Every organization benefits from finding ways to boost business while cutting costs.
That’s pretty much the definition of success.
But, often the ways to increase revenue, boost engagement, and maximize ROI come at a cost.
That’s where we’re here to help.
For lean, mean, business machines, we created this ultimate resource guide.
Below you’ll find design tools to make your Facebook ads perform better than ever.
According to Stock Photo Secrets, these resources are ideal for beginners and many professionals to help save unnecessary costs.
You’ll find branding resources you can apply to your Pinterest marketing.
SEO site checkers that help grow your business organically.
Email marketing tools to grow your subscriber lists and optimize campaign performance.
Image editing sites that make your Amazon marketing efforts as impactful as possible.
And so much more (300 total, in fact).
A list of free resources to get you and your brand up-and-running:
Design Tools
- Marvel: Designer-made web resources
- Freebbble
- Dbf
- Freepik
- Premium Pixels
More: Dribbble, 365 Psd, Teehan+Lax, Tech&All, Graphic Burger, Fribbble, Teehan+Lax: iPad, Tethr, Pixel Buddha, UI Space, Free Section of Creative Market, Freebiesbug, Free Section of Pixeden
Build Your E-mail List
- Mailchimp: Send emails to up to 2,000 users for free.
- Scroll Triggered Box
- Contact form 7
- Hello Bar
- ManyContactsBar
More: Sumome List Builder, Sumome Scroll Box
Growth Hacks
- Optimizely: A website and mobile app optimizer, all in one.
- Hello Bar
- Petit Hacks
- GrowthHackers
Build Your Own Website, Create a Logo, and Host Away
- Bootswatch: Free, quick-and-easy themes for Bootstrap.
- Free Invoice Generator
- Templated
- WordPress.org | WordPress.com
More: Hive, Strikingly.com Domain, HTML5 UP, Squarespace Free Logo, Slimvoice, Poster My Wall, Invoice to me
Web Design: Color Tools
- Coleure: Simple color palette.
- Colorful Gradients
- Paletton
- Brand Colors
- Material UI Colors
More: Material Palette, Bootflat, 0 to 255, Couleurs, New Flat UI Color Picker, Hex Colorrrs, Colllor, Skala Color, 0 to 255, Adobe Color CC, Flat UI Colors, Get UI Colors, Adaptive Backgrounds, Palette for Chrome, Colour Lovers
Anti-Distraction Tools
- Cold Turkey: Windows: temporarily block websites.
- Self Control: Mac
Optimize Images
- ImageOptim: Images are compressed & accelerates loading speed.
- Kraken
- Smush.it
- TinyJPG | TinyPNG
- ImageOptimizer
More: Compressor.io
- Google Fonts: Web-optimized, open-source fonts
- Font Squirrel
- FontPark
- FontFaceNinja
- 1001 Free Fonts
More: DaFont, TypeGenius, Font-to-width, Beautiful Web Type
Team Organization
- Dropbox: Up to 2GB of free storage.
- Evernote
- List.ly
- Wetransfer
- Trello
More: Yanado, Mailtoself, Markticle, Drp.io, Pocket
Find The Perfect Name
- Short Domain Search: Single-word domain names.
- Wordoid
- Domainr
- Hipster Business Name
- Looka
More: Naminum, Impossibility, Lean Domain Search
Discovery Tools
- Angellist: Discover startups & jobs.
- Startups List
- Product Hunt
- Erli Bird
- Beta List
More: StartupLi.st
Delve Into Blogging
- ZenPen: The minimal writing tool of web.
- Grammarly
- Headline Analyzer
- Social Locker
- WP Hide Post
More: Hemingway, Medium, Liberio, Editorial Calendar, Egg Timer, Story Wars
Keep Learning
- Codecademy: Coding bootcamp.
