Taktical Growth Hacks – #84
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Growth Hack #1 – Increase Free Trial Signups 500% By NOT Asking for Payment:

Totango released an interesting study that showed the difference between asking for credit card info upfront vs. later in a free trial.

The results?

Letting users submit payment later increased signups for the free trial by 500%.

It also increased overall paid customers by 50%.

Source: https://www.quicksprout.com/2013/09/09/7-simple-ab-tests-that-can-increase-conversions-by-10-or-more/

Growth Hack #2 – +25% Purchases Completed With Product Recommendations:

When showing multiple offers, some people need a little nudge. Emphasize a product suggestion to get them to commit.

The more choice there is, then the lower the chances a decision is made.

In order to combat such analysis paralysis, try emphasizing and highlighting certain options above others.

When one company tried this, they saw a 25% boost in purchases.

Source: https://goodui.org/

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Growth Hack #3 – Increase Sales 55% By Removing Clutter:

A case study of a shopping cart by Lemonstand took a look at the checkout process for ecommerce.

Usually, in addition to the “Proceed to Checkout” button, many stores also have large “Remove” and “Empty Cart” buttons.

This makes it easy for their customers to fill up their carts and then empty them in one fell swoop.

By removing the other two buttons and only leaving the option to check out, the store saw a 55% increase in conversion rates!

Source: https://acquireconvert.com/shopify-plus-review/?msID=167ab6aa-e815-49fb-967c-412949a266f9

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