2018 SEO Trends That Will Help Your Brand [Infographic]

According to Internet Live Stats, there are well over a billion websites in the world today.

This might make you wonder how to grow your brand amidst such huge competition.

Well, SEO comes to the rescue!

With the advent and growth of SEO marketing strategies, your brand can enjoy an unbelievable boost in visibility and sales.

Benefits of a Great SEO Strategy

According to an infographic from SEO Tribunal’s, 93% of online experiences start with a query on search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, Yandex, Bing, etc.,

Imagine how awesome it would be if your brand appeared at the top position of page 1 results for targeted keywords.

Build Trust With Customers

Being on the first page helps existing and potential customers to link your business with those specific keywords.

It also creates room for trust as companies on the first page are usually considered to be more reliable.

In other words, the more your pages and content rank high in the search engines, the more chances you have that users will see your content, associate keywords with your brand, and buy what you are selling.

Understanding these psychological factors of SEO marketing can help you formulate best practices for a strategy that works.

Save Money While Investing in a Long-Lasting Strategy

You don’t have to spend a dime on ads to make your website visible.

In fact, 70-80% of search engine users prefer clicking on organic results over paid ads.

Despite many fears that SEO is a fad that will die off soon, it is estimated that the SEO industry will grow to an estimated $72 billion by 2018 and $79 billion by 2020.

This unbelievable growth might be the reason why Google updates its search algorithm hundreds of times every year.

To help you understand and keep up with these changes in SEO marketing strategies, check out the colorful and informative infographic below.

It deals with everything, from the early days of SEO, the advantages of Google ranking, to the top companies that have successfully used SEO marketing to build their brands.

SEO strategies

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