You can filter them by Ad placement, Industry, Metric, Etc.

Browse the list and find ads with the highest engagement rates. If businesses invested a lot of money in them, it must be for a reason.

They're worth paying attention to – and copying a few insights from – for your next A/B test.



growth hacks for businesses - ideas on screen

Growth Hack #3 - Piggyback on Influencers With This Smart SEO Hack:

Have you ever wanted to be promoted by influencers and everybody who promotes influencers?

Besides promotion, you'll be able to get very powerful backlinks, which are so vital for SEO.

So here's the hack:

1. Use Ahrefs to see which of your competition gets the most traffic.

2. Look at their most popular pages / highest traffic.

3. See who links to those posts.

4. Take the juiciest, data-driven pieces of content from those posts.

5. Use 99 designs, Fiverr or Dribble to pay a designer to create an infographic, then cite the post.

6. Go to all the people who linked and tell them you created an infographic. Ask them to embed the image and host the infographic on your site.

Boom! It's a Win-win-win for all the sides.



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Growth Hack #1 - The Most Efficient Way to Boost Organic Reach on Facebook:

If you just post on your Facebook page, on average, less than 1% of fans will see it.

You can increase your organic reach through paid promotion. This works because the more people who engage with your post, the higher your organic reach will be.

But: It can cost you a bunch of money.

Here’s how to promote more efficiently and get more engagement for less money:

Re-market only to people who like/comment/share your Facebook posts. This audience will deliver the highest engagement per $1 invested.

How can you do this?

1. Go to Facebook Ads Manager - Audiences.
2. Click “Create Audience” in the top left corner.
3. Select “Custom Audience.”
4. Click on the option “Engagement”.
5. Select “Facebook Page” from the menu.
6. Click the “Page” dropdown and select the Page whose engagement you want to retarget.
7. Click the “Everyone who engaged with your Page” dropdown.
8. Choose “People who engaged with any post or ad.”
9. In the “In The past” field, enter 30 days past the engagement.
10. Name your audience.
11. Hit “Create audience.”
12. Target your Facebook ads to this audience.



Growth Hack #2 - Improve Page Speed by Optimizing Images:

Lots of people forget that a big part of your Google rankings are based on how quickly your website loads. Google even offers a “Pagespeed Insights” tool.

The most common problem for websites is unoptimized images. Designers aren’t keen on crappy image quality.

SEO ninja Jacob Hagberg suggests this quick hack to fix this:

Optimize images with the “LOSSY” Filter from to reduce 50% of the image size without loss of quality.

Source: Jacob Hagberg


business growth hacks - special promotion

Growth Hack #3 - Convert Trial Users to Paid As Fast As Possible:

Does your product have a free trial?

If so, somewhere in the middle of that free trial, offer users a one time chance to end their free trial early in exchange for a big discount, like a free month.

Send an email, text, or push notification (if you have an app) that reads something like:

End Trial Now - Get 1 Month Free. This special offer expires in 59:59 minutes”.

And then make sure to have the clock count down to inspire even more urgency.

Source: GrowthHacks


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business growth ideas - Dr. Evil GIF

Growth Hack #1 - The Simplest Way to Improve the Accessibility of Your Emails:

If your designer insists on creating one giant image for your email, tell them you risk antagonizing readers.

Image-only emails are slower to load, harder to search for, and are often blocked by firewalls, spam filters, and privacy blockers. They're also completely inaccessible for voice assistants, and non-native speakers can't translate text when it's embedded in images.

Remember: Being accessible is not just socially good; it also means a bigger audience for your business!

Source: 500 startups


Growth Hack #2 - Achieve a 53% Response Rate (Analysis of 250K Emails):

Boomerang analyzed 250K emails and found these TOP 4 insights:

1. Emails with spelling errors in the subject line received a 14% lower reply rate.

2. Emails between 50 and 125 words have the best response rate: 50%

3. Emails written at a 3rd grade reading level get the highest response rate: 53%

4. Three or four words are ideal for email subject lines.



business growth ideas - heatmap

Growth Hack #3 - Adjust Content Placement Based on How People Read:

We read left to right. Therefore, it makes sense to put relevant content on the left and less relevant content on the right – or below the fold.

As you can see in this heatmap, most visitors focus their attention on the upper left of the page. So, use this information to your advantage: That’s where your most important messaging should go.



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digital marketing tips - de-clutter gif

Growth Hack #1 - Double Your Conversions by Removing Clutter:

Boosting conversions is a goal for every marketer. But what can you do to the actual CTA to improve results by 2X?

Let the surrounding area around your CTA to be free from all clutter. 

Social media buttons, any unrelated videos, content, should be nowhere near the CTA.

Instead, only elements that can push the offer better should be near CTA. 

You can check out in the source link below how Open Mile saw a 232% increase from their homepage by reducing clutter around their CTA and placing it over whitespace in the center of the page. 



Growth Hack #2 - The Nine Conversion Tricks Every Marketer Needs to Know:

Here they are:

1. Get Visitors To Make A Small Commitment
2. Increase Conversions With The Decoy Effect (One offer that is clearly better than all the rest)
3. Use Exit-Intent Popups To Increase Conversions
4. Use Logic Branching Surveys To Learn How Your Audience Thinks
5. Improve Your Site’s Speed.
6. Match Your Message To Your Target Audience’s Vocabulary
7. Personalize Your Content To Increase Conversions
8. Use Positive Framing To Persuade And Convert More People
9. Increase Conversions With Dynamic Text Replacement



digital marketing tips - Google rankings

Growth Hack #3 - How to Increase Organic Rankings by 41% (+ a Free Tool):

Content optimization is very important when it comes to your Google rankings. But, it's very hard to do it manually.

Cognitive SEO managed to increase their rankings by 41% just 10 weeks after they did content optimization.

What they used is a tool that helps automate the process.

Here is how to use it:

1. Go to
2. Input a keyword of your article that you want to rank higher on Google. And hit Enter.
3. Switch to the "Content Assistant" tab.
4. At the bottom, hit "Start optimizing your content".
5. At the top right hit "Import URL" and paste a link to your article.
6. At the bottom hit "Check Score".
7. Voila - here is your current rank and suggestions to improve it



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Growth Hack #1 - 3 Ways to Disqualify Bad Leads:

Spending too much time talking to wrong leads? 

As counterintuitive as this sounds, the easiest way to qualify leads and remove the bad ones is to add friction in the lead generation process. This way, only truly motivated prospects will move on to the next step! 

BUT add smart friction. 

What does this mean? 

Ask additional questions a motivated customer wants to answer, but an unmotivated one doesn't or can't yet! 


- A longer, two-part form to fill in (make the second part optional with secondary questions. Then, prioritize contacting those who fill in the second part well ).

- Send them an email that asks a pertinent question before you call them.

- Ask a question that requires an open text answer rather than drop downs or multiple choices. 

Source: 500 Startups


Growth Hack #2 - Save 7% of Sales Every Second by Removing Delays:

Your business can be losing sales opportunities every second if your site is slow. 

1. A study at Amazon showed a 1% decrease in sales for every 0.1 second decrease in response times. (Kohavi and Longbotham, 2007)
2. According to studies by the Aberdeen Research Group, the average impact of a 1-second delay meant a 7% reduction in conversions.

So what can you do?

Use the free tool from to check your site speed and get tips on how to fix it. 



grow business - subject line words

Growth Hack #3 - The Best and Worst Words for Email Subject Lines:

33% of email recipients decide whether or not to open an email based on the subject line alone. Make sure you're using the words that compel people to open and read your messages.

Best Subject Line Words:


Worst Subject Line Words:




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Growth Hack #1 - Steal Your Competitor's Twitter Following:

How to get email addresses for all of the Twitter followers of any company or person:

1.Use (free trial) to download a file of up to 50K people who follow your competitor or a related product on Twitter.

2. Upload the file to Anymail finder, which will give you back email addresses for those followers (20 on their free trial).

3. Email them with the subject that includes your competitor's name: "I saw that you follow [X] on Twitter".


Growth Hack #2 - 14- vs. 30-Day Free Trials for 102% More Users:

It's not necessarily true that the longer the free trial, the higher the conversions to paid subscriptions.

When Neil Patel tested a 14-day free trial versus an original 30-day free trial, the same number of people signed up for each trial length.

But 102% more people used the product when they signed up for the 14-day trial versus the 30-day trial.

He quickly learned that with the 30-day trial, people felt that they had a lot of time, and they forgot about using the product even when sent email reminders.



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Growth Hack #3 - Avoid This Huge Mistake When Sending Emails:

DON'T send mass email newsletters or product transaction emails from a "no-reply" send address!

When you do this, you're missing out on a chance to get user replies to train inbox prioritization & opens.

DO send from a branded domain and/or a named email (e.g. "").

A reply helps with customer insights, can be a potential conversion gateway, and is arguably the ultimate activation/engagement metric!

Source: 500 Startups


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Growth Hack #1 – 200K Visitors a Month From This Long-Tail SEO Trick:

Did you know that Neil Patel gets 238,195 visitors each month from long tail phrases? The longer the keyword, the easier it is to rank well on Google.

This is how:
1. Log into your Google Analytics -> “Acquisition” -> “Keywords” -> “Organic”.
2. Google limits your info, but simply take each short keyword phrase (<4 words)="" one="" by="" and="" type="" it="" into="" google="" to="" see what other long-tail phrases (>/= 4 words) it might suggest in the suggestion box.
3. Edit your page, utilizing these long tail phrases.

Note: Make sure your keyword density is below 3%.


Growth Hack #2 - How Long Before an Email Popup Should...Popup?:

The answer? 5 seconds.

When you're ready to apply this timing trick to your website, check out It's a great tool for setting up full screen email popups.

The entry pop-up is exactly what it sounds like: A pop-up form is activated when a visitor first enters your site. Often these forms block the view of the majority of the screen, forcing engagement.



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Growth Hack #3 - Turn LinkedIn Contacts Into an Email List:

There is a way to download all of your LinkedIn contacts – including their names, email addresses, job titles, and companies – right to a spreadsheet.

Just visit this link:

Yeah, it's really that simple.

Source: Linkedin


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Growth Hack #1
- A Quick Trick for 2X More Headline Clicks:

We gathered some intel on what makes a great headline. Here's what we found:

Headlines with numbers are 2x more likely to generate clicks vs. "how to" headlines, according to research by Conductor.

- And a study of 150 000 headlines revealed that odd-numbered headlines have a 20% better CTR than headlines with even numbers.

- In an analysis of over 3 million headlines, Outbrain found using [brackets] in a headline bumped up CTR by 38%.



Growth Hack #2
- How a $1 Product Generated $240M in Revenue:

You know the Dollar Shave Club. Before they were acquired for $1B in 2016, they generated $240M/year in revenue.

How is it possible to generate this amount of revenue with just a $1 product? With the power of UPSELLS.

1. "$1-dollar razor". Think about it: This is a compelling, disruptive statement to attract attention.

2. When you went to their site, you could see 3 options to choose from: $1/month, $6/month and $9/month. Important: Additional products are included in the higher plans.

3. 73% of their sales were coming from their $6 and $9 models.

If you don't believe us, McDonald's does the same thing with their $1-menu cheeseburger: They offer, additionally, the fries and soda at a $1.14 margin.

In the end, 86% of the profit is made from fries and soda.


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Growth Hack #3
- Let Others Sing Your Praises:

Show, don't tell. If people love your product, use their quotes and words to advocate, rather than superlatives that describe your product.

Here's an example of two ways to write a testimonial:

" 'The Snack' app is the latest and best way to get growth snacks on the go. Our users learn so much."


"@TwitterUser1234 - 'I love "The Snack" app. I've learned so many new cool ways of growing my startup – it's super helpful!' "

Clearly, the one that uses a customer quote is more convincing.

Embed positive tweets/social posts about experiences with your product, share short testimonials, app store reviews, etc.


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Growth Hack #1 – From $0 to $100 Million in 37 Days by Leveraging the Power of Exclusivity:  

In January 2013, Gentry Underwood launched an email app called Mailbox. They focused on solving one massive problem – tons of unread messages in email inboxes. 37 days later Dropbox acquired it for a reported $100 million.

Why? Well, In 37 days, Mailbox accumulated over 500,000 users.

How did they do it?

They created a smart automated “referral reservation scheme”:

1: You sign up to get notified when the app will become available to you.

2:. You see how many people are in front of you in the queue.

3: The system notifies you: the more friends you'll invite, the higher you'll be in the queue, the faster you'll get access to the app.

4:. You invite your friends like a crazy person trying to get to the top of the list.

To help this along, they even created a simple video:

It instantly went viral because the problem was hot/unsolved and the solution was elegant.

They notified tech media that were more than happy to write about the app (again, because the problem was hot/unsolved and the solution was elegant).

The viral nature of the video met media coverage, got multiplied by the “referral reservation scheme” and in 37 days resulted in 538,000 users waiting in a line to get access to the app.

It's no surprise, then, that Dropbox swooped in and acquired them at this 37-day mark for $100 million.


Growth Hack #2 - Increase "YES" Responses 2X By Giving People an Easy Out:

Do you like to hear "NO" or experience 0 responses when you survey your audience, ask them anything to do, or offer to acquire anything?

Yeah, we didn't think so.

How about increasing your chances to hear "YES" by 2 times?

Here's an easy trick to do just that:

42 studies showed that the likelihood of a positive response was doubled when researchers added a simple phrase “you are free not to”.

When you tell people they don’t have to do something, they’re more inclined to follow along.



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Growth Hack #3 - 5 Ways to Get More Press:

Reaching out to press and getting what you want published isn't easy. Make sure you're warming them up appropriately instead of just sending a cold e-mail and requesting their help.

Here are 5 steps to warm up journalists before you pitch them an idea:

1. Do a customized audience campaign on Twitter. You will need at least 400 Twitter handles. Get their attention before contact them via email.
2. Send a personalized and short one-liner email. For example: “Hey: Do you like Chipotle?”. Track email opens with Mixmax for Gmail or Yesware.
3. When the software indicates the journalist has opened the email, send a tweet linking to your article.
4. Send a follow up email.
5. When a user answers that they are interested, send them the press kit.


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Growth Hack #1 – +150% Revenue With Personalized Emails:

Udemy found that revenue generated in the first week correlated with an increased customer lifetime value. So, they ran a welcome email A/B test:

A. The control email welcomed new users with 50% off any course.

B. The variable email leveraged behavioral data to serve up a course that the user had already expressed interest in. They included that course in the email header, along with the same 50% off coupon for a certain course.


Version B earned +150% more revenue.



Growth Hack #2 - Turn 200% More Web Visitors Into Leads

Most sites get 2 times more traffic from mobile than from desktop. This number of mobile users is growing rapidly, but a ton of people still make this huge mistake:

They don't optimize their landing pages for mobile devices.

String Automotive (now Experianoptimized just a single button for mobile devicesand as a result they increased leads by 200%.

What did they do?

They added a single click-to-call CTA above the fold.

Example of a click-to-call CTA: +1 (234) 567-8910

Why it worked so well?

Probably because, according to a study61% of people find it extremely important to be able to call the business before making a purchase.


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Growth Hack #3 - A Simple SEO Trick for Backlinks From Sites With 10-50 DA:

You know how hard it is to convince owners of the high-authority websites to place a link to your website.

How about an easier way: Buy a high-authority 10-50 DA (domain authority) website for $100!


1. Buy an expired, dropped domain with 10-50 DA. It turns out there are a lot of them expiring every day!

Here's a cool free online tool to show you powerful domains that expire soon:

2. Once you buy it, have it hosted in a Data Center different from what you use now.

3. Then there 2 ways to build links:

3.1: Restore content from (you may have copyrighting issues) and then place a bunch of links to your website.

3.2. Place an article of yours with a link to your target website.

Boom! You've got a link from a 10-50 DA website and it really was that easy.


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Growth Hack #1
- This Small Change Boosted Profits +10.7% (And Took Less than 5 Minutes):

Software marketing blogger Alwin ran an interesting experiment. He wanted to A/B test what photo of him on his landing pages would generate more profits.

He tested the following two versions:
#A: Serious Alwin 😐
#B: Smiling Alwin 🙂

Here were the results:

Smiling Alwin won! 🙂

Compared to serious Alwin, here's how the smiling version performed:
+1.3% more sign ups
+9.9% more sales
+10.7% more total profits



Growth Hack #2 - A 1-Minute Hack to Increase Your Email Open Rate:

Do you send mass marketing emails?

If yes:

1. Take the SAME email you sent and CHANGE the subject line to something new.
2. Email it out a week later JUST TO YOUR NON-OPENS.

The result? 

30%+ more opens.



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Growth Hack #3 - 2 Clicks to Uncover Your Competitors' Ad Targeting Settings on Facebook:

Ever wanted to find out the targeting settings of your competitors on Facebook?

Here‘s how to do it:

1. Find an ad in your news feed.
2. Click on the top right arrow and select "Why am I seeing this".

The image above shows you what you'll see.

Put these findings to use and test these targeting settings in your ads.

Source: Taktical Digital


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Growth Hack #1
- How to Increase ʺTime Spent on Pageʺ 2.6X:

Did you know that one of the factors that affects your Google rank is "Time Spent on Page".
The longer the duration, the higher your rank.

Here's an interesting research report on how to boost "Time Spent on Page" by 2.6 times.

Wistia divided high-trafficked pages into 2 categories:
1. With video on the page.
2. Without video on the page.

They then compared each version's average "Time Spent on Page".

People spent, on average, 2.6x more time on pages with video than without.

Just one of many examples pointing to the increasing importance of video content.



Growth Hack #2
- This New Headline Boosted Conversions by 40%:

KISSmetrics was trying to boost their conversions.

After they changed their headline (short description of their service), conversions went up by 40%.

What was the original headline?
"KISSmetrics helps you get actionable metrics for your business."

Here‘s the one that boosted conversions by 40%:
"Google Analytics tells you what happened, KISSmetrics tells you who did it."

Comparing themselves to the Google Analytics tool established more authority and got them more subscribers.



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Growth Hack #3
- Use Video to Earn 16X More Social Shares:

BuzzSumo analyzed 25 million Facebook posts and found something interesting.

Average total shares:
1. Per Link Post: ~30
2. Per Facebook Video: ~500

That's 16 times more shares! Wow.

May be worth thinking about Facebook Live videos with a link above them (in the text section)...

P.S. Take into consideration that 85% of videos are viewed with the volume off (add subtitles).



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Growth Hack #1
- Top 3 Facts to Increase Your FB Conversions +40%:

Facebook ad design is crucial for success. But what are the best practices to keep in mind?

According to recent studies, the TOP 3 data-driven facts around ad design are:

1. Ads with a white background had a 60% higher CTR and attracted 40% more conversions compared to a colorful background.

2. Emotional content performed about 2X better than ads with only rational content.

3. Ad designs that closely match with a landing page increase conversions by 20-35%.



Growth Hack #2
- How Managed to Gain 1.3 Million Users Within Just 3 Years: was an email inbox cleaning service that skyrocketed in popularity to reach over 1 million users in 3 years. How did they do it?

1. First, they discovered a really popular, massive problem: cluttered email inboxes.

2. They offered a simple solution for free: you can unsubscribe from all newsletters you are no longer interested in.

3. After the launch, tech blogs were happy to write about an app that solves a common problem of their readers. This helped them get the first few thousand users.

4. Right after you start using the app and choose 5 newsletters to unsubscribe from, shows a pop-up : "In order to unsubscribe from more than 5 subscriptions, help out by sharing on Facebook, Twitter or via email."

Result: 1.3 million users virally in 3 years (+ was acquired).



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Growth Hack #3
- Super Short Hack to Convert 9X More Prospects:

Did you know that...

If you follow up with web leads within 5 minutes, you're 9 times more likely to convert them?

How fast do you follow up?



