Taktical Growth Hacks – #168

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Growth Hack #1 – Acquire New Customers With This Beta Feature in Smart Shopping:

Google is beta testing a new conversion goal for its Smart Shopping campaigns – New Customer Acquisition (NCA). This new goal type allows you to set Smart Shopping campaigns to optimize specifically towards acquiring new customers.

How does Google know whether a user is new?

There are three things taken into consideration:

– Google’s native data: It uses a 540-day lookback window based on its own data

– Self-reported data: You can tag new customers with a combination of the Global Site Tag and new customer parameters.

– First-party list: You can upload a customer list to Google Ads.

It is recommended that, for the highest possible accuracy, all three are utilized.

In addition, Google plans to implement a tag parameter in the future that will allow you to measure lifetime value dynamically based on custom criteria. This data will be reported in a Lifetime Value column, which can be then used for bidding optimization.

If you would like to be a part of the beta test, contact your Google reps for access to be whitelisted.


Growth Hack #2 – Get Experts to Share Your Blog Post:

A roundup blog post can be a significant tool to boost engagement and drive traffic to your site. But, that requires getting it in front of people first. 

Try these 6 steps to achieve high-quality, organic traffic to your blog post: 

1. Visit “Search Twitter bios” on FollowerWonk.

2. Input your keyword (SEO, cars, etc.)

3. See the list of the most influential experts in your niche.

4. Find their emails.

5. Send a VERY short email: “I’m doing a roundup of X experts … As one of X gurus, can you please reply to my short question …”

6. At the end say thanks to every expert and send them a link to your roundup (don’t ask them to share).

Source: http://pointblankseo.com/creative-link-building


email subscriber

Growth Hack #3 – Optimize Email Campaigns By Getting Rid of Subscribers:

Achieve better email campaign results by removing subscribers? Seems counter-intuitive, doesn’t it?

But actually, you’ll maintain a much more engaged, focused, and valuable subscriber base if you remove people that are just the opposite. 

How to do this:

Segment out subscribers that haven’t engaged with your recent emails and send them another email telling them you’re breaking up with them if they don’t respond.

Use a subject line that makes this very clear: 

“This is the last time you’ll hear from me …” / “I’ll never email you again, unless …”. 

Then, in the email ask them to click a link to re-confirm that they want to keep receiving your emails. 

Source: https://www.drip.co/blog/tips-and-tactics/email-marketing-tips/


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