Top 6 Email Fails That Can Plague Any Campaign

When working in marketing, it is almost impossible to not make mistakes in your email campaigns. 

In fact, the best way for you to make progress and improve your strategy is to make mistakes. 

Maybe you send an email without carefully checking the text.

Or, you forget to add the correct links. 

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Whatever the issue, addressing these mistakes is email marketing 101.

When such things happen, the situation can be frustrating for both the sender and the receiver. 

In order to help you avoid email fails, here are some of the most common mistakes you might come across and some ways of avoiding them successfully.

1. Sending Out Too Many Emails Fails to Attract Leads

One of the first mistakes people can make when it comes to an email marketing strategy is sending out too many emails on a regular basis. 

While there are some customers who might enjoy getting regular updates from their favorite brands, there is a line you can cross when it comes to sending too many.

In fact, 45% of consumers cite too many emails as the “most annoying” thing a brand can do.

This marketing fail can cause your emails to be left unread. 

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What’s the point of an email marketing strategy if recipients never open the message?

Try following this email marketing tip instead:

The emails you send and the frequency you send them should be planned in advance. 

Sending your emails at a particular time and day will help your customers know when to expect them

With this type of email marketing optimization strategy implemented, subscribers will be more likely to open and read your messages.

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2. Skipping Crucial Welcome Emails

When a new member signs up on your website, the best thing you can do is to send them an email in order to welcome them to your email list. 

This might seem like email marketing 101, but it is very important if you wish to make your new potential customers feel included and valued.

“Through welcoming emails, you can easily offer the new and potential customers a discount code in order to motivate them to give your services or products a try and show them that you value the fact that they decided to sign up on your website. These emails can be automated and sent out immediately after someone signs up so you don’t waste any time and increase their engagement effectively.”

– Diana Adjadj, marketer and contributing writer for Subjecto and BeGraded.

3. Forgetting to Include a Crucial Link

One of the main reasons why emails are so important to a marketing strategy is thanks to the hyperlinks included in them.

They are a simple yet effective way of increasing traffic to your website and social media.

Clearly, including a CTA and any other links is among the most important and basic email marketing best practices.

There are two possible mistakes that can be made when using such links. 

The first one is to forget to include some if not all of the links altogether – a simple and avoidable yet fairly common email fail. 

The second mistake appears in the form of broken links. 

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Even though these appear like regular links, they are not usable to those who click because an error message will appear instead.

4. Making Frequent Spelling Mistakes Is An Easily Avoidable Email Fail

Spelling mistakes might be avoidable but they are also some of the most common types of email fails. 

By forgetting to edit and proofread the written content of your emails, your company can end up looking unprofessional and lacking in credibility.

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Here’s an email marketing tip: Invest in an editing and proofreading service or an online tool.

Try a tool like Hemmingway Editor, Studyker, WriteScout, or Grammarly

Any of these can help with email marketing optimization by eliminating all spelling and grammar errors. 

This helps keep your emails (and your company) looking professional.

5. Making Your Emails Friendly For Different Devices is a 21st Century Marketing Best Practice

We live in a time and day where everyone is on their phones. 

While your emails might be easy to read from the large screen of someone’s laptop, you need to keep in mind that not everyone uses their computer all day. 

This is exactly why you need to optimize your emails for all potential devices your clients might be using. 

devices used to check email
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If an email isn’t properly formatted for mobile, over 70% of users say they will delete it in under three seconds.

So let’s avoid major email fails like this.

If you decide to send out your emails at 8 pm – a time where many people will be at home relaxing on their sofas – you need to make sure that they will be able to view your email from their mobile phones or other portable devices.

6. Targeting the Wrong Audience

For this email fail, there are many companies that can provide sufficient examples. 

What it comes down to is that they targeted the wrong audience when they developed their email marketing strategy. 

Amazon, for example, sent out an email promoting their baby registry to people who had no baby on the way.

Such email marketing 101 mistakes can happen when you are managing an extensive list of emails with many segments.

checking email on mobile

Thus, before starting your email marketing campaign, you should carefully check your segmentation.

Make sure the audiences placed in each segment fit the proper criteria.

Turning Your Email Fails Into Successes

The best thing you can do if you wish to make sure that your marketing fails never go unnoticed is to develop a professional testing process.

Doing so will help you filter your emails and double-check each individual detail. 

The different responsibilities involved in an email marketing optimization strategy like this can be split between your team members. 

This ensures that everyone is doing the right job and keeping your emails looking professional and neat.

Additionally, checking over messages twice and avoiding silly email fails can help boost conversions and maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Author bio:Marques Coleman is a blog writer at TopEssayWriting and ClassyEssay. He specializes in marketing and copywriting. Moreover, he is an avid traveler and always tries to learn something new.


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