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Growth Hack #1
- How to Get 245% More Leads by Changing a CTA:  

Have you ever seen "Schedule a Demo" CTAs on different websites?

It is exactly the same CTA that Directive had.

They didn’t want to just show a demo video, because they believed that "Scheduling a Demo" generates more leads for them.

One day, they decided to test their CTA "Schedule a Demo Today!" against "FREE 5-min Demo Video".

Adding the time parameter lowered people's concerns about sitting through a long demo.

+738% increase in CTR
+245% increase in leads



Growth Hack #2
- +64% Sales With These 3 Facts About Video:

In case you are thinking of how to boost your sales (who isn‘t), here are 3 facts on how to achieve that:

1. 64% of website visitors are more likely to buy a product on an online retail site after watching a video.

2. Real estate listings with videos receive 403% more inquiries than those without videos.

3. When video was included in an email marketing campaign subscriber-to-lead conversion rates increased by 51%.



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Growth Hack #3
- The 2 Most Common Email Mistakes That Could be Decreasing Revenue 3X:

Noah Kagan, founder at Sumo (AppSumo) has sent more than 100M emails.

Here are the 2 biggest mistakes he learned:

#1. A couple of years ago, he tested segmentation, spending tons of time and a lot of money. He found that segmentation isn’t worth the effort.

Another source tested this and found that non-segmented emails generate 3.19 times more revenue than segmented.

#2. So many brands only put a CTA at the end of their email. However, very few people who open that email are going to make it down the page (on average, 80% read only the first screen).

This means that by placing your CTA at the top of your emails, you can see around 4 times more conversions.



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Growth Hack #1
- This Small Thing is Very Popular, But It Can Ruin Your Organic Traffic:

Pop-ups are a great lead-gen tool, especially on mobile. But, 99% of people don`t know it can kill organic traffic if not done correctly. What do we mean?

1. You know that more than 50% of visitors access your website through their mobile devices. And Google ranks mobile-friendly websites higher.

2. Also you know that full-sized pop-ups generate the highest conversions (1.76% - 6.9%).

Here's a bummer.

Did you know that you can kill your Google traffic if you don't follow their guidelines?

Especially this short one.

What Google considers as an acceptable pop-up is when it covers no more than 20% of the screen.



Growth Hack #2
- A 5-Minute Fix to Get 8.8% More Conversions:

Klientboost boosted their conversions by +8.8% super easily. In a study, they A/B tested the same customer reviews on their landing page.

The only difference was:

A. variant had the star ratings: ★★★★★
B. control - didn't.


The star ratings outperformed ""no stars"" by +8.8%.


By mentioning the company size with exact numbers in the customer reviews, their conversion rate increased by 22%.



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Growth Hack #3
- The Easiest Way Ever to Boost Your Retweet Rate by 2.5 Times

Did you know that...

When followers are specifically asked ""Please Retweet"", the Retweet rate is 2.5 times higher than average?

P.S. Please share this with your friends ;)



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Growth Hack #1
- STUDY: Brand Perception: 

Did you know that 70% of customers` brand perception is determined by experiences with people?

Here are 2 more facts you should know about your customers:

1. 68% of customers leave because of poor employee attitude.
2. 41% of customers are loyal because of good employee attitude.




Growth Hack #2
- One Tiny Change That Helped Upworthy Boost Shares by 395%:

After A/B testing, Upworthy (8.8 million monthly visitors) found:

1. If the buttons have a hover effect when your mouse is over them, they can get 395% more shares.

2. The best time to wait after landing on a page that the “like us” icon appeared was with a 16 second delay.



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Growth Hack #3
- 61% of People Have Made a Purchase Based on This (It's Not What You Think):

Did you know that:

1. 81% of the people trust the information they read on blogs.

2. 61% of those people have made a purchase based on a blogger’s recommendation.

3. 63% of people are more likely to be influenced by a blog than a magazine to make a purchase.

Looks like there's a pretty good argument to be made for blogger outreach. . .



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Growth Hack #1 –
The Easiest Way to a 7.32% Increase in YouTube Views:

One simple trick to boost your YT video views: add captions.

Closed captions are indexed by YouTube search and boost your traffic.

How can you do it?

1. Go to the Video Manager tab in your YouTube account.
2. Find the video to caption and select the Edit button.
3. Using the top navigation bar, click the Subtitles/CC tab. Source:


Growth Hack #2 -
Earn $87K in Revenue From Abandoned Cart Emails:

These abandoned cart email frameworks show 43%-65% open rates and generate up to $23 per email sent.

THMotorsports‘ framework:

Users who saw a personalized welcome from their friend signed up at a 71% higher rate.

1st email [10 minutes after abandonment]: Open rate = 69%; CTR = 14%; Revenue = $42,362
2nd [1 day]: Open rate = 65%; CTR = 15%; Revenue = $11,802
3rd [3 days]: Open rate = 43%; CTR = 6%; Revenue = $18,530
4th [1 month]: Open rate = 46%; CTR = 3%; Revenue = $4,714

Legion Athletics‘ framework (offer no discount in the first email and ‘10% off’ in emails two and three):

1st [30 minutes]: Open rate = 63%; CTR = 10%; Revenue = $26,495
2nd [1 day]: Open rate = 58%; CTR = 16%; Revenue = $26,978
3rd [3 days]: Open rate = 55%; CTR = 17%; Revenue = $29,589

Peak Design‘s framework (the first email asks if they had any issues with checking out, the second offers 5% off + free shipping):

1st [2 hours]: Open rate = 65%; CTR = 12%; Revenue = $57,751
2nd [30 hours]: Open rate = 57%; CTR = 18%; Revenue = $87,680 ($23 per email sent)



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Growth Hack #3 -
Earn More Leads With Positive Reinforcement:

A company added one simple element to their signup box. It increased conversions into leads by 11%.

An online mortgage application took up to 20 minutes. Because of all the data that was required.

The process consisted of 2 parts:
1. Signup box: Enter your first name and email address.
2. Fill out the full application.

The company added one simple element to their signup box.

It increased the number of fully completed applications (= leads) by 11%.

What element did they add?

They added to their signup box a simple checkbox: ""YES! I am ready for a better rate today!""

By asking users for a small, positive action up front and a reminder about the outcome, they've reinforced their commitment to the process.

Result: +11% more leads.



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Growth Hack #1 – Get Influencers to Share Your Content:  

Getting people to link to your content is hard. But it’s easier if you mention them in it first.

Here's how:

1. Tell them that you create content for XX,XXX subscribers/followers/readers.
2. Ask for their opinion or advice.
3. Your question has to be specific, so they can answer it in under 50 words (the less, the better).
4. After they contribute, don’t ask them to promote your content. Just thank them for helping you out and send them a link an hour or so before you publish it.
5. Repeat with multiple people.



Growth Hack #2 - 71% More Referral Success When It's Friend-to-Friend:

Former Gogobot app (now decided to personalize each download that came from an invite. In each message that went out to other users, they inserted a Branch link embedded with their referring friend’s name, profile pic, and user ID.

The result:

Users who saw a personalized welcome from their friend signed up at a 71% higher rate.



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Growth Hack #3 - Increase YouTube Subscribers by 400% With Just One Link:

If you're not using YouTube yet, you should be. This channel is excellent for getting your brand message out to its over 1.3 billion users.

But how can you attract subscribers to your channel and start gaining some traction?

Simply add “?sub_confirmation=1” at the end of your YouTube channel URL.

For example:

Link all users from all your videos, website, tweets, blog to this URL. Everybody will see a popup “Confirm Channel Subscription”, which has been shown to increase YouTube subscribers by 400%.


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Growth Hack #1 – Powerful Words Can Change Your Copy:  

The right words can turbo-charge the authority of your headlines, product names, buttons, and email subject lines.

Here are 33 surefire words, starting with the top 10:

- Iron clad,
- Proven
- Validate
- Authentic
- Genuine
- Bona fide
- Legitimate
- Reliable
- Official
- Final

More: Backed, Guaranteed, Research, Studies, Results, Solution, Honest, Complete, Psychological, Comprehensive, All-Inclusive, Absolute, Definitive, Authoritative, Conclusive, Authority, Surefire, Formula, Strategy, Expert, Report, Document, Literally, Powerful.



Growth Hack #2 - Reduce Cost of Facebook Ads By 41%:

Every marketer should strive for decreasing cost-per-conversion. Here's one tip for doing just that by choosing the right ad format.

Facebook ads pro Aaron Zakowski found that right-side ads are the best choice for a small budget.

Though you can’t get the same volume as Newsfeed ads, cost per signup from right side ads is about 41% lower than from desktop Newsfeed ads.



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Growth Hack #3 - Humans Work 12% Better in Ads:

When selecting the background or main images to use in your display ads, using images that contain people is the most reliable bet.

Researchers examined 60 brands and as a whole to determine if there was a common thread that led to greater success.

What they discovered:

Ads that contain images of people have a 12% higher CTR than those which do not.

The takeaway: people like people!



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Growth Hack #1 – The Easiest Way to Increase Google Search Traffic +30%:  

We noticed some of our client’s blog posts slipping in their Google ranks.

Knowing that Google loves fresh content, we simply went into the post and updated the date.

On WordPress, backdating posts like this is super easy: Here's how.

PRESTO! The Google rank jumped and on average over 30% more traffic poured in!


Growth Hack #2 - Get in Touch With Free Trial Users for 800% More Conversions:

Customer support software company Groove HQ wanted to know how to convert more trial customers to paying ones.

As their team started to track everything more closely, they began to notice a trend: free trial users who emailed them for support were 800% more likely to become paying customers by the end of their trial than those who never reached out.

So what did they do to get more people to contact them?

1) They made the contact links more prominent

2) They began to send calls to action encouraging users to reach out to them if they needed help.



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Growth Hack #3 - 3X Conversion Rate from Surveys With the Right Format:

Formstack analyzed over 650,000 form users. Here are the most interesting conclusions gained:

When you need to survey your users and have a lot of fields for them to fill, this trick is for you.

Formstack found that conversion rates more than TRIPLE when:
1. Fields are spread out over multiple web pages.
2. They have bigger fonts.
3. They have “Save and resume” options.
4. They include progress bars.



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Growth Hack #1 – One Minute to Increase Your Email Open Rate:  

Follow these quick steps to get better email performance:

Step 1. Take the SAME email you sent and CHANGE the subject line to something new.

Step 2. Email it out a week later JUST TO YOUR NON-OPENS.

Get 30%+ more opens.


Growth Hack #2 - Make a Better “Share this” Email:

Organically boost your newsletter performance by making it even easier to share. 

Here's how:

1. In your emails (not on your website) add a simple link "mailto:?subject=paste encoded subject here&body=paste encoded body here"

Now, your newsletter readers can easily click and it will make a new templated email for them to send to a friend.

2. Take the text you want for your subject and your body and separately drop them into Eric Meyer`s handy free URL Encoder.


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Growth Hack #3 - +54.3% Revenue By Changing Pricing Page:

Wishpond managed to boost their revenue by 54.3% just by changing their pricing page.

Here’s what they changed:

1. Changed headline.

Old: Wishpond Pricing Plans

New: Choose your Pricing Plan (Try Wishpond for 14 days)

2. Changed plan names.

Old: Basic, Pro (best value), Growth.

New: Starting Out, Everything You Need, Rapid Growth.

3. Changed CTA.

Old: Start Free Trial

New: Start Free For 14 Days

4. Changed features


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Growth Hack #1 – Bust Into a New Market With LinkedIn:  

LinkedIn allows you to search inside your network, up to 3rd connections. This can end up limiting you when you are entering a new market and have a lack of connections.

Here is a hack to overcome this barrier and boost your sales in a new market: 

Go to Google and AND [job title] AND [company] AND [skill/category] AND [company] AND [job title] AND VP OR SVP OR EVP OR Director OR Manager OR SalesOps



Growth Hack #2 - Red-Heads Get the Clicks:

Matthew Woodward ran a funny experiment through Facebook ads. 

He set 3 advertising campaigns. Everything was identical except for the image:

- Blonde woman 

- Brunette woman 

- Red-headed woman

Can you guess the result?

The ad with the image of the red-headed woman achieved a 40.4% higher CTR than the image of the brunette woman and a 66.6% higher CTR than the ad with the blonde woman. Weird.



Avoid False Promises

Growth Hack #3 - Avoid False Promises for 2X Higher Cold Email Response Rate:

Researchers sent cold emails to a thousand of the busiest business people in America: C- and VP-level executives from the Fortune 500 and the Inc 500.

They A/B-tested 2 different subjects and the same body:

1. “Quick Question”

2. “15 Second Question for Research on Annoying Emails”


The open rate was almost the same: ~50%. 


By over-promising on the time commitment with the “15 Second” subject line, they turned some recipients off. As a result, reply rates were very different:

1. “Quick Question” — 66.7% of total replies

2. “15 Second Question …” — 33.3%

That’s a difference in response rate of over TWO TIMES.


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Growth Hack #1 – Secret Ad Targeting to Boost Opt-in Rates +181%:  

Periscopix used a smart targeting option that boosted their opt-in rate by 181%. 


Have you heard of Gmail Ads? The Gmail ad looks like a regular email at the top of your inbox. It means your ad targets people actively using email now - this is why it converts better into opt-ins.

How to activate this secret targeting?

1. When choosing how to target your ads,,click on “Use a different targeting method”.

2. Choose "Placements".

3. Search for Gmail and you’ll see it in the list.

4. Add “” from the list that populates.

5. Once you confirm the campaign, you’ll need to hit Ads -> + AD -> Ad gallery.

6. Choose Gmail Ads and fill in all fields.

P.S. Remember to confirm that your ad is formatted for the smaller screen and loads quickly, because 75% of Gmail users access their accounts from their mobile device.



Growth Hack # 2 – Show the Ugly Side of Your Product for 15% More Sales:

Imagine you have a product/service and you want to boost its sales as fast as possible with no budget. Dan Ariely shared an interesting method called "the ugly brother effect" that is able to boost your sales by 15%

How does it work?

It‘s as simple as to add a slightly "uglier" (less valuable, less beautiful for the same price) version of your main product/service. Bart Schutz from Online Dialogue ran a lot of experiments on it, and they regularly found growth effect averaging around 15%.



More Sales

Growth Hack #3 – You're Losing 18% of Sales!:

Nowadays, over 50% of people access your website from mobile devices (you know it). Imagine your customer inputs their credit card number on their mobile device. It's very easy to make a typo using that small keyboard.

But for you, every typo results in lost profitsWhat if you could make the keyboard 521% larger?

It's possible for numeric inputs such as credit card numbers. Have a look at the difference in the picture above.

We've noticed that some websites show this big keyboard. It's 5 times easier to input confirmation codes or credit card numbers using this larger keyboard.

Here's how to make it happen: All you need to do is make just one small change in your HTML: <input type="number">


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Growth Hack #1 – The Magic Word to Use in Headlines for +110% Conversions:  

Paul Olyslager ran a few A/B tests on headline copywriting. He uncovered one word that boosted his conversions by up to +110%. First he A/B tested a headline for a list of books: Original: Recommended books  - Variation 1: My book collection (-43%) - Variation 2: Most popular books (-19.1%) - Variation 3: Favorite UX books (-7%) - Variation 4: Popular UX books (+7.8%) Then he A/B tested a headline for a list of articles: Original: Trending stories - Variation 1: Most popular articles (-27.7%) - Variation 2: Popular this month (-11.4%) - Variation 3: Most popular stories (+5.5%) - Variation 4: Popular articles (+110.6%) Looks like word "popular" (without "most") has some magic. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack # 2 – Reduce Bounce Rate 40% By Boosting Mobile Web Speed 3X:

Some quick facts that contribute to your site's bounce rate: 1. About 40% of people will abandon a web page that takes more than 3 seconds to load. 2. 71% of the time people spend online in the US is on mobile devices (91% in Indonesia). It means: If your mobile webpage loads too slow, you lose 28.4% - 36.4% of people. They don‘t even see your page, and therefore don‘t buy from you. Also when so many people bounce, Google decreases your rank in search results. As a result, you lose even more. How can you boost the speed of your mobile website? Google has an open-source initiative that cuts down mobile webpage load time by up to 3X. The initiative is called the AMP Project. Tell your developers about it. Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #3 – You're Losing 18% of Sales!:

A study reveals that 18% of users have abandoned a checkout flow during the last 3 months. The reason? They “didn’t trust the site with their credit card information”. Adding a "security" badge to your site may help alleviate that concern. Above are a few of the best options available for badges, which can inform your decision on which payment security software to pursue. Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – Be #1 On Google in 10 Minutes:  

Seem too good to be true? It's not. Here‘s the hack: - You need SEMrush for this. - Go to "Organic Search" - "Positions". - Input into the search field. - Scroll down to "Organic search positions" and add 3 filters: 1) Include + Keyword + Containing + YOUR_KEYWORD 2) Include + Pos. + Less than + 10 3) Include + Volume + Greater than + 1005. Hit "Apply". - Scroll down to the keywords. - There you’ll find a list of keywords where Quora is ranked on page #1 of Google. - Open each URL and add your awesome, super valuable answer with a link to your website. Boom! Your answer is instantly on page #1 of Google. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack # 2 – 80% Increase in FB Video Engagement With a Surprising Format:

Buffer ran an interesting study and found out what type of video: 1. Resulted in 30-35% higher video views. 2. Resulted in an 80-100% increase in engagement. 3. Costs 7.5% - 33% less. So, what is it? It’s a square video (1:1)! - Square videos resulted in 30-35% higher video views and an 80-100% increase in engagement. - It costs 7.5% less to get someone to engage with square videos on Facebook. - It costs 33% less to get someone to engage with square videos on Instagram. Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #3 – 5X Google CTR Using Customer Reviews:

The average AdWords click-through rate across all industries peaks at 1.91% for search ads, and 0.35% for display ads. But, an AdWords ad that includes a customer review extension sees an increased click-through of up to 10%. Those ratings show up in Ads automatically when a review threshold is met. This threshold includes: - 30 unique reviews over the last 12 months - Reviews must average at least 3.5 stars or higher Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – One Simple Headline Change, 217% Increase in CTR:  

Low CTRs, low conversions, and low ROI can sometimes be fixed by one small change in your headline. This magical change is. . . Include exact numbers! Here are the examples: A/B test #1: A. The 1st ever public library of tested marketing strategies online. B. 10 patented strategic guides. 1500+ proven tests.  Free access. B generated an 88% increase in CTR. A/B test #2: A. Local Tax Preparation - Quality Tax Preparation Services. B. Local Tax Preparation - $45,325 Saved in January. #B saw a 217% increase in CTR. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack # 2 – 562% ROI With Just One Method:

This jaw-dropping method helped a company achieve a 562% ROI. The same method also helped Trump win. After applying the OCEAN method a company saw a 130% improvement in sales, with an ROI of 562%. How? 1. They analyzed who their customers are, but not as you think. 2. They described them through the OCEAN method (developed by Cambridge University). The OCEAN is the acronym of the big 5 personality traits: O. Openness to experience C. Conscientiousness E. Extroversion A. Agreeableness N. Neuroticism 3. They created 20 ads to appeal to different personality traits. Did you know that Trump‘s team used the OCEAN model to the extreme? They analyzed every US adult through the OCEAN model. Then, they created super targeted ads based on personal fears, weaknesses, hopes, and values.​​​​ Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #3 – Have Customers Reduce Your Bounce Rate By 1.5%:

