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Growth Hack #1 – 200K Visitors a Month From This Long-Tail SEO Trick:
Did you know that Neil Patel gets 238,195 visitors each month from long tail phrases? The longer the keyword, the easier it is to rank well on Google.
This is how:
1. Log into your Google Analytics -> “Acquisition” -> “Keywords” -> “Organic”.
2. Google limits your info, but simply take each short keyword phrase (<4 words)=”” one=”” by=”” and=”” type=”” it=”” into=”” google=”” to=”” see what other long-tail phrases (>/= 4 words) it might suggest in the suggestion box.
3. Edit your page, utilizing these long tail phrases.
Note: Make sure your keyword density is below 3%.
Growth Hack #2 – How Long Before an Email Popup Should…Popup?:
The answer? 5 seconds.
When you’re ready to apply this timing trick to your website, check out It’s a great tool for setting up full screen email popups.
The entry pop-up is exactly what it sounds like: A pop-up form is activated when a visitor first enters your site. Often these forms block the view of the majority of the screen, forcing engagement.

Growth Hack #3 – Turn LinkedIn Contacts Into an Email List:
There is a way to download all of your LinkedIn contacts – including their names, email addresses, job titles, and companies – right to a spreadsheet.
Just visit this link:
Yeah, it’s really that simple.
Source: Linkedin
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