- The How
- Rocketship.fm
- Closed Club
- Khan Academy
More: Launch This Year, Skillshare, Startup Talks, reSRC.io, Coursera, How to start a startup: As an Audio Podcast or As Online Course, Startup Notes, compare webinar software
Web Icons
- MakeAppIcon: App icon inspiration with a click.
- The Noun Project
- Flat Icon
- Icon Finder
- Font Awesome
More: Fontello, Material Design Icons, Endless Icons, Icon Sweets, Ico Moon, Perfect Icons, Glyphsearch, Free Round Icons: Doodle Set | Flat Set | Vector Line Set
Customer Review Management Tool
A customer review management tool such as PSYDRO can help you to sort reviews, protect against fake reviews, and takeaway insights.
See What’s Trending
- Buzzsumo: Analyze what content performs best for any topic or competitor.
- Swayy
- Hubspot Blog Topic Generator
- Google Trends
- Portent
- Startup Digest: A comprehensive guide to startups tailored to your area.
- UX Newsletter
- Email1K
- Mattermark Daily
- Product Psychology
More: Design for Hackers, ChargeWhatYou’reWorth, UX Design Weekly
Check Your SEO/Site Performance
- WordPress SEO by Yoast: Make the most from your WordPress site.
- Google: Analytics | Keyword Planner | Webmaster Tools | Trends
More: GTMetrics, SEO Site Checkup, Hubspot Marketing Grader, Browseo, Ahrefs, Google Pagespeed Insights, OpenLinkProfiler, Nibbler, Moz Local, Broken Links, Quick Sprout, Alexa Ranking, XML Sitemaps, Pingdom Website Speed Test, SERPs Rank Checker, W3C validator, SimilarWeb, Keywordtool.io, Shopify E-commerce Report,
Other SEO Tools:
Useful Basics
- HowMuchToMakeAnApp: App cost calculator.
- Foundrs
- Pitcherific
- App vs. Website
- Ad Spend Calculator
Stock Photo Galleries
- Splitshire: A library of high-res photos
- Designers Pics
- Gratisography
- Cupcake
- Bucketlistly
More: Moveast, New Old Stock, Super Famous, Getrefe, Jéshoots, Unsplash, Pexels, Foodie’s Feed, Little Visuals, IM Free, Stokpic, Stock Up, Travel Coffee Book, Picjumbo, ISO Republic, The Pattern Library, Function, Mazwai, Lock & Stock Photos, Jay Mantri, Splashbase, Public Domain Archive, Kaboompics, MMT, Snapographic, Pixabay, Raumrot, Paul Jarvis, Startup Stock Photos, Magdeleine, All The Free Stock, Picography, Death to the Stock Photo
Useful Web Tools
- Copy Paste Character: Copy with a click
- UI Names
- Window Resizer
- UI Faces
- UI Blurbs
Social Media & Engagement Tools
- Latergram: Schedule Instagram posts
- WriteRack
- Flament
- Sumome Share
- Typeform
More: Klout, Buffer Free Plan, Spruce, Tally, Digg Digg, Ritetag, MyTweetLinks, Riffle, Addthis, Disqus, SharedCount, Click To Tweet, Bitly, WordPress Pin it Button for Images, Social Analytics, Justunfollow, SocialRank
Design Inspiration
- Dribbble: A collection of designers’ works.
- MaterialUp
- One Page Love
- Niice
- Land-Book
More: Behance, The Starter Kit, FLTDSGN, Crayon, Awwwards, UI Cloud, Ocean, Agile Designers, Flat UI Design, Site Inspire, Pttrns, The Best Designs, UI Parade, Moodboard
Edit Your Images
- Recite: Transform quotes into visual masterpieces.
Background Music
- Coffitivity: Streaming coffee shop sounds.
- Noizio
- Designers.mx
- Noisli
- Defonic
Working Remotely
- Nomad Jobs: Remote start-up job database.
- Where Nomads at
- What’s It Like
- Nomadlist
Connect with Others
- Founder2be: Discover your co-founder.
- Assembly
- CoFoundersLab