There’s a lot of places you can spend your paid social budget. One of those places should be Instagram.
Over a decade after launching, Instagram continues to lead the way in impacting the things we buy, the places we go, and the things we like. It’s probably one of your go-to apps when you’re off the clock, but it should absolutely be part of your marketing strategy during the work day.
You’re in the right place if you’re ready to start mastering the world of Instagram ads. Here’s your Ultimate Guide for the platform’s paid posts with five easy things to know to get you started.
How Do Instagram Ads Work?
Instagram Ads work a lot like normal posts. When someone is scrolling through their feed, paid posts show up like normal pictures and videos from accounts you follow. There’s always a signifier that the post is “Sponsored” in the corner so users don’t ever mistake these paid posts for something else. It’s the immersiveness of Instagram Ads that help to make them so impactful. Yes, users know what they’re seeing is something for which a company paid to place on their feed, but that doesn’t matter if the content is rich. That begs the question: how do you make your Instagram Ads resonate with users?Types of Paid Posts That Do Well on Instagram
Instagram Ads lets you post a variety of content types on their paid platform. Of course, you can post typical image and video posts, and even include carousel images for multiple visuals. Some of the newer ways you can buy space on Instagram feeds, however, are even more dynamic. IGTV, the section of Instagram for videos over one-minute long, has grown to be quite successful in the past few years, The newer Reels section is also growing thanks to the social media boom of TikTok and shorter video content. You can also sponsor a post on Instagram Stories as well as the new Shopping tab. Whichever type of paid post you choose, the real catalyst for success on social media is what you create and for whom it is intended to impact. Algorithms are tricky, but here are some things to keep in mind.Three Key Things to Keep In Mind for Instagram Ads
In 2021, you want to ensure you have an answer to each of these three key things to consider for Instagram Ads:- What is the goal of the ad? Are you selling a product, sending users to your website, or signing people up for a newsletter? Know exactly what you want to achieve every time you spend money on Instagram
- Who is the target audience? The important thing here is to think of your audience as a guide to the content you boost with a paid post. Do they like videos or are they more inclined to check your account’s Stories? When starting out, you can just pick what you think is best and let the data guide future Ads.
- What performs best organically? Keep an eye on your Instagram Analytics and choose whatever gets the most Instagram likes engagement with your audience. There’s a good chance this will also resonate with the audience you reach via Instagram Ads.
How to Put Up Your First Instagram Ad
It’s easy to schedule your first Instagram Ad. There’s an easy to follow Promote tab on each of your posts that takes you to a screen that allows you to do four things:- Choose an Objective – this ranges from how many people you reach to what goal you hope to achieve with the post
- Cost and Length – you’ll also be asked how much you want to spend and how long you want the ad to run.
- Choose your audience – your options range from location, age, gender, and other demographics
- Placement – where do you want the ad to show up?