Lucid noticed that 3% of their new subscribed emails bounce. That means they were losing 3% of their customers due to misspelled emails being entered. They were able to win back 54% of these lost customers. How? 1. They added an automated email verification before signing up. (NeverBounce is one example of an automated email verifier you can use) 2. When a user enters the wrong email address, the system asks them to correct it. Result: 54% of the users who saw the warning successfully corrected their email to a valid one. Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – What Picodi Did to Boost Their SEO Visibility By 841%: was presented in 25 different countries and had low SEO visibility (search volume + the position of ranking keywords). They made one change and it skyrocketed their SEO visibility by 841%. Here's the change they made: 1. Before this experiment, they had a local domain for each country. 2. They migrated all the countries from local domains to their main domain (example: 3. They added 301 redirects from old domains to the main one. That's it. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack # 2 – Improve Email Performance +25% With Ratios:

Images aren't categorically bad for emails. Instead, pay attention to your RATIO of images:text. A few tips to keep in mind: - Don't go below 2:3 - Don't make your entire email one big image with text on it - Include descriptive alt text that gets people to expand/view all images (and tracks your opens) Source: 500 startups __________________________

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Growth Hack #3 – Boost Instagram Engagement 38% With One Simple Trick:

Georgia Institute of Technology and Yahoo Labs researchers analyzed 1.1 million photos on Instagram and uncovered 1 simple thing that increases engagement by 38%. Here's what they found: 1. Pictures with human faces get 38% more likes. 2. And 32% more comments. Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – 21 Ideas for Getting People to Trust You With Social Proof:  

So your product/market is a fit. Your copy, images, product, urgency, pricing, etc. are also all great. . .but conversions are still low. There is a big chance that it's because people don't trust you. In this case, you need to add social proof. Here are the 21 ways to do just that: 1. Customer testimonials 2. Celebrity endorsements 3. Case studies 4. Media mentions 5. Who are your customers 6. Trust seals 7. Certifications and badges 8. Platform integrations 9. Social share count 10. Subscriber/user/customer count 11. Screen shots from social media 12. Public ratings and reviews 13. Test scores 14. “Best seller” 15. Results of surveying your customers 16. Number of orders 17. Real time stats 18. A list of popular posts/products 19. Customer showcase 20. Customer photos 21. Customer stories Source: __________________________

Growth Hack # 2 – Earn Customer Reciprocity in 3 Steps:

The most effective way of earning reciprocity from customers is through indirect requests. AVOID overtly salesy language. Here are the 3 separate steps, along with the language to use, that will get customers to respond to your calls to action: 1. Give: "Free offer", "free service", "surprisingly good", "no strings attached". 2. WAIT: Create a distinction/separation of Give step from Ask step by taking a step back. If you're too aggressive or quick with your follow-up, you'll lose your audience. 3. Ask: "Sign up", "purchase", "refer your friends". Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #3 – Invest $0 and Recover 11.5% of Your Lost Customers:

Ninja Outreach is a SaaS. When people clicked "14-Day Free Trial" they needed to input their credit card data. A lot of people get lost at this stage. Then, the team applied the magic, and here's what happened: 1. 11.5% of abandoners finished their trial sign up. 2. Those that returned are now trying out plans ranging from $29/mo to $249/mo. Here's how they achieved it: 1. Instead of asking their payment details after hitting the trial button. . . 2. They asked for just their email. 3. After a user submitted their email, they were redirected to a page asking for their payment details. 4. If a user abandoned the form, they received an automated email reminder. 5. These emails recovered 11.5% of abandoners Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – Part II to the Pinterest Experiments:  

In last week's issue, we discussed how Pinterest earned 50% more sign-ups with one, simple experiment. Crazy! Well, there’s more... Another experiment helped them figure out how to activate those new users: - First they created an email flow to help understand how the service worked. Result: more people unsubscribed than installed their app. Fail. - Then they started to send emails with relevant content, matching with the reasons why people joined Pinterest in the first place. This experiment worked much better and increased activation. Success. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack # 2 – How to Overcome a 75% Bounce Rate:

  In 2009, over 75% of Twitter’s users weren’t coming back. So, they brainstormed a 4-step process for better retention. 1. The team separated out the engaged users from those who dropped off. 2. Then they studied: Of those people who stay, what’s different about them? 3. They discovered patterns that indicated if you follow at least 30 people, you’re likely to remain engaged. 4. So they redesigned the product to help everyone get to this number faster. Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #3 – $25K in Revenue From Blog Comments:

Neil Patel ran an interesting experiment. For 1 month, he commented on different blogs. Here are his findings: 1. Short 1 to 4 word comments generated 3.2 visitors per comment. 2. Long 4 to 17-sentence comments drove 17.4 visitors per comment (5x more). 3. Mainstream, broad blogs drove visitors but no conversions. 4. When his comment was higher on the page it drove more traffic. 5. Only comments on guest posts he wrote generated real leads. He generated 7 leads, which resulted in $25,000 in revenue. Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – How Pinterest Increased Conversions +50% with Just One Experiment:  

When you are as huge as Pinterest, you're happy when the next A/B test shows even a 0.1% improvement. Imagine how happy their growth team was when they saw a 50% increase in conversions. So here's how they managed to do that: 1. They stopped the user from scrolling (the default action of a Pinterest grid is people scrolling) if they didn't have an account yet. 2. Instead, they put up a small banner that said, ‘Sign up to see more of this content.’ This experiment alone improved their conversion rate by 50%. Source: Read more in next week's Taktical Growth Hacks for Part II of this experiment. . .yes, there's more! __________________________

Growth Hack # 2 – What Drops Conversions by -36% and Increases Them by +96%?:

Unbounce analyzed 2,345,864 exit intent popup views. They did this by A/B testing two versions: A: 900x700px popup B: 800×500px popup. From this, they uncovered 2 insights: 1. The first version (A) dropped their conversions by 36%. 2. The second (version B) increased them by 96%. Result: 900x700px popup turned out to be too large for some browsers. As a result, it reduced load/view ratio and overall impressions by 36%. Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #3 – Two of the Biggest Email Mistakes, Revealed:

Noah Kagan, founder at Sumo (AppSumo) has sent more than 100M emails.   Here are the 2 biggest mistakes he learned: #1. A couple of years ago, he tested segmentation and spent tons of time and a lot of money doing so. He found that segmentation isn’t worth the effort. Analyzing other data revealed that non-segmented emails generate 3.19 times more revenue than segmented. #2. Many brands only put a CTA at the end of the email. However, very few people who open that email are going to make it down the page (on average 80% read only the first screen). Placing your CTA at the top of your emails can see around 4 times more conversions. Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – Emojis Increase Facebook Ad Engagement by 386%:  

Aaron Zakowski, the Facebook ad guru, ran a test to see how he could get more people to click ‘play’ on his Facebook video ads. So, he added some emojis of speakers to get people to click for sound. Result: The ad with the emoji had 1.7% of viewers click the play button for sound while the version without the emoji only had 0.35% of people click the play button. That’s an improvement of 386% for the version with the emoji CTA. __________________________

Growth Hack # 2 – These 4 Factors are the key to Facebook Video Engagement:

BuzzSumo analyzed the TOP 3,000 most engaging videos on Facebook. Here‘s what they found: 1. Heavy video interaction does not depend solely on audience size. 2. TOP 3 calls to action: - 2.1. like our page for more - 2.2. get the full recipe - 2.3. like, share and comment 3. Storytelling (Setting + Characters + Conflict + Resolution) is an important element of Facebook videos that people share, like, and comment on. 4. TOP 5 most engaging topics: - 4.1. Inspiring - 4.2. Animals - 4.3. Amusing - 4.4. DIY - 4.5. Recipes Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #3 – Earn 258% More Backlinks With Graphs & Charts:

Neil Patel decided to analyze the types of images he uses in his blog posts that generate the biggest number of backlinks. Here are the images that he compared: 1. Stock photography 2. Screenshots 3. Hand-drawn images 4. Graphs and charts 5. Infographics 6. Royalty-free images 7. Animated graphics Result: #4. Graphs and charts received 258% more backlinks than blog posts with other types of images. Why? Because data and facts are the most valuable. And while infographics also have data, graphs and charts are usually smaller and more focused. Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – The TOP 5 Phrases that Gained the Most Facebook Engagement:  

Headlines can significantly boost your conversions, decrease cost per acquisition, and increase revenue. Buzzsumo analyzed 100M headlines to determine the top 5 three-word phrases that gained the most Facebook engagements(likes, shares, comments). TOP 5 three-word phrases inside headlines: #1. will make you: 8,961 average Facebook engagements #2. this is why: 4,099 #3. can we guess: 3,199 #4. only [number] in: 2,398 #5. the reason is: 1,610 TOP 5 phrases starting headlines: #1. [number] reasons why: 5,121 #2. [number] things you: 4,690 #3. This is what: 4,107 #4. This is the: 3,150 #5. This is how: 2,784 Happy A/B testing! Source: __________________________

Growth Hack # 2 – Create Content That Earns 9X More Leads:

Neil Patel's team wanted to compare long-form content (over 1000 words) to short-form and see what drives shares and leads. They wrote short-form and long-form articles for their blog and email subscribers. Then they compared results. Here they are: 3 times more Shares for long-form content compared to short-form. 8 times more Page Views received from long-form content. 9 times more Leads generated from long-form content. Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #3 – 2.91X More Shares From Free Blog Posts:

The Curata team created 24 blog posts, using 3 different sources: 1. Internal resource (staff) 2. Agency/Freelancer 3. Guest blogger Here‘s how many social shares on average each source got: 1. Internal resource (staff): ~110 shares per blog post 2. Agency/Freelancer: ~250 shares per blog post (2.27 times more) 3. Guest blogger: ~320/blog post (2.91 times more shares) Looks like typical research until you understand that: 1. Guest posts placed on your blog cost you 0 dollars. 2. Guest posts placed on your blog cost you 0 time spent on creating them. 3. It means they drive traffic to your blog for free. 4. And as a bonus they get 2.91 times more shares (probably because the author also promotes his/her blog post). Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – Use GIFS to Spruce Up Bland Facebook Ads:  

GIFs are the hottest thing in Facebook ads right now. They're easier to create than live action video but more engaging than static photos. Autopilot decided to test this by introducing GIFs into their ad s. Result: Not only did the GIF ad drive the highest volume of free trial signups, it outperformed their average cost per lead by 37%. Here's the exact ad they utilized: Check out the instructions on how to create your ads with GIFs on Facebook __________________________

Growth Hack # 2 – 240% More Conversions by Optimizing Old Blog Posts:

Guys from Hubspot noticed that most of their old blog posts converted into email leads very poorly. Here is what they did to fix that (you can do the same on Google Analytics): 1. Ordered their most popular blog posts (URLs) by the conversion rate (into emails). 2. For each URL they looked through specific keywords people were using to find a post. 3. Optimized CTAs to fit the most popular keyword. For example, for their article “How to Write a Press Release” the most popular google keyword was “press release template.” They created a CTA “Download press release templates”. After the change, their conversions into emails increased by 240%. Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #3 – Tap Into the Audience Making 85% of Purchasing Decisions:

According to a study by SimpleRelevance: 1. Women make 85% of all consumer purchases. 2. 91% of women feel that advertisers don’t understand them. This means, even if you sell consumer products for men, women are those who actually buy them. Thus, women are who you need to market to and convince. Here's more detailed data by industry: 1. Cars: 65% of purchasing decisions are made by women. 2. Computers: 66% 3. Healthcare: 80% 4. Bank accounts: 89% 5. New homes: 91% 6. Vacations: 92% 7. OTC Medicines: 93% 8. Food/Groceries: 93% Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – 2X More Sign-ups by Predicting Customer Objections:  

CrazyEgg tested the following modifications to their signup process. As a result, they got twice as many people to give them credit card info: 1. Added an FAQ entry, “Why do you need my credit card for a free trial?” - (to prevent multiple free trials for one person). 2. Added an explanation: “Nothing will be billed for 30 days. You can cancel at any time.” 3. Added a list of companies that use their product. 4. Order total: Changed from “$49 per month” to “$0 for 30 days” + small text “after 30 days: $49 per month”. Crazy Egg installed a survey tool on the checkout page so they could understand what objections were on the minds of visitors right there. This helped to create the FAQ box and subsequent steps to counter those objections and get people to convert. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack # 2 – Give Customers FOMO:

The sales concept of scarcity works best when you consistently follow through on the ‘threat’ to expire the offer. When selling something online, TRY: - Decreasing your free trial time period (cut it in half or more) - Limiting free trial units (only X available) - Display a counter — time OR units are running out Delayed conversion = lost conversion. Encourage them to ACT NOW. Source: 500 startups __________________________

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Growth Hack #3 – 3 Steps to Earn 192% More Google Shopping Ads Revenue:

With just a few steps, you can make more from your Google Shopping Ads. Here's how: 1. Analyze your query data and pick out long tail (more than 3 words long) search terms that are product-specific and generate the highest volume and revenue. Raise your bids on those terms. 2. Set up remarketing ads to those who: - Viewed basket, didn’t commit to purchase - Viewed a high 'detail-view’ to checkout-rate product - Viewed website for over 4 minutes in one session - Viewed site in the past 5, 10 and 15 days - Viewed site from high converting location - Viewed site from high converting device - Viewed site and in top lifetime value segment 3. Segment your data by mobile devices, gender, age, geography and find who generates the highest ROI. Then focus your ads specifically on the most valuable segment. If you find that time and day influence ROI, you can use a chart like this to track: Create scripts to automate bidding across this custom schedule. __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – Find Your Website's Worst Performing Posts:  

Most of the time, we like to look for the most popular pages on our website. This is especially helpful for coming up with new blog post ideas. But opportunity also lies in identifying your worst performing pages. This process is how you find holes in your content and search engine marketing strategy. Ideally, you want to keep prospects on your site long enough to convert them from lead or customer. For this reason, you need to do the following: - Go to the Behavior tab in the Google Analytics menu. - Click Exit Pages under the Site Content menu. This process will show you the pages where prospects most often exit your website. With that information, you can then analyze these pages and look for ways to keep prospects engaged with your website. You can then decide the right strategy to make these pages more engaging: change the design or re-write the content. Which you choose will depend on how important the page is. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack # 2 – Boost Performance 680% by Using One Column For Your Landing Pages:

Marketing Experiments did a test where they compared two variants of a landing page.: One with a main column and a column to the right, and one with a single column. The single column variant outperformed the two column design by a stunning 680.6%! Source: __________________________

Taktical tips and tricks

Growth Hack #3 – How to Create a Roundup Blog Post That Earns You Links From the Experts:

A blog post roundup can be the best way to get your content onto high-quality domains. You just need to know how to earn these links. Here's how to create a roundup like a pro: 1. Visit “Search Twitter bios” on FollowerWonk. 2. Input your keyword (SEO, cars, etc.) 3. See the list of the most influential experts in your niche. 4. Find their emails. 5. Send a VERY short email. Example: “I’m doing a roundup of X experts … As one of X gurus, can you please reply to my short question …” 6. At the end say thanks to every expert and send them a link to your roundup (don’t ask them to share). Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – Timing is Everything:  

The Taktical team usually sends cold emails at 9:00-9:30 AM. The average email open rate was 55%. Then we thought, what if we sent emails a bit earlier so that when a person wakes up, an email is already in the inbox? The email's subject, body, and everything else stayed the same. Only the send time changed. Result: Open rate dropped down by 30%. We switched back to 9:00-9:30 AM. The average email open rate got back to 55%. Lesson learned: Just because you send an email earlier does not mean your prospect will open it. __________________________

Growth Hack # 2 – SEO Rich Snippet Hack for E-Commerce Sites:

We all know that urgency increases conversion rates. People are more inclined to make a purchase if they see a limited stock level, or something that says “Buy now – the offer will expire soon!” The Limited Availability JSON-LD Code will help inform the search engines that you are running a time-limited sale, so they could include this info into your rich snippets. Here’s the code: Also, this code will let you specify the number of items on sale, a short campaign description, and location. It's especially helpful this holiday season as you run promotions and other short-term sales. Source: __________________________

Taktical growth hacks

Growth Hack #3 – Add WhatsApp to Your Social Share Buttons:

BuzzFeed tested WhatsApp’s share button and found that 38% more people share via WhatsApp than via Twitter! In fact, WhatsApp shares were almost the same level as Facebook and Instagram. Maybe that`s because WhatsApp has over 1.5 billion users(vs Twitter`s 335M), plus the open rate is over 90%. How to embed the share button: 1. WordPress plugin. 2. AddToAny widget. Source:  __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – Boost Email Captures by 785% Overnight:  

It's called a content upgrade. Normally people have to pay for premium content. You can give it away in exchange for an email address. Take a blog post or a video that you’ve got and offer an extra bonus as a PDF. Make your users give up their emails to get the upgrade. Brian from Backlinko added “Download PDF version of this article” in exchange for an email. Instantly he saw a 785% increase in conversions! Other folks utilize the same technique on their YouTube channels, offering “Download the PDF transcription of this video”. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack # 2 – How Negative Headlines Lead to +63% CTR:

Outbrain is the leading native content advertiser. They compared 65,000 paid blog article advertisement titles that contained positive (“always” or “best”) superlatives, negative (“never” or “worst”) superlatives and no superlatives. The result? Headlines with negative superlatives performed 30% better than ones without superlatives. And the average click-through rate on headlines with negative superlatives was a staggering 63% higher than that of their positive counterparts. Source: __________________________

Taktical Growth Hacks

Growth Hack #3 – Copy the Onboarding Flows of Famous Apps:

  Don’t copy brand name onboarding/activation flows because they’re famous; copy them because THEY WORK. Major apps with massive user bases have already trained people to follow a set activation flow. Your new users are probably already their existing users! So, let them do what they’re used to and set up your onboarding to be similar to the major players'. Source: 500 Startups __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – Recommend What to Buy for 25% More Customers:  

When showing multiple offers, an emphasized product suggestion might be a good idea as people need a little nudge. Some psychology studies out there suggest that the more choice there is, the lower the chances of a decision actually being made and acted upon. In order to combat such analysis paralysis, try emphasizing and highlighting certain options above others. When GoodUI tried this, they saw a 25% boost. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack # 2 – Tactics to Turn Blog Readers into Paying Customers:

Here are some ways you can turn your blog readers into customers: 1. Use retargeting ads. These ads display only for people who have visited your website in the past. How to do it: Place a remarketing pixel on your blog to capture your audience -> Add remarketing ads -> CTR (Click thru rate): 0.2% 2. Place Hellobar on your blog -> Average Newsletter subscribers: 3.53% 3. Place a popup on your blog -> Average Newsletter subscribers: 0.5% - 2% 4. Opt-in form at the end of each blog post -> Newsletter subscribers: 0.75% - 2% 5. Offer free webinars using Google Hangouts for your subscribers -> Free trial signups: 41% convert to –> Paying customers: 12.1% of the time Source:  __________________________

Taktical growth hacks

Growth Hack #3 – "Shrink" Your Price, Grow Your Sales:

Copyblogger set up a free trial program that customers can sign up for and tested it between two phrases: 1. “a $5 fee” 2. “a small $5 fee” The second phrase was able to increase sign-up rates by over 20%. We found that the emphasis on the “small” fee made it much easier for even the pickier customers to deal with . Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – Free Stuff Sells 82% More Than a Good Deal: 

Everyone wants a good deal. But, when deciding to give your customers an offer that's either a discount/bundle or includes free items, the choice is clear. This A/B test proved what the people want –and increased sales by 82%. 1. A package deal of a cupcake and 2 cookies for $10. 2. A cupcake for $10 + 2 cookies for free. For the same cost, this study showed that people buy option #2 at a 82% higher rate than #1. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack # 2 – Smooth the Transition from Trial to Paid:

Asking your users to pay after their trial expires is a hard stop to the user’s experience. Try to do it in a softer way. Give them an option after their trial period has expired: 1. Select your paid plan OR 2. Request a 5 day extension (ask them for their credit card information, but let them know they won’t be charged yet). Trial extensions converted to paid customers at a rate of 66%. Source: __________________________

Taktical tips and tricks

Growth Hack #3 – Turn a Feedback Tool On Your Competition:

