5 Video Marketing Tips to Give Your Strategy a Boost (+ Infographic)

Let’s just say it: Online videos are all the rage in 2019.

And, the trend shows no signs of slowing down. 

In fact, Cisco predicts video will account for over 80% of all internet traffic by 2022.

But, so many businesses are including videos in their long term marketing strategies that it has become difficult to stand out in such a bustling crowd. 

video marketing tips - lifting weights gif

For more information on why you need a video marketing strategy, continue reading! 

Why Use Video Marketing?

The main reason why video content marketing is so popular lies in its very nature. 

A video engages viewers in a way text or images will never be able to. 

video marketing tips - titus gif

The moving pictures convey lots of information in a short period of time while provoking a wide range of emotions. 

One of the main reasons why to use video marketing is that video is much easier to digest than textual information.

To attest to this, 90% of users say that product videos are helpful when making purchasing decisions.

Whether it’s to promote a product or spread brand awareness, a video marketing strategy can be the key to your success.

Video Marketing Tips

So let’s say you have already taken the leap and are using videos on your site.

video marketing tips - holding video camera

But, you’re not seeing the desired result.

There are many things to do in order to improve.

Keep these video marketing tips in mind whether you’re just getting started or have already created some content.

1. Tell a story

So much of video content marketing is sales-related already that people often just block it out. 

They don’t want to watch another video filled with sales terms and pushy quotes. 

Instead, you should create a marketing video around a story. 

You must concentrate on the value you provide.

If you do it right, then the sales will follow.

2. Create a marketing video that’s effective from the start 

People have a short attention span – and it’s only getting shorter

Therefore, it is not likely that customers would watch the entire video. 

Depending on the platform, most users tend to drop off in about 30-45 seconds when watching a video ad.

brand recall from video ad
Image source: Image source: https://www.falcon.io/insights-hub/topics/social-media-strategy/facebook-video-ads-best-practices-for-2018/

That’s why you should aim to make your video short and to the point. 

Ideally, you should put the most important content in the first 10 seconds.

However, the sooner the better.

A recent study revealed that customers were 23% more likely to remember a brand name from a Facebook video ad if it was featured within 3 seconds. 

3. Tag it up

If you want your video marketing efforts to pay off and to show up in the search engines, you need to optimize the content for them. 

There are many tactics that can increase the visibility of your videos. 

video tags
Image source: Image source: https://backlinko.com/hub/youtube/tags

Here are just a few video marketing tips to accomplish just that:

  • Enable embedding.
  • Create a catchy description that tags the video with relevant keywords. 
  • Create a unique and memorable title.

4. Don’t be dull

People like to be entertained.

So, the worst thing you can do is create a boring marketing video. 

Viewers want to watch something that will make them laugh or make them think.

They want content that will provide valuable information, or present a new, fresh product in an interesting way.

Looking for some tips on how to create a great video ad? 

Follow this guide.

5. Add a call to action

A big mistake that many businesses make is to simply allow their video to finish with a black screen. 

Doing so basically defeats the purpose of video marketing.

use CTAs
Image source: Image source: https://www.vyond.com/resources/heeding-the-call-best-practices-for-video-ctas/

Remember, this is still an advertising strategy.

As such, you should be promoting your brand with the end goal of conversions in mind.

Failing to include a CTA when you create a marketing video is a missed opportunity to grab the viewers’ attention even firmer and increase conversion rates. 

Ideally, your video should end with either contact information or a call to action – or both! 

Ask people to subscribe, like, share, visit your website, etc. 

Whatever it is, talk to them and push them in the direction you want.

Bottom Line

Videos will continue to play an essential role in any type of digital marketing campaign. 

Your task is to learn how to create a modern and engaging video content strategy that attracts viewers and increases conversion rates. 

Check out the infographic below for more video marketing tips and tricks.

video marketing infographic


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