Essential Tips for Creating a Great Content Marketing Plan (+ Infographic)

What defines content marketing?

Well, what it means is pretty much right in the name.

But essentially, content marketing is a strategy that focuses on the curation of material on the internet. 

This can include blogs, social media posts, and even videos. 

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The major aim of content marketing strategies is to create interest in the services or products provided by a brand. 

It is an important skill to master in order to grow your brand in 2019 – and beyond. 

Statistics already show that 91% of marketers use content when developing a marketing plan to create inbound leads.

But let’s dive deeper into what a content strategy is and how to build an effective one of your own.

We’ll provide key content marketing tips.

We’ll also take a look at some statistics and facts around content.

Here are the essential tips, ideas, and facts you need to help develop an effective and holistic marketing plan.

Key Components of a Content Marketing Plan

Even though a lot of people already use it, content marketing can be a very difficult task to excel in without the proper information. 

In 2018, only one out of five marketers knew how to create a content marketing plan and the best way to run it. 

content marketing plan challenges
Image source:

There are so many factors that have to come together to develop an effective content marketing campaign that yields desirable results. 

The backbone of it all is effective communication and documentation. 

When this is done efficiently, the information collected will guide you on the fundamental aspects of developing a great content marketing plan.

Quality Content

Quality content is a vital part of all forms of marketing – and content marketing is no exception.

What you put out there can go a long way in determining your reach and how effective your strategy will be. 

Creating and sharing the right content to the right audience can increase your inbound leads and traffic. 

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The right content varies depending on the demographics of the audience you are reaching out to. 

The mode of delivery, no matter the quality, is also an important factor to consider for content marketing strategies.

Some messages are more effective on one platform than another.

Content Production Method

The method in which marketers produce content tends to be overlooked.

In fact, it is often wrongly considered to be an unimportant aspect. 

The thing is, your preferred content production method can have an effect on your output. 

This, clearly, can then impact the effectiveness of your content marketing strategy.

content marketing plan graphic

About 92% of companies prefer to create their content internally. 

This statistic proves it is an effective way to generate content.

Additionally, companies assign on average about 10% of their entire marketing budget to content marketing. 

However, outsourcing your content is another option worth exploring, especially if your company’s bandwidth is strained.

Sometimes, relying on experts who know exactly what a content strategy is and how to develop a marketing plan that integrates it in the best way possible can be a great option.

Trends in the Industry

In the marketing industry, trends are known to change quickly and frequently. 

This not only affects your operations, but also your content marketing plan.

That’s because it is essential to produce content that is relevant to the time. 

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For example, the number of people that use voice assistants for searches has increased in recent years, with a higher percentage of younger people using it. 

So if you develop a content marketing plan that leverages this information, you can generate more attention for your brand.

What’s Your Content Marketing Plan?

The content marketing industry is on the rise and isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. 

Statistics show an annual growth rate of about 16% from 2016 to 2021. 

It is a necessary tool you need to grow your business in 2019 and beyond. 

There are many more great suggestions available to help increase your website ranking and help you reach out to a wider audience. 

These are just a few content marketing tips to help you get started.

See the infographic below for even more information and strategies that can help you decide what your content strategy is and how to execute it. 

content marketing plan infographic


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