The Best Times to Post on Social Media, An In-Depth Guide

If you’ve ever wondered when you should be sharing content online, then you should look to your followers. Usually site visitors have a specific time they prefer using social media. Meaning, if you start sharing your content when your users are online, you’ll gain traffic and have an increase in shares.

Sharing on Facebook

According to, the best days to post on Facebook are on Thursdays and Fridays. In fact, 86% of Facebook content is posted on these days, and the optimal time to post is early afternoon. You can use the tool Fanpage Karma to find the optimal time tailored to your audience. In addition, engagement rates fall 3.5% below average for posts published Monday through Wednesday.

Additional note: For anyone who’s familiar with the term “TGIF”, the fact that the “Happiness Index” on Facebook spikes 10% on Friday should come as no surprise.


Sharing on Twitter

On Twitter, weekdays provide 14% more engagement than weekends. However, this statistic can be more significant based on separating the user by their location: workplace or home. The reasoning behind this phenomenon is that businesses work with other businesses during the weekdays while consumers explore with brands more during the weekend.

According to Dan Zarella, Twitter engagement for brands is 17% higher on weekends. Users seem to retweet the most around 5 PM while noon and 6 PM are the best times for achieving the highest CTR. This could be due to people going on lunch breaks. You can use the Followerwonk tool to find the best time to tweet to your audience.

Twitter data indicates that users are 181% more likely to be on Twitter during their commute. They’re also 119% more likely to use Twitter during school or work hours.

Sharing on Pinterest

Fannit claims that the best times to post to Pinterest are Saturday from 2 AM to 4 AM and 8 PM to 11 PM. According to SEJ, Pinterest activity peaks at approximately 9 PM, and the peak time to post on Pinterest for fashion and retail businesses is Fridays at 3 PM

instagram share

Sharing on Instagram

TrackMaven suggests that Instagram engagement stays consistent throughout the week, with slight spikes on Mondays and a slight dip on Sundays.

During work hours, an average of 22.5 per 1,000 Instagram followers interact with videos posted by Fortune 500 companies. During off-hours, 33.4 per 1,000 followers interact with content.

Sharing on Google Plus

According to Buffer, Google Plus is the most active during the late morning on weekdays. On Google Plus, social media posts tend to do better on Wednesdays at 9 AM in terms of social applause and engagement. By using the Timing+ tool, you can find the optimal time to post on Google Plus according to your specific audience.

Sharing on Linkedin

Linkedin data shows that the best time to share a post on Linkedin is during business hours on the weekdays. After analyzing data from 14 million users, AddThis stated that Linkedin gets the most shares and clicks on Tuesdays between 10 AM and 11 AM. In fact, 93% of B2B marketers rate Linkedin as the top B2B social media lead generation source.

Fannit claims the best times to post to Linkedin are between 7 AM – 8 AM and 5 PM – 6 PM. The worst times, based on U.S. time zones, are on Monday and Friday.

If you don’t believe us, test the data above for yourself!

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