The company User Testing offers a chance for real people test your website or product, then get feedback on what they liked and didn’t like. Its the focus group for the 21st century. But why stop there? Use on your RIVALS. Find out what they’re doing right and wrong, get inspired, and find opportunities. Source: 500 Startups __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – Capitalize on the Fear of Missing Out: 

Insecurity is an effective tool to attract new customers. Limiting access to a product or service to members triggers an emotional response –the fear of missing out is more effective than logic. This strategy is all about offering an exclusive product. One example could be the professional social network Ello, which only allows people who receive invites to sign up on the ad-free site. Gmail also employed the invite-only strategy when it was launched. Having a Gmail account became so in demand, invites were sold on eBay with bids going as high as $150. Owning a Gmail account meant being part of an exclusive circle and thus created a huge demand. Apply the same concept to your brand: Create a sense of exclusivity that will make customers hop into action before they miss out. __________________________

Growth Hack # 2 – Leverage Loss Aversion to Drive Sales:

Loss aversion is simple: People prefer to avoid losing something rather than gaining something of equal value. They’d choose not to lose five bucks than to gain five bucks. Why? Because they didn’t have the five dollars in the first place. Simply failing to gain it doesn’t hurt that badly. But in the first scenario, they already have the five bucks. If they lose it, that comes right out of their pockets. Two examples of loss aversions headlines: Taktical tips and tricks Taktical tips and tricks Both ads focus on loss-aversion tactics to get users fearful and hooked into clicking. These ads make users think that they are going to lose their entire budget if they don’t. Next time you run ads, try using a loss-aversion approach to drive click-through and boost sales. __________________________

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Growth Hack #3 – Switching to a Negative Ad Sentimentality Can Boost CTR 47%:

According to a study by Wordstream on ad sentiment, negative ads can outperform positive ones. For example, the Facebook ad pictured above drove 47% higher click through rates. To figure out which works for your brand, A/B test your ads. Create a variant with a negative sentiment and compare it to the performance of your existing ad creative. Just make sure you test it for long enough to actually measure the results (2 weeks should be enough)! Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – Land More Press Features With "Exclusive Research": 

More than 500 editors at top sites like BuzzFeed, TIME, Lifehacker, Scientific American, and TechCrunch were asked: “What characteristic does the perfect piece of content possess?” Their responses: 15% said “Emotional Stories” 19% said “Relevant Content” 27% said “Breaking News” 39% said “Exclusive Research” Offer these kinds of stories, and you’ll land more press. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack # 2: Keep Your Subject Line Honest for +100% Cold Email Reply Rate:

Researchers blasted cold emails to 1,000 of the busiest business people in America: C- and VP-level executives from the Fortune 500 and the Inc 500. They A/B-tested 2 different subject lines with the same body content: 1. “Quick Question” 2. “15 Second Question for Research on Annoying Emails” Results: The open rate was almost the same: ~50%. But! By over-promising on the time commitment with the “15 Second” subject line, they turned some recipients off. As a result, reply rates were very different: 1. “Quick Question” — 66.7% of total replies 2. “15 Second Question …” — 33.3% That’s a TWO times difference. __________________________

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Growth Hack #3 - Use Influencers to Get Your Blog Posts Read:

Headlines are 90% of the battle when it comes to getting clicks and shares for blogs. The next 10% is engaging the audience. Here's a strategy that's sure to attract more readers: 1. Jump on 2. Examine highly shared blog posts and emulate their title styles. 3. Write a blog post that mentions popular people on Twitter. 4. Publish the blog post and tweet at the popular people you mention. 5. Get retweeted 6. Repeat Source: Ilan Nass __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – Remarket to YouTube Viewers: 

Jordan Gutierrez, from Wishpond, found after a bunch of A/B tests that YouTube video ads are, by far, the most effective retargeting tool out there. But YouTube does not support remarketing pixels. You can, however, still create a remarketing list only out of people who watched your videos. In order to handle this, Wishpond`s team created and embedded short videos for each of their most popular articles. Here's how you can do it even more easily: - Create a white-screen video without sound, 1 second in length. - Autoplay it on every page with this invisible code: Source: __________________________

Growth Hack # 2: How MailChimp Promotes their New Products:

Instead of taking you directly to their home site - as many web apps usually do - Mailchimp displays their latest products or features in the logout screen. They take advantage of that user action to get a last opportunity in grabbing your attention. If you want to see it live, sign out of your Mailchimp account. Or, go directly to their to see where you are redirected/what products are offered after your sign out. Source: __________________________

Taktical tricks and tips

Growth Hack #3: Catch 30% More Lost Sales With PayPal:

Did you know, that the average amount of lost sales due to “card declined” error is 2-5%? Here is a simple technique that helped recoup 30% of those “Card Declined” abandonments: Baymard, in the credit card error message, simply added a suggestion to “Pay with PayPal”. 30% of the people who’s credit cards failed went ahead with PayPal. Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – The 3 Magic Words of Mobile Advertising: 

As an organization devoted to optimization and digital testing, AdBasis created a LOT of ad tests. We’re talking over 3,000 ad tests in 2015. This is what they found after all that testing: No matter what industry, vertical, or audience, there are three magic words that can drastically improve your mobile ad conversion rate when strung together in your description line. It doesn’t matter if you’re B2B or B2C, you need mobile-specific content and these three words will help. What are these 3 magic words? 1. From 2. Your 3. Phone The average increase in ad conversion rate based on the 42 positive examples is +36.6%. And, 12 times out of 48 this test more than doubled conversion rate (100%+ lifts). Source: __________________________

Growth Hack # 2: Increase Sales 55% by Simplifying Checkout:

A case study of an online shopping cart by Lemonstand took a look at the options available at checkout. Usually, in addition to the “Proceed to Checkout” button, many stores also have large “Remove” and “Empty Cart”buttons. This seems to be common practice, as if retailers think their customers enjoy filling up their carts and then emptying them in one fell swoop. By removing the other two buttons besides checkout, the store saw a 55% increase in conversion rates! Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #3: Ask These 2 Questions for a 16% Lift in Conversions:

Hootsuite asked their landing page visitors two questions. 1. Do you have enough information to make a purchase? 2. (if No) What other information would be more helpful? Armed with their survey results, Hootsuite had a clear path to take action and revamp their landing page. After making these changes, they enjoyed a 16% lift in conversions.  Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – +178% Repeat Business With a Loyalty Card Trick:

In one Shopify case study, researchers handed out loyalty cards at a car wash. The cards offered a stamp for every car wash the customer bought. Half of the cards had spots for eight stamps, with a free car wash offered for collecting all eight. The other half had spots for ten stamps, but two of the spots came pre-stamped (oooooooo vs ooooooooXX). The result? The pre-stamped cards resulted in 178% more repeat business than the unstamped ones. Source: Shopify __________________________ Growth Hack #2 – Direct Link Promo Codes to Keep People on Your Site: ComScore found that 27% of people who searched for a coupon code never returned to purchase. So how can you re-claim those customers? 1. Remove a coupon code field. 2. Use direct links, which have a coupon code attached. Example: Macy’s, a large department store, added a link to “Find one now” near “Have a promo code?” The link shows page listings with current discount codes, keeping customers on their site. Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #3 – Boost Revenue 367% by Investing in Your Churned Free Trial Users:

Site conversion optimizer PopcornMetrics increased their revenue 367% in 12 weeks. This is what they did: They focused on helping their churned (lost) free trial users become successful in achieving their goals by using their product with deep 1-on-1s.  They tweaked code, gave useful info, spent hours on Skype — whatever it took. After a while that un-scalable hustling turned into scalable texts, videos, tutorials, onboarding emails, FAQ section, etc., which boosted their conversions. __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 – Reduce Image Size by 50% for Better SEO:

Lots of people forget that a big part of your Google rankings is based on how quickly your website loads.  You can check yours with Google's own “Pagespeed Insights” tool. The most common problem facing websites is unoptimized images. SEO ninja Jacob Hagberg suggests this quick hack: Optimize images with the “LOSSY” Filter from This reduces the image size by 50% without loss of quality. Source: Jacob Hagberg at InitialEffort __________________________

Growth Hack #2 – One Word to Increase Email Open Rate by 79%:

Your email subject line is the difference between a recipient opening or ignoring your message. Check out the impact in email open rates when you use one of these words in the subject line. Positive: - Free: +2% - Freebie: +26% - Urgent: +79%  - Thank you: +57% Negative: - Cancelled: -40% - Helping: -12%  - Donate: -56%  - Last chance: -45% Source: __________________________

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 Growth Hack #3 – 2X More Leads With Fast Email Follow-Up

Fast email follow-up for leads (within 1 hour or better yet 1 minute) gets TWICE as high response rate and less time / fewer calls to qualify. Get notified, then call them back immediately! Some ways to get fast notifications: - Email alert or Zapier to get lead notifications - ToutApp or Hubspot for 1:1 email tracking notifications Source: __________________________  

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Growth Hack #1 – Make the Front Page of Reddit: 

Datastories analyzed 4 million data points to see what makes it to the front page of Reddit. Here's what they discovered: #1. 5pm - 9pm PST is the hottest upvote time. #2. Images get many more upvotes than text posts. #3. Very positive or very negative posts perform significantly better than neutral ones. #4. Text posts get more comments and stay on the front page longer. #5. These 5 sub-reddits completely dominate the front page of Reddit: r/funny, r/pics, r/gifs, r/TodayILearned, r/gaming #6. Putting a number in your headline increases the chances of being among the top posts. #7. Internal self-posts live significantly longer than external posts. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 – Send Push Notifications After Work Hours for Maximum Impact:

Leanplum, a mobile marketing automation tool, broke down 671 million pushes to uncover some interesting trends on time of day targeting for push notifications. Pushes sent and opened trends upward throughout the day, with a small peak around noon, a slightly larger one around 3pm, and the largest in the evening. The post-evening trend is interesting: After 6pm pushes that were opened starts to trend higher, relative to previous hours. Meanwhile, pushes sent is lower. This indicates that while mobile apps are delivering a ton of pushes leading up to evening, it's more effective to time them post-evening, when engagement is highest. This makes sense when you consider that after work, people are more likely to be winding down and checking their phones. Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #3 – +28% Conversion Rate With HTML Buttons in Email:

Campaign Monitor sent their emails with the Call to Action as a link at the bottom. Then they changed the link to an HTML button like the one in the picture above. Result: their click-throughs increased by 28%. Buttons are more clickable than links. Source: __________________________  

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Growth Hack #1 - Increase Conversions 40% Using Data:

One of these two headlines performed better than the other: 1st – “The simple test that increased our referrals”. 2nd – “The simple test that increased our referrals by 30%”. The second looks more promising. But by how much? +40%! Data makes your headlines stronger. Here is the go-to massive resource with all kinds of data for more compelling headlines: Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Convert Trial Users to Paid Faster With a Discount:

Does your product have a free trial? If so, you know how important it is to get people to stay on after the trial period ends. Try this: Somewhere in the middle of that trial, offer users a one time chance to end their free trial early in exchange for a big discount on the first month of using the product. Send an email, text, or push notification from your app that reads something like: “End Trial Now - Get 1 Month Free. This special offer expires in 59:59 minutes [countdown].” Source: GrowthHacks __________________________ Taktical tricks and tips

Growth Hack #3 - Improve E-Commerce Conversions by Removing Social Share Buttons: removed social sharing buttons from its product pages. This increased ‘add to cart’ actions by 11.9%. Why? The number of shares on most of the product pages was zero. While a high number of shares and likes act as a positive reinforcement, the opposite is also true. A low number of shares breeds distrust in the mind of the customer about both the company and the quality of the product. Social proof can work both ways. Source: __________________________  

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Growth Hack #1 - Break Up With Bad Email Subscribers:

Segment out subscribers that haven’t engaged with your recent messages and send them another email telling them you’re breaking up with them if they don’t respond. Use a subject line that makes this very clear: “This is the last time you’ll hear from me …” / “I’ll never email you again, unless ….” Within the email, ask them to click a link to re-confirm that they want to keep receiving your emails. You’ll maintain a much more engaged, focused, and valuable subscriber base. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Reduce Facebook Ads Cost by 41%:

Facebook ads pro Aaron Zakowski found that displaying right side ads is the best choice if you're working with a small budget. Though you can’t get the same volume as Newsfeed ads, cost per signup from right side ads is about 41% lower than from desktop newsfeed ads. Source: __________________________ Taktical tips and tricks

Growth Hack #3 - Increase Signups by 26% With Gradual Engagement Instead of a Hasty Sign Up:

Instead of asking visitors to sign up immediately, why not ask them to first perform a task through which something of value is demonstrated? During such initial interactions, the product can show off its benefits while also lending itself to personalization. Once users begin to see your product’s value and see how they can make it their own, they will then be more open to sharing additional information with you. Gradual engagement is really a way to postpone the sign up process as much as possible while still allowing clients to use and customize your application or product. GoodUI tried this and found a 26% increase in signups. Source: __________________________  

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Growth Hack #1 - What's the NUMBER ONE Reason People Abandon Shopping Carts on Ecommerce Sites?:

Unexpected shipping costs. Seriously. A survey by Visual Website Optimizer found that 28% of shoppers who abandoned their carts did so because of unexpected shipping costs, the greatest cause cited by respondents. The solution: You can charge for shipping, but be visible about it. Include it on the product page so that your users know exactly what they’ll be paying. People don’t mind paying for shipping; they just don’t like being surprised. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Bullets are Sharp:

  • Bullets make
  • your copy
  • more readable
A case study by Lemonstand found that switching from a wall of text to bullet points helped some stores increase conversion rates by 78%. Source: __________________________ tips from Taktical - B2B leads

Growth Hack #3 - Trying to Gain B2B Leads? Change Your Tone:

Which copy tone will result in a higher rate of lead inquiries?
  1. Selling tone: You are one step away from getting free access to …, our award winning [product] quickly…made…try
  2. Helping tone: We are just here to provide you with whatever assistance you need in [reaching customer's goal] …
Result? A helping tone led to a 349% increase in total lead inquiries. Source: __________________________  

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Growth Hack #1 - 200K Visitors a Month from Long Tail SEO:

The longer the keyword, the easier it is to rank well on Google. Neil Patel gets 238,195 visitors/month from long tail phrases. Here's how you can start using long-tail keywords in your content: 1. Log into your Google Analytics -> “Acquisition” -> “Keywords” -> “Organic” 2. Take each short keyword phrase (<4 words) and type it into Google one by one to see what other long tail phrases (>/=4 words) it might suggest 3. Edit your page, utilizing these long tail phrases. Note: Make sure your keyword density is below 3%. __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - +40% Contest Conversions by Being Specific:

What's the difference in this contest copy: "$500 giveaway” vs “October $500 giveaway”? A research project that analyzed 3 million visitors showed that, when you specify the month of the contest, conversion rates increase by an astounding 40%. Source: __________________________ Taktical tips - more sales

Growth Hack #3 - 300% More Sales Leads When You Address a Customer Pain Point:

Gr8tFires - which makes wood-burning stoves and fireplaces - discovered that one of the biggest customer pain points is the cost of installation. So what did they do? 1. They installed an exit popup (shows up when you are about to abandon the page). 2. In the popup they offered an installation calculator for free in exchange for an email address. Result: a 300% increase in monthly sales leads. Source: __________________________  

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Growth Hack #1 - Search on Google for More Sales Through Linkedin:

LinkedIn allows you to search only inside your network, up to 3rd connections. This rule can come back to bite when you are entering a new market and have a lack of connections or leads. Here is a hack to overcome this barrier and use the platform to increase sales: Go to Google and search any (or all) of the following: 1) AND [job title] 2) AND [company] 3) AND [skill/category] 4) AND [company] AND [job title] 5) AND VP OR SVP OR EVP OR Director OR Manager OR SalesOps Let the leads pour in. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Losing Sucks More Than Winning Rules:

In a psychological study, all subjects were given $50. And then they were asked to choose: #1A. Keep $30. #2A. Have a 50/50 chance of keeping or losing $50. And later: #1B. Lose $20. #2B. Have a 50/50 chance of keeping or losing $50. Result: #2B was chosen at a 43% higher rate than #2A. People hate losing. What this means for you: Instead of “Save $20 Now!!” try “If you Don’t Sign Up Now, You’ll Lose Your $20 Credit!” Source: __________________________ hacks from Taktical - blue button

Growth Hack #3 - Increase CTR Using a Blue Button:

3Q Digital queried their database for ads that contained rectangles that made up less than 33 percent of the canvas (Buttons, basically). They ran a query on the typical color of buttons created and posed the question, “Which button color works best?” The answer is blue. When blue buttons are compared to others, the blue button color yields an average increase to CTR of 6.19 percent. No other color had a common trend of increased CTR. Source: __________________________  

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growth hacks from Taktical - popup

Growth Hack #1 - How Long Before Should You Wait to Have an Email Popup...Popup?

The Answer? 5 Seconds. is a great tool for setting up Full screen Email Popups The entry pop-up is exactly what it sounds like: A pop-up form is activated when a visitor first enters your site. Often these forms block the view of the majority of the screen, forcing engagement. Source: SumoMe __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Attract Great Talent With a Human Touch:

Your growth depends on a great team, but it’s hard to compete with giants in the marketplace. Try to include a “Who You’ll Work With” section in your job posting as a personal touch that’s rarely applied. It stands out and adds a human element in a meaningful way. Here's what to include: 1. Highlight the 3-4 people they’ll work closest with. 2. Place emphasis on why it’s rewarding to work with them. 3. Include at least one person in a leadership role. Bonus: Include articles from your peers about your company culture. Source: __________________________ growth hacks from Taktical - CTA button

Growth Hack #3 - Double Your Clicks By Using Buttons in Email Campaigns:

Research shows that most people scan email campaigns rather than reading them word-for-word. Using buttons for your call to action means they will stand out to skimmers while text links will often go overlooked. Campaign Monitor tested this theory, running a campaign where one version had a button to get the click, and another had text. The result? 127% more clicks! Source: __________________________  

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Taktical tips - YouTube subscribers

Growth Hack #1 - Increase YouTube Subscribers By 400%:

We all know the power of YouTube when it comes to customer engagement through video. So how can you get even more viewers? Simply add “?sub_confirmation=1” at the end of your Youtube channel URL. For example: Link users from all of your videos, website, tweets, blog, etc. to this URL. Everybody will see a popup “Confirm Channel Subscription”, which ended up increasing YouTube subscribers by 400%. __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - 33 Powerful Words to Transform Your Copy:

The importance of copy can't ever be underestimated. 33 surefire words to turbo-charge the authority of your headlines, product names, buttons, and email subject lines: Iron clad, Proven, Validate, Authentic, Genuine, Bona fide, Legitimate, Reliable, Official, Final, Backed, Guaranteed, Research, Studies, Results, Solution, Honest, Complete, Psychological, Comprehensive, All-Inclusive, Absolute, Definitive, Authoritative, Conclusive, Authority, Surefire, Formula, Strategy, Expert, Report, Document, Literally, Powerful. Source: __________________________

 Taktical tips - Twitter

Growth Hack #3 - Steal Your Competitors' Fans on Twitter:

Competitors or related companies might have a huge following on Twitter. Use this to your advantage and hack their growth! Step 1: Visit, and download a report on your target Twitter account’s followers (a free account can get you 50,000 contacts). Step 2. Submit the list of usernames and URLs to Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and crowdsource the email addresses. Step 3. Pop these users into a google mail merge (or the mailing software of your choice) with the subject line “I saw you follow xxxxxx”. Step 4. Profit from their success __________________________

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Taktical hacks - abandoned cart

Growth Hack #1 - Rescue 30% of Cart Abandonment With Another Way to Pay:

Did you know, that the average amount of lost sales due to “card declined” error is 2-5%? Here is a simple technique that helped recoup 30% of those “Card Declined” abandonments. Baymard simply added a suggestion to “Pay with PayPal” in the credit card error message. 30% of the people whose credit cards failed, went ahead with PayPal. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Don't Be Afraid to Post on Weekends:

Ever wonder why this weekly newsletter goes out on Sunday? No competition. You’re not busy on Sunday at 4pm, so you can open this email and enjoy. Apparently, the same is true for Facebook. Quicksprout analyzed 8 BILLION (with a B) Facebook posts and found that the weekend is your best bet (Along with posting between 9pm and 11pm local time) for optimal engagement. Source: __________________________ Taktical hacks - open email

Growth Hack #3 - A 1-Minute Hack to Increase Your Email Open Rate:

Do you send mass marketing emails? We do! And here's a trick that works for us: 1. Take the SAME email you sent and CHANGE the subject line to something new. 2. Email it out a week later JUST TO YOUR NON-OPENS. 3. Get 30%+ more opens --> Profit! Source: __________________________  

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Taktical Growth Hacks - emojis

Growth Hack #1 - Emoji CTAs Increase Facebook Ad Engagement +386%:

Aaron Zakowski ran a test to see how he could get more people to click ‘play’ on his Facebook video ads. His solution? Add some emojis of speakers to get people to click for sound. Result: The ad with the emoji CTA had 1.7% of viewers click the play button for sound while the version without it only had 0.35% of people click the play button. That’s an improvement of 386% for the version with the emoji CTA. __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Add Popup Annotations to Mobile Youtube Videos:

YouTube has 1.3 billion users who watch 5 billion videos every day and more than half of YouTube views come from mobile devices. Adding annotations to a video boosts your views/retention, but annotations don’t show up on mobile! Here’s how to fix it: Use YouTube Cards instead. 1. Go to your YouTube channel. 2. Click your video. 3. Click on the cards icon. 4. Press “Add card” Source: __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - WhatsApp

Growth Hack #3 - Increase Sharing 38% By Adding a WhatsApp Button:

BuzzFeed tested WhatsApp’s share button and found that 38% more people share via WhatsApp than via Twitter. Aviary said that WhatsApp shares were almost the same level as Facebook and Instagram. This is all probably because WhatsApp has 900M users (vs. Twitter`s 300M), plus the open rate is over 90%. How to embed the share button: 1. WordPress plugin 2. AddToAny widget Source: __________________________  

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Taktical Growth Hacks - redheads in ads

Growth Hack #1 - The Right Hair Color in Your Ad Can Boost CTR Over 60%:

Bear with us on this one: Matthew Woodward ran a funny experiment through Facebook ads. He set 3 advertising campaigns. Everything was identical except for the hair colors of the women featured in the images. He included: - A blonde woman - A brunette - A redhead Can you guess the result? Redheads get 40.4% greater CTR than brunettes and 66.6% higher CTR than blondes. We did warn you this was weird. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Improve CTR By Featuring Images With People:

When selecting the background or main images to use in your display ads, using images that contain people is the most reliable bet. Researchers examined 60 brands. Overall, ads that contain images of people have a 12% higher CTR than those which do not. The takeaway: people like people! Source: __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - minimalist LP

Growth Hack #3 - Less is More for +844% Landing Page Conversions:

The HOTH had a typical landing page with sections like: Video, Signup form, Featured at, Description, How it works, Money back guarantee, Fanatical support, Team. They then created a super minimalist page with only: - sign-up form - 6 word title - 8 word subtitle Result: Account signups increased from 1.39% to 13.13% (up by 844%)! Source: __________________________

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Taktical Growth Hacks - survey

Growth Hack #1 - Triple Survey Conversion Rates With These 4 Tips:

When you need to survey your users and have a lot of fields for them to fill in, this trick is for you. Formstack analyzed over 650,000 form users. Conversion rates more than TRIPLED when: 1. Fields are spread out over multiple web pages. 2. They have bigger fonts. 3. They have “Save and resume” options. 4. They include Progress bars. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - +71% Referral Success:

Gogobot app decided to personalize each download that came from an invite. In each message that went out to other users, they inserted a Branch link embedded with their referring friend’s name, profile pic and user ID. The result: Users who saw a personalized welcome from their friend signed up at a 71% higher rate. Source: __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - blog views

Growth Hack #3 - Six Steps to Increase Blog Engagement:

Having trouble getting blog posts read? Headlines are 90% of the battle when it comes to getting clicks and shares for blogs. The next 10% is engaging the audience. Here's how to increase viewership on your blog: 1. Jump on 2. Examine highly shared blog posts and copy their title styles 3. Write a blog post that mentions popular people on Twitter 4. Publish the blog post and tweet at the popular people you mention 5. Get retweeted 6. Repeat Source: Ilan Nass __________________________  

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Taktical Growth Hacks - sales strategy

Growth Hack #1 - Increase Free Trial Signups 500% By NOT Asking for Payment:

Totango released an interesting study that showed the difference between asking for credit card info upfront vs. later in a free trial. The results? Letting users submit payment later increased signups for the free trial by 500%. It also increased overall paid customers by 50%. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - +25% Purchases Completed With Product Recommendations:

When showing multiple offers, some people need a little nudge. Emphasize a product suggestion to get them to commit. The more choice there is, then the lower the chances a decision is made. In order to combat such analysis paralysis, try emphasizing and highlighting certain options above others. When one company tried this, they saw a 25% boost in purchases. Source: __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - online payment

Growth Hack #3 - Increase Sales 55% By Removing Clutter:

A case study of a shopping cart by Lemonstand took a look at the checkout process for ecommerce. Usually, in addition to the “Proceed to Checkout” button, many stores also have large “Remove” and “Empty Cart” buttons. This makes it easy for their customers to fill up their carts and then empty them in one fell swoop. By removing the other two buttons and only leaving the option to check out, the store saw a 55% increase in conversion rates! Source: __________________________

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Growth Hack #1 - Increase Conversions for Software +20% Using Videos:

HubSpot redesigned its website, and during their research they found that 65% of their users preferred to learn about a new software with a video. They emphasized the video and edited it down to be more efficient. The result: 20% more conversions from the previous version. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Make Your Stories Go Viral With These 6 Emotional Combinations:

After examining six different psychological studies that analyzed content, 6 emotional combinations (formulas) were determined to generate a viral value that exceeded the normal threshold. These combinations are made up of feelings that inspire a level of arousal and dominance vs. submission. Arousal goes from excitement to relaxation: Enthusiasm is high-arousal, while boredom is a low-arousal emotion. Dominance and submission refer to how ‘in control’ someone is over an emotion. For example, fear is a submissive emotion, while passion is a dominant one. Here are the 6 combinations that make content go viral: 1. High-arousal positive dominant emotions: These include love, passion, enthusiasm, lyricism, curiosity, triumph, and the like. These emotions are often driven to the extreme. 2. High-arousal positive dominant emotions: These include the same reactions as above, with the inclusion of surprise and shock. 3. High-arousal negative submissive emotions: Emotions like terror, panic, fear, shock, envy, desperation, jumpiness, frustration, disgust, and sickness are included in this category. 4. High-arousal positive submissive emotions: this category echoes that of its dominant counterpart, but without a sense of control. It also includes shock and surprise. 5. Low-arousal negative submissive emotions: Including boredom, embarrassment, compassion, humility, melancholy, and apologetic feelings, it can also include shock and surprise. 6. Low-arousal positive submissive emotions: this reaction solicits feelings of relaxation, contentment, relief, gratefulness, and the like. __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - Google Snippet box

Growth Hack #3 - +114% CTR By Getting into Google's Snippet Box:

Google’s Featured Snippet is the box at the top of the results page that displays the direct instructions that have been pulled from your webpage. Matthew Barby recently analyzed patterns of results appearing in the featured snippets. He saw an average increase in CTR of over 114%, and that’s even if they were already ranking #1 on page one. Here are his findings: 1. The query should be either, “how to,” “what is,” “how do,” or “how does". 2. It doesn’t matter whether your page takes 1st or 10th position (not further then 10th). 3. The search query should be in h1, h2, h3 or h4, etc. 4. The answer to the query should be placed in a tag directly below the header. 5. The answer should be between 54–58 words long. Source: __________________________

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Taktical Growth Hacks - AdWords

Growth Hack #1 - How to Hack AdWords for Your Startup:

During Techstars, AdHawk validated two things from their time on the AdWords team at Google: 1. Paid advertising is a lucrative channel for achieving the hockey stick growth model we all crave 2. AdWords is just as mysterious to Bob’s Bait Shop as it is for the savviest of tech entrepreneurs Many of the startups they encountered need help starting their VERY FIRST campaign on Twitter, Facebook, and Google. So, they created this guide that they then presented to hundreds of entrepreneurs at Techstars, Galvanize, and 500Startups. Get ready to break down some barriers, skip the learning curve, and hack Google AdWords for your startup. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Use Insights to Make the Front Page of Reddit:

Datastories analyzed 4 million data points to see what makes it on the front page of Reddit: #1. 5pm - 9pm PST is the hottest upvote time. #2. Images get much more upvotes than text posts. #3. Very Positive or Very Negative posts perform significantly better than Neutral ones. #4. Text posts get more comments and stay on the front page longer. #5. These 5 Sub-Reddits completely dominate the front page of Reddit: r/funny, r/pics, r/gifs, r/TodayILearned, r/gaming #6. Putting a number in your headline increases chances of being among the top posts. #7. Internal self-posts LIVE SIGNIFICANTLY LONGER than external posts. Source: __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - conversions

Growth Hack #3 - +240% Conversions by Optimizing Old Blog Posts:

The team from Hubspot noticed that most of their old blog posts convert into email leads very poorly. Here is what they did (you can do the same on Google Analytics): 1. Ordered their most popular blog posts (URLs) by the conversion rate (into emails). 2. For each URL they looked through specific keywords people were using to find a post. 3. Optimized CTAs to fit the most popular keyword. For example, for their article “How to Write a Press Release” the most popular Google keyword was “press release template". They created a CTA “Download press release templates”. After the change, their conversions into emails increased by 240%. Source: __________________________

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Growth Hacks:

Taktical Growth Hacks - skim read

Growth Hack #1 - Boost Readability 20X With Clear Headlines:

An eye tracking study conducted by the University of Trier found the following three things when studying mobile device use: 1. Only 5% of users pay careful attention when reading 2. 58% of the audience skimmed, but bold headings helped orient readers 3. 37% only paid attention to headings Use BOLD, concise, and direct headings to increase readability. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Three Ways to Use Popups and Increase Conversions 91%:

1. When testing popups, Robbie Richards found that those displaying upon page load led to over a 91% higher conversion rate than when shown before a customer exited a page. 2. Viewers leave your page every second. Showing a form immediately when a page loads converts 13.11% better than one even 10 seconds later. 3. Many sites offer a free ebook in exchange for an email address. Simply by including an ebook image within the form, you can increase conversion rate by 110.72%. Source: __________________________

Taktical Growth Hacks - sharing icons

Growth Hack #3 - Offer the Right Amount of Sharing Options:

Neil Patel is one of the masters of online marketing. However, when he increased Quick Sprout’s sharing options from 3 to 5, overall share rates DROPPED by 29%. Overloading people with options will cause them to quit. Source: __________________________

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Growth Hacks:

Taktical Growth Hacks - email open

Growth Hack #1 - Get Your Emails Delivered, No Matter What:

Every time you add a new subscribers to your list or send out an email, it’s important to make sure those users “whitelist” your brand. So what does this mean? Whitelisting increases deliverability to your entire system – not just a specific user. It also protects you from being sent to spam. made a detailed list of instructions outlining exactly how to get this done – regardless of email server. Whenever you’re being sent to spam, you should send these instructions to subscribers. You could also include them in your newsletter autoresponder. You can even automate the process to send the right instructions to the right user. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Optimize a Dedicated Landing Page to Boost Signups by 30%:

A PPC ad campaign run by Secret Escapes A/B/C tested landing pages for the same keyword. Here’s what happened: - Version A: Stayed as is. - Version B: Included a spa-related image → 26% more sign-ups - Version C: Added photo and put ‘spa’ in headline → 32% more sign-ups By combining evocative imagery with text, your brand can boost sign-ups to a specific landing page by over 30%. Source: __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - spam blocker

Growth Hack #3 - Avoid Inbox Blacklisting In 4 Easy Steps:

The fastest way to end up blacklisted is to send unwanted sales pitches to people who didn’t even sign up for them in the first place. Incorporating these four strategies will deliver the results you want instead of landing you in spam boxes: 1. Welcome emails: this content explains to new clients what it is that you do/can provide. 2. Drip and newsletter campaigns: these messages should stay true to the welcome email, providing valuable and relevant information to your audience. 3. Sharing is NOT caring: Avoid sharing or farming your list to brands that have nothing to do with your services; this can alienate users. 4. Maintain quality: Monitor your email content with tools like to avoid being sent to spam Source: 500 startups __________________________

In Depth Articles:

TOP DIGITAL MARKETING TRENDS FOR 2018 How Brennan Dunn Increased Sales by 70% Using Website Personalization  

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Growth Hacks:

Taktical Growth Hacks - SMS

Growth Hack #1 - Boost Sales 100% With SMS:

After noticing that a large portion of their purchases were coming straight from mobile, Bohemian Guitars decided to experiment with their sales strategy. The brand included an option to send customers a text message (SMS) directly from their site. The gamble paid off big-time: directly texting customers led to about a 98% increase in sales. Source: 500 startups __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - How to Get 1000+ Subscribers in One Day From Twitter Influencers:

In 2013, Alex Turnbull came from out of nowhere and published a blog that quickly built relationships with some of the biggest influencers. For four weeks, he followed a checklist and was able to catch the attention of these major players. As a result, his blog got over 5,000 subscribers in 5 weeks. Here’s how he did it: 1. Figure out which influencers align with your audience 2. Pick the ones that will gain value from your content 3. Follow them on Twitter 4. Reply to two of their tweets and post two comments on their blog 5. Contact the influencer directly with a personal email that shares two of your blog posts 6. Craft a personal email pitch (here's an example) and end it by asking, “Do you mind if I send a link?” These six easy steps are a sure-fire way to build meaningful connections with your industry’s most influential players. Here’s Alex’s full checklist and worksheet. Source: __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - retention

Growth Hack #3 - Earn Up to 16X More From Return Customers:

Your relationship with customers doesn't stop after one-time sales. Instead, fostering a sense of loyalty among previous clients can be a big boost to your business. The White House Office of Consumer Affairs stated that loyal customers, on average, can end up being 10X more profitable than their initial purchase. Bain and Company backed this idea up, claiming that retaining 5% more customers can increase profit by a whopping 25%. To prove this once and for all, the Harvard Business Review examined Delaware credit card company, MBNA America. They found that when the institution cut their churn rate from 10% to 5%, their profits increased 16 times. It’s even more impressive when you realize that MBNA didn’t make any acquisitions during this period. Keep your current customers happy, and you’ll reap the rewards. Source: __________________________

In Depth Articles:

12 Underrated Google Analytics Features According To The Experts Emojis in Email Marketing Guide + What Experts Say  

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Growth Hacks:

Taktical Growth Hacks - Elvis

Growth Hack #1 - Boost Sales With Just a Thank You:

Offer new subscribers and established customers something that will keep them coming back. One technique that's been shown to work is building a ‘thank you’ page to entice users into interacting further with your products. displayed a thank you page to users who had just registered for their email list. The site tracked these visitors with a pixel so they could follow up with social proof, along with a new product offer. In less than a week, the brand saw: - 2654 opt-ins - Over 6% click rate - 27 purchases (a roughly 16% conversion rate) - Over $1000 in revenue from said opt-ins Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - How to Make Quora Your Marketing Secret Weapon:

Answering a question on a Quora forum can give you widespread exposure, and help you find leads and drive conversions. Great examples of this come when you look at queries for “San Francisco” and “Startup Business Development.” Together, the two topics have a following of over 17,000. Google ranks Quora for each of these terms, driving millions of views to the site every week. Use this to your advantage, and show your expertise by answering questions on Quora. As a result, you could see yourself rising in the SERPs. Source: __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - YouTube

Growth Hack #3 - Boost YouTube Views by Over 150% With Custom Preview Images:

What do 90% of the most successful YouTube videos have in common? According to the YouTube Creator Academy, they all take advantage of custom thumbnails, which essentially provide a snapshot preview of the video. Here are four things to keep in mind when using the tool: 1. Choose distinct thumbnails for each video; don’t stick with the same title screen. Changing it up will alert viewers to new content. 2. Use thumbnails to tell your audience a bit about the video. By contextualizing your image, you can entice viewers into watching your content. 3. Be sure to use high-quality images. Image dimensions of 1280 x 720 pixels are ideal, and if you choose to include text, make sure it’s large enough to be read on any sized screen. 4. During the editing process, zoom in and out to see how your thumbnail will appear on different devices. You can find a device report via YouTube Analytics that will tell you how much of your audience is viewing your content on mobile. Images aren’t the only important thing to keep in mind when posting a new video. Think of your title as another opportunity to get your target audience to click on your video as soon as it goes live. By including these tools in your video marketing strategy, you can boost your YouTube video views by 154%. Source: __________________________

In Depth Articles:

17+ Little Known Psychological Techniques That Will Influence Your Customers to Buy More from You Google ranking factors in 2018 and beyond  

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Growth Hacks:

Taktical Growth Hacks - hashtags

Growth Hack #1 - Reconsider Your Instagram Hashtag Strategy to Boost Engagement: looked at 115 million Instagram posts. They found that – on average – the more hashtags someone used, the less engagement they got. This could mean that: - Quality, engaging content is more important than a bunch of irrelevant hashtags - The most popular influencers are onto something, because they use hashtags differently than the average user, and they still get high levels of engagement. - The average could be hurt by poor posts that use hashtags - Engagement isn’t too affected by hashtags. They could help users find your content faster, but it doesn’t mean they’ll enjoy it. It’s important to also note that the data could be correlated, rather than causated. E.g., people that use a ton of hashtags don’t get much interaction, anyway! Here's a tip: Instead of hashtagging everything, think about directly tagging users. This will actually increase the engagement on your post. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Get More Organic Traffic by Keeping Your Content Fresh:

Continuously update and rework old content to keep it from losing traffic. Here’s how: 1. Go to Google Analytics and select a window of time – this could be anywhere from the last week to the last month. Compare this to the same date range last year, being sure that the dates line up. 2. Access Landing Pages by going to Behavior --> Site Content. 3. Add a second dimension: “Default Channel Grouping”. 4. Narrow it down by setting up an advanced filter to only look for “organic search”. 5. Select all rows by adjusting the numbers at the bottom of the page. 6. Select “show rows,” and export the following data to CSV. By following these simple steps, you can boost your content’s organic traffic, regardless of its age. Source: __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - Twitter

Growth Hack #3 - Increase Your Twitter Following By at Least 25% With These Easy Steps:

By following 100 of the right Twitter influencers every other day, studies have shown that about a quarter of the people you follow will return the favor. This means you'll see a steady boost in both followers and engagement. Here's how to find your next followers: 1. Log in to Buzzsumo and select "Twitter Influencers" 2. Search your target term 3. Make a list of all the resulting handles 4. Visit "Twitter’s Advanced Search" and insert the handles into the field (Clarify ‘people’--’mentioning these accounts’ OR ‘to those accounts’) 5. Search to find everyone who loves to share similar information Source: __________________________

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The Keys to Trello’s Incredible Growth  

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Growth Hacks:

Taktical Growth Hacks - UGC

Growth Hack #1 - + 300% CTR With User Generated Content:

Online companies that highlight user generated content in their ads increase their CTR by 300%, and decrease CPC by 50%. Here's three ways you can start using UGC right now: 1. Release a branded hashtag. 2. Announce a photo contest. 3. Launch a giveaway. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Use the Right Sources to Get People to Trust Your Brand:

