4 Reasons Why Reddit is the Best Place to Advertise

4 Reasons Why Reddit is the Best Place to Advertise

If you’re looking for an alternative to Facebook ads or Google AdWords, then Reddit advertising might be for you. Users can vote for or downvote posts and comments within a subreddit.  However, Reddit’s digital marketing power truly comes from its advertising options and access to thousands of subreddits to promote your brand. Here are four reasons that you should choose Reddit ads as part of your advertising strategy.

Interactions With Active Communities

Reddit is home to 100,000 interest-based subreddits that are hard to find anywhere else, where people have an insatiable curiosity and constantly seek answers. Questions, comments, and support can come from any user, 24/7. The most popular posts appear on Reddit’s front page, reaching over 48 million monthly users. Reddit ads reach a wide and active audience. As an active Reddit user for your brand, respond to posts with valuable comments to other Reddit users. Don’t be afraid to use humor in your comments and posts to engage your audience when appropriate.  Spotify is an example of a brand that used Reddit to engage consumers creatively by asking questions about music and the emotions songs evoke from listeners. Reddit digital marketing can be creative and engaging on the platform. You can use AMA (Ask Me Anything) posts to answer questions and show that your brand is approachable and open to feedback from customers. The CEO of Nissan started a subreddit thread called “IAmA,” where he got his target market to ask questions and actively engage with the brand. 

Easily Reach the Right Target Audience

With Reddit’s focus on community, it’s no surprise Reddit ads focus on popular topics discussed within subreddits. Since users are subscribed to certain subreddits, they can see Reddit ads as they scroll through posts and comments.  Thanks to Reddit’s niche-related subreddits, you can locate your niche and talk about your product or solution. If you advertise to gardeners, rely on garden-related and plant-related subreddits like r/gardening, r/plants, and r/houseplants for placing your ads. This strategy helps ensure your advertising budget is well spent because your ads are reaching their target audience. 

Offers a Variety of Advertising Options

There are various ways to present Reddit ads, including image and video ads with call-to-action buttons. Reddit allows for promoted carousel ads that let you publish multiple photos or videos in one ad.  You can also choose to have your Reddit ads and posts promoted as sponsored posts within a subreddit. Lemonade Inc., an insurance app, used Reddit digital marketing via promoted posts. The company had a promoted post on a fast food subreddit to show how insurance payments cost as much as fast food – cheaper than what the audience might imagine. The ad was relatable enough to gain people’s attention.  Other ways to advertise on Reddit are through takeover ads in which your brand can take over the category, front page, and trending pages for 24 hours. First View allows users to see your brand first on prime Reddit real estate such as Home, the hub of all the subreddits a user has joined.  Your Reddit ads can also show up on the Popular Feed-First View, which is the feed of the most popular posts. Reddit Pixel lets you track the performance of your ads and customer conversions, helping you better understand your target audience. 

Reddit Ads Can Fit Any Budget

Reddit ads will only cost you what you can afford for your advertising budget. Since Reddit is an auction-based marketplace, targeting, bids, and Reddit traffic affect the number of views for your ads. Some successfully promoted ads like Duracell’s ad gained 250 million views on Reddit and increased brand awareness by 16.3%.  The top bid will be based on the second-highest bid plus $0.01. When placing a bid, make sure you are prepared to pay the highest amount of money possible. A small bid for a Reddit ad may be appropriate for a specific audience. However, if you’re targeting a broader audience, skew your Reddit digital marketing budget higher. 

Start Your Digital Marketing Campaign With Reddit Ads

Online advertising on Reddit has many benefits, including the ability to reach your target audience and create a campaign that fits any budget. This ever-growing platform is a great place to reach new customers. Whether you are interested in reaching a large or a small audience, you can make the most of it with the right targeting and Reddit ads.    
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