Nielsen conducted a global survey to determine the sources that consumer trust most. Here are the top 6: 1. 86% of respondents trust recommendations from people they already know. 2. 70% trust branded websites. 3. 66% trust other consumers' opinions posted online. 4. Articles/editorial content: 66% 5. Brand-sponsored online content: 61% 6. Emails and newsletters they subscribed to: 56% Note: 30% of people suspect a brand is censoring or writing fake recommendations if there are only positive reviews. Source: __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - lead magnet

Growth Hack #3 - How to Make Lead Magnets Work for You Beyond the Opt-In:

Lead magnets and downloadable/free content or offers can incentivize people past the top of the funnel phase. When you use lead magnets further along the funnel, you can: - get more information from subscribers (e.g. phone number, job info) - boost their initial purchase/re-purchase intent Source: 500 startups __________________________

In Depth Articles:

Instagram Statistics: The Big Lessons from our Study of 115 Million Posts Content Optimization: How to Make Content Better  

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Growth Hacks:

Taktical Growth Hacks - email deliverability

Growth Hack #1 - Use the Right Words to Stop Your Emails From Being Sent to Spam:

"Hot words" can either be an email marketer’s best friend or worst enemy when it comes to open rates. The words that get you sent to spam can include: - Sale - Deal - Guaranteed - Hurry - Look inside - Groundbreaking - Once in a lifetime The right words that get people to open your emails are: - Remember - Now - You - New - This Be careful to strike the right balance between appealing/enticing and over-promotional. The latter can send you straight to spam. __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Beat Spam Filters With Direct Links:

Avoid awkwardly requesting your new clients to check their spam or promo tabs to find your emails. For any customers using Gmail – which will be many – give them a direct link like this: This allows them to easily find your emails right away. No need to filter through unrelated folders or messages. The only thing left to do is to change our email to yours! __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - ask a question

Growth Hack #3 - Ask a Question, Increase Conversion Rates 45%:

ReportGarden analyzed 630 million ad impressions and found that three things universally increased conversion and click-through rates in ad design: 1. Inserting a question mark in your headline → +45% CVR 2. Adding “www.” to your Display URL → +54% CTR 3. Including the words “Now” or “Get” in the copy → +20% CVR Source: __________________________

In Depth Articles:

Pricing Page Teardown: Spotify CRO Mastery: 5 Expert-Proven Methods for SaaS Growth  

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Growth Hacks:

Taktical Growth Hacks - Jim Carrey

Growth Hack #1 - Improve SEO By Freshening Up Content:

Google prefers recency, and so do your website visitors. Keep content fresh --> rank higher. Here's what you can do to go from stale to fresh: 1. Include "last updated [RECENT DATE HERE]" in content body. 2. Remove auto date stamps from content. __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Increase the Probability of Purchases 14X With Upselling:

Existing customers are up to 14X more likely to make a purchase than new customers. So what does this mean for you? Upsell new products to existing, happy customers! Once you've made them satisfied customers, they'll be your best source of growth. You just need to deliver on value. Source: __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - international

Growth Hack #3 - Resonate With Your Global Audience With the Right Ad Tonality:

A recent Nielsen’s Global Trust in Advertising study revealed that certain tones in ads resonate more effectively with audiences in different regions of the world. Here's what ad themes work best, and where: - North America, Europe: Humorous - Latin America, Asia: Health; real-life situations - Africa/Middle east: Real-life; family Source: __________________________

In Depth Articles:

How Skyscanner became a global $2bn company by growth hacking instead of marketing What Happens When Data Scientists and Designers Work Together  

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Growth Hack #1 - Give People a Sample of Your Email Content:

At the bottom of your email subscribe pop-up, provide a link to “read a sample”. This way, people can see if they like your content before opting in. People respond better when they can "try before they buy", whether that's spending real money or just giving out their email for free. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Be a Master of Ecommerce Returns:

The best way to master your returns policy is by arming yourself with the most pertinent e-commerce returns facts. The statistics below may come as a surprise. But the numbers certainly tell the whole story. - Over 63% of consumers read the online product returns policy before making a purchase (comScore). - 81% of consumers want a convenient returns policy that is hassle-free with no return shipping cost (UPS). - About one-third of all products ordered online are returned by consumers (WSJ). - When free returns are offered, sales can increase by as much as 357% (CNBC). - When return shipping fees are charged, 81% of consumers are less likely to make a future purchase (Upstream Commerce). - Zappos gets 75% improved customer loyalty, repeat buyers, from free returns, even though they charge more for their products (eCommerce Digest). Source: __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - clock

Growth Hack #3 - The Best Time to Tweet in Each Time Zone:

During a 4 year period, Buffer analyzed over 4.8 million tweets across 10,000 profiles to find the best time to tweet to gain the biggest amount of click-throughs. Here are results for different time zones: Los Angeles (Pacific Time): 2:00 a.m. Denver (Mountain Time): 7:00 p.m. Chicago (Central Time): 2:00 a.m. New York (Eastern Time): 11:00 p.m. Paris (Central European): 2:00 a.m. Istanbul (Eastern European): 8:00 p.m. Sydney (Australian Eastern): 2:00 a.m. Hong Kong (Hong Kong Time): 5:00 a.m. Shanghai (China Time): noon Tokyo (Japan Time): 8:00 a.m. Global (on average): 2:00 a.m. Source: __________________________

In Depth Articles:

How to Build a Successful eCommerce Brand From Scratch How to Make the Customer the Hero of Your Story  

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Growth Hack #1 - Three Ways to Win at Pinterest Ads:

These 3 proven methods will help you excel at Pinterest advertising: 1. Make your best organic Pins your paid Pins: The best Promoted Pins will be your top performing organic Pins. Use your analytics to determine which organic Pins deserve to be promoted. 2. Test variations on how you're getting people to convert: Two distinct funnel methods to test against each other are Pinterest ad --> opt-in page --> email subscribe OR Pinterest ad --> purchase. 3. Keep each campaign to 1 Promoted Pin: Focus your campaign on a single ad, which will likely drive the most impressions anyway. Source: 500 startups __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Boost Engagement With Behavioral Targeting:

A recent Harvard Business Review study looked at 188 undergraduate students' responses to a restaurant's Groupon offer. It revealed that people are more likely to engage with an ad that is targeted to them based on behavior, versus either by demographics or apparently not targeted at all. Essentially, when consumers feel like an ad is meant just for them, they feel special. When they feel special, they're more likely to engage. Source: Harvard Business Review __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - UGC example

Growth Hack #3 - Increase Checkouts 24% With Instagram Photos:

Beauty company Vanity Planet A/B tested their product pages by adding Instagram photos. The pages with customers' Instagram photos outperformed those without. The results? - 24% more people reached checkout from the pages with the Instagram photos - Vanity Planet earned an additional $8,900 in sales over 10 days. Source: __________________________

In Depth Articles:

The Facebook Apocalypse is Here: What You Can Do to Survive 5 Critical Factors for Optimizing Luxury Ecommerce Sites  

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Growth Hack #1 - Use Twitter to Raise Over $1 Million:

So a couple of guys launched a Kickstarter campaign for a new smartwatch and took to Twitter to find people interested in what they were offering right now. To stand out in this saturated platform, they: 1. Entered different keywords relating to the smartwatch market onto Twitter 2. Switched to the "Live" tab (example) 3. Asked users if they would back their Kickstarter and attached a link directly to the campaign By the end of the campaign they raised $1,613,874. Take a look at their tweets here. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Increase Instagram Engagement 23% With Lucky #7:

At a recent conference, there was a study released of how brands use hashtags on Instagram. It looked at 150,000 posts and revealed the magic number of hashtags per post that generate the most engagement: Posts with 7 hashtags were the most successful, and boosted engagement +23%. Here are the rest of the findings: - 1 hashtag: +2% - 2 hashtags: +2.6% - 3 hashtags: +6% - 4 hashtags: +8.9% - 5 hashtags: +12% - 6 hashtags: +17.5% - 8 hashtags: +21.4% - 9 hashtags: +6.5% Source: __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - pop-up ad image

Growth Hack #3 - Improve Your SEO by Abandoning Pop Ups:

Very few website visitors like a pop up ad. As a result, your SEO could take a serious ding. Here's how the domino effect plays out: - A bad ad on a site = poor user experience. - Poor user experience = penalty from Google. If you’re using pop-up ads, takeovers, or interstitials on your website or somewhere else, your ranking ing the SERPs will fall. Avoid this entirely by abandoning the pop up ad strategy and instead implement some tried and true SEO tactics. __________________________

In Depth Articles:

Case Study: How Brize Growth Hacked 800% More Leads for a Client, Then Automated the Sales Process to Close More Deals A tactical guide to creating emotional connections with your customers  

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Growth Hack #1 - Improve Your B2B Marketing Strategy With In-Person Events:

The Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs surveyed 1,820 B2B marketers about their preferred tactics. Of the top 10 strategies identified, 69% said in-person events were the most effective. Meanwhile, 64% listed webinars/webcasts as their top strategy. Here's the rest of the list: 3. Videos: 60% 4. Blogs: 60% 5. Case Studies: 58% 6. White Papers: 58% 7. Research Reports: 58% 8. eNewsletters: 58% 9. eBooks: 55% 10. Microsites: 54% Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Increase Engagement Over 5% on Instagram Using the Right Filter:

TrackMaven took a deep dive into Instagram filters to figure out which are the most successful at boosting engagement. Of the 6 million Instagram posts they analyzed, here's the top 5 list of filters: 1. Hefe: +5.6% 2. Lo-fi: +5.2% 3. Brannan: +5.1% 4. Nashville: +5.0% 5. Kelvin: +4.5% Source: __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - telephone

Growth Hack #3 - Increase Conversions 15X on Your Google Ads By Adding a Phone Number:

A survey conducted by Ipsos revealed that 70% of mobile users call directly from Google search results. By eliminating a step along the funnel, click-to-call leads convert 15.5 times better than web leads. And, clicks on your phone number are the same cost as headline clicks on Google. What are you waiting for? Here's how to add phone numbers to your ads. Source: __________________________

In Depth Articles:

Niche SEO Case Study: The Not-Skyscraper Method Ian Kerins Used to Drive 1.8 Million Unique Visitors to His Blog The Complete Guide to A/B Testing: Expert Tips from Google, HubSpot and More  

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Growth Hack #1 - Use the Right Reading Level to Get a 53% Response Rate:

Boomerang took a look at over 40 million emails. Their goal was determining what reading level earns the most responses. Here are their results: 1. Emails written at a kindergarten reading level: 46% 2. Those written at a 3rd grade reading level: 53% 3. High school: 45% 4. A college reading level: 39% So how to write at a 3rd grade reading level? Use shorter words and shorter sentences. Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - 6 Tools to Track Your Competitors:

It's helpful to keep tabs on your competitors by tracking their keywords, mentions, and more. The following six tools can help with monitoring your competitors, your own company, and even potential clients: 1. Google Alerts 2. 3. SocialMention 4. IFTTT + RSS of sites in your industry 5. Hootsuite 6. Buzzsumo Source: 500 startups __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - YouTube

Growth Hack #3 - +55% Email CTR With Video:

Email Monks and GetResponse conducted research on the effectiveness of a video embedded in an email. Here's what they found: - An embedded video leads to a 55% increase in click-through rates It also results in: - 41% more email sharing and forwarding - 20% increase in ROI. How do you embed a video in Gmail? Check out this guide. Source: GetResponse __________________________

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How I Manage, Motivate and Pay Freelance Blog Writers  

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Taktical Growth Hacks - emotional driversGrowth Hack #1 - Get 5x Click Thru Rates By Using Better Headlines:

You can earn 5 times more traffic from Google with just a simple headline update. Here's what you need to do: 1. In Webmaster Tools, log into your website. 2. Go to "Search Traffic" -> "Search Analytics" 3. Choose "Queries", then tick off: Clicks, Impressions, CTR, Position 4. Press "Download". 5. Open in Excel then select the "CTR" and "position" columns and insert an X vs. Y plot. 6. Right click on the chart area and choose "add trendline" (select an exponential trend line). 7. The resulting graph should look like this. 8. Now take a look at the keywords at the bottom-left of your curve (high position, low CTR), and Google these. 9. Go to Google Analytics and find conversion rates for each link you came across in your search. 10. Start creating and optimizing headlines for these links with the highest conversion rates. __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Increase Content Sharing by 25X With Targeted Promotion:

Multiple experts (Neil Patel, Moz, etc.) say that super long-form content (over 3,000 words) is shared about 2 times more often. In order to boost shares by 15-25 times, you need to promote your content to the right group of people that love to share. Here's how to find them: 1. Write down links to content similar to yours. 2. Go to Twitter and search each link. 3. Switch to the "Live" tab to reveal the people who love to share precisely your type of content. 4. Hit reply near each tweet to make your intro. __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - like button

Growth Hack #3 - Make Your Facebook Go Viral With These Most & Least Shareable Words:

Here's what Dan Zarrella from HubSpot found after analyzing 12,000 articles on Facebook for the words that most affect shareability: Top 7 most shareable words: 1. Facebook: +125% 2. Why: +117% 3. Most: +100% 4. World: +95% 5. How: +60% 6. Health: +50% 7. Bill: +45% Top 7 least shareable words: 1. vs: -43% 2. Apps: -37% 3. Review: - 31% 4. Down: -22% 5. Poll: -18% 6. Game: -13% 7. York: -12% Source: __________________________

In Depth Articles:

50 Survey Questions To Better Learn About Your Customers How HubSpot Ranked a Competitive Product Page in 3 Months (for a Product That Didn’t Exist Yet)  

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Growth Hack #1 - Get Leads That Have a 5X Greater Purchase Intent:

It's recently been revealed that there's a group of people out there who are 5x more likely to buy. Who are they? Those who comment on blog posts. Here's how to reach these motivated shoppers: 1. Enter this phrase into Google: "input your target keyword here" 2. If a blog post appears relevant, click into the comments to reveal a user's profile. 3. Most have a website, email address,or other contact info listed. Reach out to them with why they should be interested in your brand. Note: Be sure to reference their name and the blog post they've commented on.

Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Use Promoted Pins for Email Signup:

MarketDoc's Cody Lister needed a new way to generate email subscribers. His solution? Create a blog post with an opt-in form. Then, he promoted it on Pinterest through Promoted Pins. The results: MarketDoc's email conversion costs were reduced to less than $0.50 per subscriber thanks to this simple Pinterest advertising strategy. Source: __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - installation factors

Growth Hack #3 - Attract 66% More App Installs With the Right ASO:

ASO, or App Store Optimization, refers to a strategy to rise to the top of the App Store's search results and achieve more app downloads. Kabam explored how app screenshots affect ASO. After extensive A/B testing, they found that using screenshots that show a user's "achievements and progress" led to 66% more app downloads. The same rule applies for non-gaming apps. Show the user their potential rewards, benefits, etc. with screenshots from your app, and they'll be more likely to download it. Source: __________________________

In Depth Articles:

Reddit Marketing Case Study: How I Built A 2,000+ Email Subscriber List In 3 Days 9 marketing trends you should track in 2018  

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Taktical Growth Hacks - email GIFGrowth Hack #1 - 100% Opt-In Rate Without a Landing Page:

Opt-in pages help you get emails. But what if you could get an email without needing a separate page? Here are the channels for getting emails, minus an opt-in page: 1. Twitter Lead Generation Card. 2. Cold email outreach 3. "Guest emailing" - promotion in someone else’s email list. Here's an example through cold email: "You can click here (insert Leadlink) to activate your membership." After clicking, a user was automatically subscribed and redirected to a "Thank you" page. The results: 1. Opt-in rate: 100% (automatic opt-in means 100% success rate) 2. Unsubscribe rate: 3.5% 3. CTR: 12% Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Top 7 Websites to Get Backlinks:

You should always think about where you can get new backlinks. Doing so is the foundation of an effective SEO strategy. To get those valuable links and boost your rankings, here are the top 7 blog aggregators where your can easily post your articles or connect your RSS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Source: __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - toolkit

Growth Hack #3 - A Free Tool That Will Be Your Secret Weapon:

Seeding is a strategy for finding your target audience in related tweets, posts on Facebook, forums, and other sites. Major benefits of seeding are: 1. You acquire new users instantly. 2. Increases your SEO rankings thanks to link building. Here's a weapon for your marketing arsenal that does a big chunk of this automatically - Buzz Bundle. 1. Provide your keywords. 2. The tool scrapes the internet to reveal all the related tweets, posts, and questions. 3. Reply to these without ever leaving the platform. Here's the money-saving part: The free version of Buzz Bundle provides access to 30% of posts. Source: __________________________

In Depth Articles:

9 Emails You Can—and Should—Use to Improve Your Customer Retention How We Helped Skreened Achieve a 360% ROAS in One Month on Their Google Shopping Campaign  

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Growth Hack #1 - How to Find Your Competitor’s Guest Posts:

One up your competition by revealing where and what they're guest posting. Method 1: Use Google search queries. Your starting point for finding competitor guest posts should be Google search. There are several queries you can try, but the most effective is: “Author name” + “guest post” –site: –site: Method 2: Look for author pages. Technically this is another search query: “Author name” + inurl:author Method 3: Use reverse image search. You can use Google’s reverse image search (right click an image while using Chrome) to find posts containing the author’s headshot. Method 4: Use Ahrefs Content Explorer to find content written by a particular author. Just enter the following query: author:“Author name” __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Make a LinkedIn Post Go Viral:

Follow this outline for crafting a LinkedIn post that will blow up: 1) Start the piece by drilling down into the problem and “knife twisting” in a total of eight words. 2) Explain the negative outcomes within the next two lines. 3) Dive into the aha moment. 4) Dive into the sacrifices you needed to make to solve the problem. 5) Describe the steps along the hero's journey to overcome the problem. 6) Beneficial outcome. 7) Escalate the benefit to give more credibility to the learning. 8) What readers can do if they have similar problems. __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - typing

Growth Hack #3 - The 11 PM Rule for Content Creation:

The co-founder of BAMF Media follows the 11 PM rule when it comes to releasing consistent, popular content. Here's the secret to his success: Every Monday he sends out two newsletters. Here's the problem: Some Mondays he can't find a single moment to send out these newsletters until it's almost midnight. He could wait and send these newsletters out the next day. But he doesn't do that. Because the easiest way to be memorable is to show up every day. This is why even when it's 11 p.m., he'll still send out these emails. As a result, this happens: Sloppy grammar? Check. Lazy subject line? Check. Bad spacing? Check. IT DOESN'T MATTER. CONSISTENCY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN BEING PERFECT. Source: Josh Fechter __________________________

In Depth Article:

How Shopify Grew From a Snowboard Shop to a $10B Commerce Ecosystem  

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Growth Hack #1 - How to Create Over 1,000 Pieces of Content in One Year:

Co-founder of BAMF Media, Josh Fechter, creates 1,200 pieces of content over the course of 12 months. Here are 5 tips straight form the content master himself: 1) Look ahead: Great content creators don't celebrate after a piece of their content gets lots of engagement. Instead, they're always thinking about the next piece. 2) Test more, test faster: If you don't test, then you have no experiments, experiences, and processes to document or compare. This requires you to develop a high tolerance to risk. 3) How you got there matters more than the result: Documenting your journey will 10X the engagement of the result. It makes the result better because people can relate to the story of how it happened. 4) Never wait for permission: If you receive a "no" or have to wait for a "yes," then you've lost valuable time to document your process. 5) Let the exposure come to you: Media exposure doesn't give you much more than another logo to add to your landing page. Quality content will give you media, customers, and build relationships. __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Target Prospects That Didn't Finish Your Onboarding Process:

A prospect made it through the first several steps of investing their time in required tutorials, but then stopped halfway through. It’s time to trigger a Facebook ad. Tools like Driftrock and Autopilot can help using automation. Here are two types of ads you can use to target them: 1) a video containing the last tutorial they left off on 2) a video hyping up their next onboarding step __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - toolkit

Growth Hack #3 - The 8 Epic Tools for Email Marketing:

Boost your email marketing with these eight essentials tools: Scrape Emails: 1) Scrapebox 2) Build UTMs Faster: 3) Effin Amazing UTM Builder Find Email Addresses: 4) Elucify Extract Email from LinkedIn: 5) ContactOut Send Mass Cold Emails: 6) GMass 7) Mailshake Avoid Spam Boxes: 8) Clearout __________________________

In Depth Articles:

How to Build A Massive Email List From Scratch 10 Lessons from Startups that bootstrapped their way to growth

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Growth Hack #1 - Three Bonus Tips for a LinkedIn Boost:

For a quick way to leverage your LinkedIn, try these three tactics: #1: Drive traffic to a blog post is by using an interesting status of around 800 - 1200 characters, then put the link in the first comment. When the link is in the first comment and not the post itself, it can get 3x more views of the post. #2: There should be no picture in your post. Picture with post vs. no picture yields 3-5X more views when there isn't a picture. #3: Find 100 - 300 of your 1st level connections who get lots of traffic to their profile. Now, give all of them a recommendation. Congrats! You can earn more than three hundred backlinks from their profile to yours, and become a LinkedIn SEO MVP. __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - Earn 340K+ Views on Quora:

Quora is the question-and-answer platform that many marketers overlook. But, it can be used to build your email list, earn organic views on posts, drive members to your online community, and so much more. Before you write the most epic Quora answer, style your content for more engagement: 1. Be human (i.e. use metaphors and similes to describe your emotions) 2. Optimize for mobile (make your paragraphs one or two sentences) 3. Bold your first sentence, important statements, and transitions 4. Remove all extra words, including “very,” “really,” and “that.” 5. Use heavy contrast (i.e. “little did I know it would turn for the worst”) 6. Reflect on pain (i.e. “I could barely crawl out of bed”) 7. Inspire (always end on a positive call to action) 8. Use bullet points and numbering 9. Italicize most questions That's what Josh Fechter did to earn over 340K views on this answer. Source: Josh Fechter __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - reverse image search

Growth Hack #3 - Earn Backlinks With Reverse Google Image Search:

In just two steps, earn backlinks from other sites that use your website's images. 1. Go to Google Image Search and click on the little camera icon. Enter a URL of one of the images of your website and click search. As you'll see, there are other websites using this image. 2. Contact the webmaster of the website that are using your image and ask them to link back to you. It works because it’s your image and they are using it without giving you any link (credit). Source: Jakub Gorajek __________________________

In Depth Articles:

How We Failed at Facebook Ads for B2B Marketing 5 of the Best Conversion Rate Optimization Practices for 2018

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Growth Hack #1 - Get Thousands of Likes to Your Facebook Page

Here's how Juan Campos turned Nomad App's Facebook page into an account with 7,000 followers. His strategy for success: 1) Schedule out high-quality content your audience will engage with the most 2) Build an audience of even a few hundred people that like your page and engage in other ways 3) Keep posting high quality content, get a feel for what people like most, post more of that content 4) Take the best posts on your page and boost them with $1 - $5 to the people who already like your page and their friends. 5) Go to the list of people that liked your post and invite them all to like your page 6) After a few days or weeks, boost some of the posts again

Source: __________________________ Growth Hack #2 - Target LinkedIn Connections for Better Facebook Custom Audiences:

Have a big social media presence, but a small email list? Expand your reach with LinkedIn. You can export your LinkedIn connections email addresses and import them into Facebook as a custom audience. Here's how: Go to your LinkedIn homepage. Then click on Me. To export the emails of your connections, click Settings & Privacy. Then click on Download your data. Source: Josh Fechter __________________________ Taktical Growth Hacks - affiliate signup

Growth Hack #3 - Get an 18% Conversion Rate on Affiliate Program Sign-Ups:

Hailey Friedman found the secret to affiliate marketing that led to a growth rate of the RealtyShares program 9X year over year. How did she do it? It started with listicle content with as many categories as possible related to a specific industry. All together they ended up mentioning over 373 different blogs, podcasts, books and influencers within these “Top” lists. Next, she reached out to every single person via email that was mentioned in one of the blog posts without ever mentioning their affiliate program at all. Out of the 373 influencers emailed, 66 of them ended up signing up for the affiliate program. That’s an 18% conversion rate! Source: Growth Marketing Pro __________________________

In Depth Articles:

Personalized Drip Email Sequences 4 Facebook Algorithm Hacks to Bring Your Reach Back from the Dead  

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Growth Hack #1 - Epic Cold Emails With the Appropriate Person Technique:

This is a great trick invented by a guy named Bryan Kreuzberger: Send 4 emails to 4 different people in a company. In the email mention the 3 other colleagues you emailed. This increases the chances of an employee, their boss and the boss of their boss talking about you. The rate of positive replies increases especially if you target people in multiple layers of an organization. __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - 7 Steps to Scrape Your Competitors' Customers:

If you’re involved in SaaS you know Capterra, GetApp, G2Crowd and their gazillion cousins. These sites are a great way to get to know your target audience and their needs. But how do you reach all those target customers at scale? It's a 7-step process: ● Step 1: Create a scraping recipe with Recipe Creator ● Step 2: Scrape it with DataMiner ● Step 3: Match Company Names with Domains using PhantomBuster ● Step 4: Use FindThatLead to find email addresses for cold emailing ● Step 5: Match personal addresses to make Facebook Audiences with FindThatLead ● Step 6: Match LinkedIn Profiles with PhantomBuster ● Step 7: Automate LinkedIn outreach with Dux-Soup __________________________ event template

Growth Hack #3 - The Only Template You Need for Event Postings:

Want all the templates Josh Fechter, Co-Founder of BAMFMedia, used to host over 150 events in two years? Well, it's just one. Here you go: Meetup Template When creating a new Meetup event, use this event template. Immediately link to the Eventbrite, focus on learning points, use a picture of the speaker and the host (done with the Google Slide in this folder), and promote any partners. Source: BAMF Media __________________________

In Depth Articles:

The Definitive Guide To SEO In 2018 How Salesforce Built a $10 Billion Empire from a CRM  

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Growth Hack #1 - Add Popup Annotations to Mobile Youtube Videos:

YouTube has 1.3 billion users who watch 5 billion videos every day, and more than half of YouTube views come from mobile devices. Adding annotations to a video boosts your views/retention. But: Annotations don’t show up on mobile! Here's how to fix it: 1. Use YouTube Cards instead. 2. Go to your YouTube channel. 3. Click your video. 4. Click on the cards icon. 5. Press "Add card" Source: __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - 3 Words Increased Mobile Conversions By 36%:

Adbasis ran the same A/B test for different ads. 42 times it yielded a positive change to the conversion rate. The average conversion rate increase, based on the positive examples, was +36.6%. 12 out of 48 times this test more than doubled the conversion rate (100%+ lifts). These 3 magic words were “from your phone”. Worth trying to use them in your mobile ad. Source: __________________________ Push notifications Taktical Growth Hack

Growth Hack #3 - Send Push Notifications in the Afternoon for Maximum Impact:

Leanplum, a mobile marketing automation tool, broke down 671 million pushes to uncover some interesting trends on time of day targeting for push notifications. Pushes sent and opened trends upward throughout the day, with a small peak around noon, a slightly larger one around 3pm, and the largest in the evening. The post-evening trend is interesting – after 6pm, on a relative basis, Pushes Opened starts to trend higher, relative to previous hours, and Pushes Sent is lower. This indicates that while mobile apps are delivering a ton of pushes leading up to evening, it might be more effective to time them post-evening, when engagement seems high. Source: __________________________

In Depth Articles:

10 Lessons That App Marketers Can Learn From Lyft’s Referral Program App Store Optimization: Let Your Competitors Eat Your Dust  

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🎃 Special Halloween Edition: Growth Hacks Based on Fear 😱

Home Alone gif

😱 Very Scary Growth Hack #1 - Fear of Being Rejected!

Listerine’s 1920s ads turned bad breath from a fairly common minor flaw into halitosis, a condition that made you into a social pariah, sexless and alone. Consumers were rendered so effectively insecure that Listerine’s sales rose “from $115,000 to more than $8 million” in just seven years. Source: __________________________

😱 😱 Even Scarier Growth Hack #2 - Fear of Death = Shockvertising:

Non-profits and public service announcements use this tactic often. Using horrifying or discomforting images along with alarmist headlines gets a real visceral reaction from people. Examples include anti-smoking ads featuring real ex-smokers displaying the ravages of throat cancer and Buerger’s disease, and commercials that show the awful consequences of texting while driving. Fear is used in these ads for one simple reason: because it works. In 2012, the CDC reported that one week of scary anti-smoking ads prompted 50,000 smokers to quit. __________________________ fear of missing out

😱 😱 😱 The Scariest Growth Hack #3 - Fear of Missing Out!

One clothing company has this all figured out. This online retailer tested a limited next-day shipping offer against another version in which the limited offer wasn’t shown. The limited time shipping offer boosted sales by 226%. All it took was one line of text with a countdown and somewhere around 45 seconds to install it. But to take full advantage of scarcity to increase your sales, you need to fully understand it’s power. Source: __________________________

In Depth Articles:

Building a Brand Based on Emotions: Fear How “Scary” Sells With Fear Based Marketing  

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Growth Hacks:

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Growth Hack #1 - Google Ads: Level 100 Ninja:

Jonathan Dane recently shared the secret of the Single Keyword Ad Group in Google Adwords. It decreased his costs by 70%, increased his click thru rates by 300%, and helped him outrank competitors who bid more. Here's how: 1. Create a new Ad Group 2. In order to force an exact match, add your keyword phrase like this: +CPA +firm +Chicago "CPA firm Chicago" [CPA firm Chicago] 3. Add your exact keyword phrase to your title and URL. Write benefits in the first line and call to action in the second. 4. Add all negative keywords that appear in the search term report into each ad group level in order to exclude long tail search terms VOILA! You've got a single keyword ad group ready! __________________________ Growth Hack #2 - Got an Idea? Sell a Phantom Product First: In 2016, Pokémon GO beat Twitter's daily active mobile users in 4 days – it also beat Google Maps'. Here's what Mashable uncovered while investigating their phenomenon - They validated the idea 2 years before creating the product. Everything started as a Google April Fools Day joke back in 2014. They published this video and it gained over 6 million views within a couple of weeks (16 million in 2014). This video collected over 16,000 comments = feedback from future customers. They used this as proof of a market before they built their product. Dropbox did the same. First they created a video about a nonexistent product. Then they gained email addresses. Only after that did they create their real product. It's a priceless example on how to achieve Product Market Fit before wasting money on developing an actual product. __________________________ YouTube ranking graph

Growth Hack #3 - Get Your YouTube Videos to Rank!

A study by found a strong correlation between COMMENTS on a YouTube video, and how highly it ranks for YouTube search queries. Get your audience to participate (or get your friends to help!) and watch the views pour in! Source: __________________________

In Depth Articles:

The Inside Story on How SurveyMonkey Cracked the International Market How BuzzSumo Achieved $2.5m Annual Revenue in its First Year: Case Study in SaaS Growth

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Growth Hacks:

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Growth Hack #1 - Get Higher Clickthroughs:

Low click throughs on your ads / emails / content? Maybe you’re being too salesy too soon. Baby steps: 1. Build trust by: being educational, sharing a secret / perceived insider information, offering something valuable for FREE (for now). 2. Grow trust EVEN MORE by overdelivering more of the same and following thru on original offer. 3. Go in for the sell with psychological triggers.

Source: 500Startups __________________________

Growth Hack #2 - The Perfect Video Length:

Wistia analyzed 564,710 videos and more than 1.3 billion plays. Here's what they found: 1. Videos up to 2 minutes in length get the highest engagement. 2. Engagement is the same between 1 second and 2 minutes. 3. There is significant drop-off between 2 and 7 minutes (every second counts). Source: __________________________ A/B testing

Growth Hack #3 - How to Do A/B Testing Correctly:

Half or even the majority of your A/B testing won’t product mind blowing results that will 10X your conversion rate. That’s normal. GOOD a/b testing: 1. Focuses on 1 BIG thing, not a micro improvement you waste 1 week finding out 2. Happens in weekly iterations 3. Runs on a big enough sample size – at least a few thousand visits 4. Doesn’t get cut short just b/c you think you “know” the results 5. Shows you what’s wrong as well as what’s right __________________________

In Depth Articles:

We Analyzed 1.3 Million YouTube Videos. Here’s What We Learned About YouTube SEO Using free products for lead generation  

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Growth Hacks:

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Growth Hack #1 - Be Super Clear with Calls to Action:

ContentVerve has a case study showing that adding a few clarifying words can significantly increase conversion: Changing the CTA copy from, “Get Membership” to, “Find Your Gym & Get Membership” increased click through to the payment page by 213.16%. Source:

Growth Hack #2 - Contests that Receive 40% More Subscribers:

"$500 giveaway" vs "October $500 giveaway". A research project that analyzed 3 million visitors showed that, when you specify the month of the contest, conversion rates increase by an astounding 40%. Source: credit cards

Growth Hack #3 - Credit Card Now vs. Credit Card Later:

Totango released an interesting study that showed the difference between asking for credit card info upfront versus asking for it later. The results? By dropping the credit card requirement, they were able to increase front-end signups by 500% and overall paid customers by 50%. Source:

In Depth Articles:

How to Win on Facebook: 8 Lessons Learned From Analyzing 1 Billion Posts How Clearbit Conquered the Welcome Email  

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Growth Hacks:

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Growth Hack #1 - Get Bloggers To Quote You:

The Taktical team tested two different email outreach approaches: First: Direct pitch. "Hey quote us" Second approach: Send one email with the soft “feel”, "... I liked your article ... I created something that can be of additional value... Would it be ok to pass along? ..." 2nd email (if "Yes") - A link to their piece of content. Results: The direct pitch (#1) got a 16% reply rate and the 2-step email sequence (#2) - 40%! That's a 2.5 times higher rate. Source: Taktical Team

Growth Hack #2 - Reduce Landing Page Leaks:

On a true landing page (ie, not just your homepage) there are no menus or ANY OTHER LEAKS off-page except your CTA. When sending paid traffic: - Include the obligatory privacy policy elsewhere on your domain; don’t link it off the landing page. - Echo your campaign’s offer, copy, and segmentation. DON’T land them on your catchall homepage. Source: 500startups walk sign

Growth Hack #3 - When in Free Trial Mode, Force Users to Keeping Moving Along:

ProdPad had a 30-day trial. By analyzing user behavior, they found that they could predict by day 9 if a user would convert into paid. So they tried an experiment: They decided to cut their trial period to 7 days. However, users could earn more free trial time (28 days max) by completing simple onboarding tasks like "add a product name", etc. Result: Their overall conversion rate increased by 200%! Source:

In Depth Articles:

23 SEO Tools That Will Increase Organic Search Traffic 7 Actionable Customer Support Hacks to Boost Retention Rates  

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Growth Hacks:

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36% Of People (The Majority) Prefer To See This In Your Headline. How To Apply It Now?

A Conductor study found what elements in headlines people prefer the most: 1. Numbers: 36% 2. 'You': 21% 3. 'How to': 17% 4. Question: 11% What if we mix them all? Bonus: 64% of People Prefer Sentence Case In Headlines compared to CAPITALS and lowercase. Source:

One Tiny Change that Helped Upworthy Boost Shares By 395%:

After A/B testing, Upworthy (8.8 million monthly users) found: 1. If the buttons have a hover effect when your mouse is over them, they can get 395% more shares. 2. The best time after landing on a page that the “like us” icon appeared was with a 16 second delay. Source: social media icons

How to Get 2.8X More Retweets and 1.9X More Likes:

Did you know that... Those that share video on Twitter see: 1. 2.5X more replies 2. 2.8X more retweets 3. 1.9X more likes Source:

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Growth Hacks:

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Direct Message Your Social Followers:

When new users follow you on Twitter, send them an automatic Direct Message with a link to your most shared/popular article or your best products (lead magnet). CrowdFireApp can do this for you.

Mobile Users: Adaptive or Responsive Design?

A big question has loomed over digital marketers for years. Which is better for mobile: Adaptive or Responsive? We now have an answer.... Responsive websites are designed as one singular website for all users, the website will change it's look depending on what screen size it is being viewed on. Adaptive websites are broken up, the server will recognize that a mobile phone is trying to view the site and will show them a totally different experience (for example, A recent study by catchpoint found that adaptive websites, on average, load 200% faster than Responsive ones. If you wanna know what that matters...see the next Growth Hack! Source:  


Speed Matters:

Amazon recently revealed an internal study that proved that every 1 second of delay in site load time costs them $1.6 BILLION in sales. Seriously. Source:

In Depth Articles:

The Lazy Writer’s Guide to 30-Minute Keyword Research How To Use LinkedIn To Get A Higher Return On Your Content Marketing

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Special Issue: 27 Phrases and Tips!

genius gif

Instead of 3 growth hacks, we give you 27 growth hacks from 1 website: is the king of converting visitors into customers. Here are TWENTY SEVEN amazing phrases and tricks they use. 1. VALUE PROPOSITION: "586,000+ hotels, apartments, villas and more." 2. SAFETY: "FREE cancellation on most rooms!" 3. SOCIAL PROOF: A list of recent bookings that refreshes every few seconds. 4. EXIT INTENT: An exit pop-up "Discounts of 20% or more!" or "Save at least 20% in Rome" if you've already chosen a country. 5. SAFETY: "Lowest price guarantee." 6. VIRAL CONTENT: A clickable list with the most popular search elements. 7. FILTERS: Filter criteria: Recommended, Stars, Review score. 8. SOCIAL PROOF: "There are X people looking at this hotel." 9. SOCIAL PROOF "Latest booking: X minutes ago." 10. AUTHORITY:, "#1 accommodation site + trust labels." 11. SOCIAL PROOF: A carousel-like overview of testimonials. 12. USER EXPERIENCE: Big, beautiful pictures. 13. SCARCITY: We have only X left on our site. 14. SAFETY: "FREE cancellation before {DATE}." 15. LOW FRICTION CONVERSION: Reserve (Confirmation is Immediate) 16. SCARCITY: "Hurry! This is a limited offer." 17. LOW FRICTION CONVERSION: "No payments needed today. You'll pay during your stay." 18. SOCIAL PROOF: "This property is in a good location. Guests have rated it X." 19. SOCIAL PROOF: "You’ve selected a hotel with a guest review score of X." 20. SOCIAL PROOF: "X guests from {YOUR COUNTRY} have made a booking in the last 5 minutes." 21. CALL TO ACTION: "Your secure booking starts here – it only takes 2 minutes!" 22. EXIT INTENT: An exit pop-up: "The details you've entered will not be saved if you leave this page." 23. AUTHORITY: Quote: " is one of the largest and most valuable companies in {SELECTED COUNTRY}." 24. SAFETY: "Change of plans? Hey, it happens. You can easily modify your dates, guest details, add special requests, or cancel your entire booking before {DATE}." 25. LOW FRICTION CONVERSION: Credit card number: "No charge - only needed to reserve your room." 26. LOW FRICTION CONVERSION "Your credit card will not be charged - it's only needed to guarantee your booking." 27. INSTANT GRATIFICATION: Book this room. Get instant confirmation.

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Growth Hacks:

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Stop Wasting Google AdWords Dollars!

Over the last three years, Disruptive Advertising analyzed hundreds of millions of dollars of Google Adwords ad spend (~100 billion impressions). Here are the golden nuggets that they uncovered: 1. 61% of budgets were spent on search terms that never converted (= wasted). 2. There’s only a 1.2% chance (almost no chance) that improving your ad copy or landing pages will improve your CPC if your ad spend is being wasted on the wrong search terms. 3. Every 10% increase in wasted ad spend increases your cost-per-conversion (CPC) by 44-72%. That means if you stop wasting your money on the wrong search terms (61%), you can decrease your CPC by 264%-432%! Source:

Keep Dying Ads Alive:

If your campaign is losing steam, refresh the ad, not the offer. 1. Update copy (headline, subhead) 2. Test new images (colors, subject emotion) 3. Re-optimize landing pages 4. Test additional segments + new targeting Source: 500startups puzzle pieces

Exact Match Domains are BACK:

In the past, people doing SEO would try to grab exact match domain names to the keyword, like "". This method became less effective in recent years and is not implemented much anymore. But those days are over! According to a study by, the HIGHEST correlating factor for websites that rank in the top of google are exact match domains! Go figure! Source:

In Depth Articles:

Why 8% of sales people get 80% of the sales How To Boost Conversions by 785% in One Day (The Content Upgrade)  

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Growth Hacks:

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Leverage the Secrets of Netflix:

Netflix has 81 million subscribers, and they keep close tabs on all of us. Netflix recently published what they learned when they experimented with the best images to use to get people to watch new content: 1. They tested variations of the main image used to promote the latest series of ‘The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt’. The winning image was the one with 2 faces expressing astonishment. 2. Using images of villainous characters worked better than those that highlighted the hero. 3. Netflix also found that images that contain more than three people lead to a significant drop in user engagement. Source:

Why Your YouTube Videos Suck:

Wista analyzed millions of videos that contain "Calls to Action" for viewers to buy or signup. This is what they found: - CTAs at the end of the video don't perform as well as CTAs in the start or middle. More people are watching and they get sold faster than you think! +350% improvement. - Image CTAs outperform Text by 30%. -Videos with CTA that included the word: + "Free" converted 12.22% + "You": 9.6% + "Signup": 19.5% Source: lightbulb drawing

Need Ideas on What To Write About? Follow the leader!

Build viral content by reverse engineering what is already hot. 1. Buzzsumo — look for hits, re-use key terms w/ new spin. 2. Google Trends — look for trending topics to “news-jack” trending keywords. Source: 500startups

In Depth Articles:

How to Hire a Team of Rockstar Writers (Plus a Checklist) Using Instagram For Your (Small) Businesses, A Complete Guide  

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Growth Hacks:

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"Oops Sorry!" Got Us a 300% Increase in Response Rate:

The Taktical Digital team make a mistake once (a rare occurrence) in an outreach email where we used the wrong information. We quickly sent a second "Oops sorry!" email. The result? 3X the Responses! Use your "Oops" wisely: - Use normal language, not "marketing speak." - Apologies once, tell a joke. - Every Oops is a conversion opportunity; extend extra incentive. - Double check, don't Oops twice. Source: 500startups

Effective Facebook Ad Headlines:

There are five basic categories of headlines on Facebook Ads: Category 1: Act like theres no competition, "Our Shoes Protect Your Feet" Category 2: Claim to be better than the competition, "Our shoes are the best way to protect your feet" Category 3: Storytelling, "How I protected my feet using these shoes" Category 4: Push Unique Selling Point, "These shoes have special padding to protect your feet" Category 5: Identify with your audience, "Foot protection for Generation Y" Source: email

The Perfect Cold Email Subject Line:

Your recipient looks to your subject line to decide whether they will open your email. In fact, a study by Chadwick Martin Bailey found that 64% of people open an email solely on the basis of the subject line. This means that a subject line is an opportunity to get your foot in the door. It doesn’t matter if you have an established relationship with the person or not. Of course, this comes with an expectation. Growbots studied thousands of emails and found this to be the best subject line: [THEIR NAME] x [YOUR NAME] It got over an 80% open rate. source:

In Depth Articles:

How to Reverse Engineer Successful Content Marketing Campaigns Sales Operations: How to enable your team with great data and a repeatable sales process.

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Growth Hacks:

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Give Your Customers Clear Instructions:

Social psychologist Howard Leventhal tested how effectively the two popular motivators, direction and fear, can convince students to get vaccinated. Each student received a brochure with two controls, the brocure either had: 1. Strong language meant to instill fear about not getting vaccinated and/or 2. Specific Instructions with clear Maps on HOW to get vaccinated. The Result: 44% of people who went to get the shot were exposed to the high-fear brochures. 88% of the people who went to get shots had received the detailed plan for what to do next. That means - specific instructions DOUBLE your conversions. Source:

Ditch the Password:

Optimizely removed the enter password and confirm password fields, opting instead to auto-assign passwords, which users were forced to reset when they came back. Result: +18% more signups Source: Screenshare logo

Slideshare Traffic Hack:

Slideshare gets 70 million unique monthly visitors. You can leverage this to your benefit. 1. Repurpose your popular blog posts into Slideshare presentations 2. Place an offer of call to action at the beginning and the end 3. Offer to let them download the presentation with a tweet (free tool for this) Source:

In Depth Articles:

How SEOs Do Link Building in 2017 10 Landing Page Mistakes That Are Killing Your Chances At Conversion  

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Growth Hacks:

FDR meme

A Discount Trick That Caused 200% More in Sales!

The Psychologist reported about an experiment in a retail store in the USA. 3 different prices were A/B tested. Control price: $24.95 Variant #1: 20% discount For 3 Days Variant #2: 30% Discount Today, 20% Discount Tomorrow, 10% Discount On Day 3 The first offer of a 20% discount for 3 days caused a 70% increase in sales. However, the second offer of a tapering discount resulted in a staggering 200% increase in sales! The rationale was that customers were keen to avoid losing out on the discount so were prompted into taking action and made an immediate decision to buy. Source:

Get Big Media Mentions Through Smaller Ones!

The biggest media companies are far too busy and get pitched far too often. They often get their stories from smaller outlets and quote them. Instead, of pitching writers for big media companies, track who they’re linking out to every week (or scrape external links) & pitch straight to the smaller source. Source: price comparison screenshot

Use Price Anchoring to Make Your Prices Seem Better

Expensive items seem more reasonable when compared to high ticket items. Source:

In Depth Articles:

The Essential List of Online Marketing Resources: 250+ Awesome Articles And Case Studies How to Increase Your Pinterest Traffic by 67.65% in 10 Minutes

Growth Hacks:

Pop Ups Don't Hurt

Clients sometimes ask the Taktical team if adding an email signup popup would hurt bounce rates. This experiment proves that it does not. While the email signups increased by nearly 300%, bounce rate dropped by only 1%. Source:

+8.2% in Sales With an "Exit Intent" Popup

When someone's mouse moves out of the browser window, that is usually a sign that they are going to leave your site. Multiple services offer the ability to create a popup window offering a special deal at that moment. James Foster's experiment showed nearly a 10% increase in sales with this one little move! Source: Dell sale

Prices Ending in $9...Still Works!

Researchers from Yale and The University of Chicago ran an experiment for price variations. In their experiment, a mail order catalog was printed in 3 different versions and sent to an identical number of people. A standard woman’s clothing item was tested at the prices of $34, $39, and $44. Results: In all tests, the item ending with the number 9 price got the most sales. Even when the item was priced at $39, it got more sales than the same item priced at $34!! Source:$9.pdf

In Depth Articles:

Retargeting Cage Match 2016: Adroll vs Perfect Audience vs Facebook vs Google Peek inside Intercom’s Multi-million Dollar SaaS Growth Strategy

Growth Hacks:

I'm better than you meme

Rank for Competitor Names

Create landing pages that compare your product / company to the competition. Call it "XXX Alternative" Use SEO to drive the page up. Prospects are 15% more likely to convert to your product because they already don't like your competitor!

Use Testimonials and Product Recommendations!

1. Personalized recommendations increase revenue by 300%. 2. 100% of the TOP 10 websites in the Internet Retailer 500 use product recommendations. 3. 70% of's homepage is devoted to product recommendations. hourglass


+585% Conversion Rate by Delaying Retargeting

Retargeting ads are powerful, since they only show to people who have visited you before. However lots of those people were never interested to begin with. So Justin Brooke from IMScalable ran a test, he only retargeted to people who spend more than 45 seconds on his site. The result? For every $1 in retargeting, he made $6.36: A 585% improvement! Source:


B2B Facebook Ads: The 71-Point Guide For The Win Deciding When to Call an AB Test: p-value Graphs

Growth Hacks:

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Increase Click Thru Rate on Google

If you have a website that ranks on Google organically, you can test your headline and increase your click through rates without risking your Google standings! Here's how: 1. Create ads on Google AdWords for no more than $50. 2. A/B test your headlines. 3. Find the winner. 4. Replace your old headline. Source: The Taktical team

66% Email Open Rate with One Word

That word is "Changes" It doesn't take much to understand how that Subject line could make people click. Here are the key takeways: 1. Apply “curiosity gap” to your subject line. Ask yourself, what would generate a “MUST CLICK NOW” feeling if you yourself were to receive this email? 2. Try a VERY SHORT / one word subject line. We all know about “Hey” during the Obama campaign, which I personally think has run its course because so many “email marketing blogs” have outed it. But there are many others if you get creative. laptop

Great Resources for Landing Page Design

We at Taktical get a lot of requests for landing page samples. Here are some websites that offer a LOT of options: 1. 2. 3. Source: 500Startups

In Depth Articles:

Your Old Articles Aren’t Dead: How To Repurpose Old Content For More Traffic What We Learned From Sending 1,000 Cold Emails

Growth Hacks:

futurama meme

Increase Form Fill Outs by 31% With Psychology:

Truckers Report was able to increase their signups by putting "drop down" and checkbox form units at the top. By the time people got to the part where they have to give their name and email, they were already too deep to stop! Why? People start with easy fields (dropdowns, checkboxes) so that by the time they reach the hard field—email—the user thinks, “oh well I already started” (a known psychological phenomenon called “commitment and consistency” by Cialdini).

Get People to Watch More of Your YouTube Videos:

Here are instructions on how one guy increased his YouTube annotation CTR by 22,400% (from 0.2% to 45%) that resulted in millions of views. 1. Visit your 28-day analytics views report. 2. Find the most popular video. 3. Go to the Audience Retention tab of your analytics dashboard. Select that video. 4. Find the drop-off point (when you start losing views at an increasingly faster rate). 5. Add an annotation for your video 20 seconds before the drop-off point. 6. Make the annotation as large as you can without taking away from the main content. 7. Position the annotation on the lower right (~40% more clicks). 8. Write a 1-2 word CTA highly related to the current video. Source: speedometer

Speed Up Your Website!

57% of mobile users will abandon your website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Google will rank your website lower if it is too slow. Use Google's PageSpeed Insights and GTMetrix to learn what is slowing you down! Source:

In Depth Articles:

201 Powerful SEO Tips (That Actually Work) How to Write Engaging Content About “Boring” Subject Matter

Growth Hacks:

customers checking

Prevent the Loss of Sales by Using This Simple Price Match Popup When People Try to "Copy Paste" Your Items

You can't avoid your customers checking if the same product you are selling is cheaper somewhere else; that's a fact. But if you know they are doing it, at least you can do something about it and maybe counteroffer. Basically they noticed that you are copying that product name and likely you would search for that same product either through Google or Amazon to find a better deal. Here's a link on how to implement a trigger to let you know when a product name is highlighted:

100 Times More Traffic From Facebook

Graziashop mixed content marketing (Fashion Stories) and e-commerce, and started a storytelling-based online shop. The main idea was to make it look and feel like an already familiar print editorial (an education + entertainment: expert tips, explore a current trend, the history behind a certain fashion piece), which would provide readers with an instant shopping opportunity. Then they started to create Facebook posts that draw attention away from sales to this engaging content. As a result, their traffic from Facebook increased by over 100 times.

yoda meme The Magic Rule of 7

A well known rule of marketing: It can take up to 7 “touches” or more before people will consider buying your stuff — almost no one buys on the first go. How do you do this efficiently: - Content marketing and ads - Do Website Retargeting - Grab Emails - SELL ON THE BACKEND through your email drip campaigns.

In Depth Articles:

19 Awesome Things Google Sheets Can Do Beginner's Guide to Business Automation



Countdown Timer

+8.6% Conversion Rate by Adding a Countdown Timer:

An ecommerce shop experimented by adding a “countdown for next day shipping” on their product pages and tested it against a version with no timer. The result was a huge increase in sales of people who wanted to lock in next day shipping! Source:

Increase Clicks on Emails +120% With More Links:

A study analyzed how the number of links (from 1 to >30) affected Click-Throughs. Results: Emails with 2-3 links and a single call to action convert at a rate that is 120% better than those with just one and 46% better than those with 4 or more. Source: Click-Throughs

Get Blog Post Ideas From!

Out of content / email / landing page ideas? Use Quora to gut-check demand / potential traffic volume: - Keyword search Quora for your key term(s) - Set it to “Questions” only - Look for the most popular questions - Create content that answers THEIR questions Source:


How To Build Backlinks – A Link Strategy From 5,734 Anchor Texts | SEOJet Blog The Complete Guide to Email Open Rates (& How to Increase Yours) 



Ecommerce Store

Run an Ecommerce Store? Offer a Sales Section!

Do you have a section for sales and specials? An E-tailing Group study found that 47% of online buyers would only buy discounted products. 62% said they are looking for a section that identifies sales and specials. Source:

Limited Supply = 31% increase in sales/signups !

Alladin Happy ran a bunch of A/B tests on a music startup. Among them, we tried to test how adding “X spots left” affects conversions. We tried different numbers from 1 to 31. The Results: 1. The best conversions come from “2 spots left”. 2. When you test 2 identical copies, the one including “2 spots left” shows a 31% increase in conversions. Protip: This can work just as well on ecommerce sites, by showing “in stock” numbers" Source: ecommerce sites

38% More Signups with Larger Font

Quote Roller, a sales proposal creation and monitoring tool, conducted this test in-house using in-house testing technology. The team measured all free trial accounts created regardless of the pricing plan selected. The trial did not require a credit card. One variant had a larger font on the left side, the other had a smaller font. The winner was the larger font, with a 38% increase in free trial signups!


The Fundamentals of Data Driven Outbound Sales The Comprehensive Guide To Facebook Ad Objectives | appsoar


Use Exit Popups:

Exit Popups A popup that gets in a user’s face at the time of trying to exit your website is a perfect way to grab an email before it’s too late. Exit Popups can outperform other Calls to Action by as much as 1000%! Source:

With Cart Abandonment Emails, Speed Matters!

SalesCycle recently found that the highest conversion rate (5.2%) for cart abandonment emails was for emails sent only 20 minutes after the user leaves! Compare that to 4.6% for an hour and 2.6% for 24 hours. Source: Speed Matters

What Kind of Blog Posts Get the Most Shares?

Hubspot performed a 6 month analysis on 21,000 blog post shares to figure out which type of posts get the most shares. Lists, “Why”, Video", “how to” and Explainer posts. Here are the results:
  • Lists narrowly claimed the most social traction at 22.45%
  • Why-posts earned 22.32% of social traction.
  • Videos drew 18.94% of total shares and performed well in Q4.
  • How-to articles earned 18.42% of shares.
  • What-posts had the lowest social traction, earning 17.88% of total shares.


The Startup Founder’s Guide to Analytics – The Fundamentals of Data Driven Outbound Sales



Highlight Customer<

Highlight Customer Wins EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME:

-  Testimonials on your site - Short success stories in your email drip - Longer case studies for blog - Short quote + picture in your sales deck - On stage at speaking events and pitches What you get: - they’ll help share / show off - social proof & trust for an unknown brand - proof your sh*t works.

Do You Sell Software? Increase Conversions by 20%:

HubSpot redesigned its website recently, and during their research they found that 65% of their users preferred to learn about a new software with a video. They emphasized the video and edited it down to be more efficient. The result: 20% more conversions from the previous version. Source: Increase Conversions

SEO Hack, Get into Google's Snippet Box:

Google’s Featured Snippet is the box at the top of the results page that displays the direct instructions that have been pulled from your webpage. Matthew Barby recently analyzed patterns of results appearing in the featured snippets. He saw an average increase in CTR of over 114%, and that’s even if they were already ranking #1 on page one. Here are his findings:
  1. The query should be either, “how to,” “what is,” “how do,” or “how does.”
  2. It doesn’t matter whether your page takes 1 or 10th position (not further then 10th).
  3. The search query should be in h1, h2, h3 or h4, etc.
  4. The answer to the query should be placed in a <p> tag directly below the header.
  5. The answer should be between 54–58 words long.


Why No One Comments on Your Blog and What to Do about It How to Turn Cold Facebook Traffic into Red Hot Leads



Amazon Logo

Use Amazon to Spy On Your Competition:

Everyone knows Amazon is a powerful place to be able to sell your products online. However, not many people realize that Amazon is just one monster leaderboard for all types of products (and their sellers).
  1. Find competitors. Protip: check page 2 and sponsored listings.
  2. Customer reviews. Don’t just look at products in your category; get lateral insights on customers in an entire psychographic. Example: if you sell a premium food subscription, look at product reviews for organic cotton sheets.

Use Videos to Boost Sales by 30%:

Zappos (over 1 Billion dollars in sales a year) used videos to describe and demonstrate products with real Zappos employees - not models or actors. Those videos are said to have a positive sales impact of 6 to 30%. Source:

positive sales impact

+10% Email Open Rates!

HubSpot analyzed 6.4 million emails and gained these interesting findings:
  1. 80% fewer emails are sent over the weekend.
  2. Emails sent over the weekend are 10% more likely to be opened. Ever notice when THIS email is sent? ;)
  3. Emails with no subject altogether were opened 8% more than those with a subject line.


The Ultimate Guide to Ecommerce Returns | ReadyCloud 10 of the Best Ads from March: Dinosaur Eggs, Shakespeare, and 80s Nostalgia

Growth Hacks: Email Content

Give People a Sample of Your Email Content:

At the bottom of their email subscribe pop-up, they gave peeps a link to “read a sample” so people could see if they liked their content before opting in. This guy is playing the long game. You need to as well. Source:

Be a Master of Ecommerce Returns:

The best way to master your returns policy is by arming yourself with the most pertinent ecommerce returns facts. The statistics below may come as a surprise. But the numbers certainly tell the whole story.
  • Over 63% of consumers read the online product returns policy before making a purchase (comScore).
  • 81% of consumers want a convenient returns policy that is hassle-free with no return shipping cost (UPS).
  • About one-third of all products ordered online are returned by consumers (WSJ).
  • When free returns are offered, sales can increase by as much as 357% (CNBC).
  • When return shipping fees are charged, 81% of consumers are less likely to make a future purchase (Upstream Commerce).
  • Zappos gets 75% improved customer loyalty, repeat buyers, from free returns, even though they charge more for their products (eCommerce Digest).

Ecommerce Returns

The Best Time to Tweet in Each Time Zone:

During a 4 year period, Buffer analyzed over 4.8 million tweets across 10,000 profiles to find the best time to tweet to gain the biggest amount of Click-throughs. Here are results for different time zones: Los Angeles (Pacific Time): 2:00 a.m. Denver (Mountain Time): 7:00 p.m. Chicago (Central Time): 2:00 a.m. New York (Eastern Time): 11:00 p.m. Paris (Central European): 2:00 a.m. Istanbul (Eastern European): 8:00 p.m. Sydney (Australian Eastern): 2:00 a.m. Hong Kong (Hong Kong Time): 5:00 a.m. Shanghai (China Time): noon Tokyo (Japan Time): 8:00 a.m. Global (on average): 2:00 a.m. Source:

In Depth Articles:

A Definitive Review of the Top 7 Email Marketing Services (2017) | VideofruitA Definitive Review of the Top 7 Email Marketing Services (2017) Internet Mercenary’s Guide To Acquiring Competitive Data: A Tech Overview

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