7 Smart Tips for Effective Video Marketing on Social Media
In the era of YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, it is evident that businesses can no longer rely on writing blog posts and status updates here and there. If you want to stay relevant in 2021 and beyond, you need to embrace video marketing.  We discuss 7 Smart Tips for Effective Video Marketing on Social Media to immediately implement and skyrocket your social media presence. Let’s go!

Tip #1: Cut To The Chase

People are bombarded with content from everywhere, and nobody has the time nor willpower to listen to irrelevant information before getting to the main message of your video. Think about what you are trying to get across and aim to build your video around that in a concise format.  If you are producing informative videos, give people the information they need right from the get-go. That doesn’t mean you should ignore quality (we will get to that later). It just means you make a video that people can get the information effectively from you. Tell viewers immediately what they need to hear. The first 10 seconds in your video are vital – if you don’t deliver the message there, they will leave.  In fact, the first 5 seconds are sometimes even more critical. For example, YouTube video ads can only be skipped after 5 seconds – if you manage to deliver your message before a viewer clicks “skip,” you did a great job. Plus, you can use those videos for Instagram ads and stories, and TikTok marketing too.

 Tip #2: Include Text And Closed Captions

 While videos are extremely effective, they do have some drawbacks. People need to have their eyes on the screen and sound turned on to hear your message. Considering that so many of us browse from our phones, it is not always possible to have optimal volume when watching videos.  For this reason, it is important to include closed captions in your video materials. In addition, when something important comes up in your video, you should have animated text hovering over to highlight what is just being said. That way, you will make sure your message is delivered and that the viewer didn’t miss the most important part of your video.  There’s another benefit of adding closed captions – Search Engine Optimization. CC can help your videos rank better in search results, which will bring even more eyes to your brand. 

Tip #3: Showcase Your Skills and Knowledge

While our Tip #1 basically means you should keep your videos as short as possible to deliver the message, there’s one type of video that is very effective even when very long – tutorials. Showing your audience how to solve a problem they face will automatically make you an expert in their eyes. Not only will they return to your channel when they face another problem, but they are also likely to call your number or send an enquiry once they encounter an issue they can’t solve on their own.

Tip #4: Make It Personal

Video marketing is an excellent opportunity to build an authentic relationship with your audience. Don’t be afraid to show your face, your team members, or your office space when appropriate. Also, read scripts yourself. While hiring actors to do that will sound better, getting involved will create a personal relationship, making your business more “human.” Viewers will think you are not there to take their money and vanish and that you care about your customers, brand, and your reputation. If you want to take your video marketing to the next step, a user generated content platform might do the trick. That will help you create a community around your brand, making you authentic and different from everyone else in your niche.

Tip #5: Stick To A Schedule And Publish Regularly

This one is important in any type of marketing, but posting videos regularly is crucial. Because video marketing is so effective and creates a personal bond (especially if you followed tip #4), it is essential to create videos on a regular basis.  This is especially true if you are trying to build your YouTube presence, as getting traction and subscribers can take a long time. Therefore, be patient, and be persistent – posting regularly is key. Whatever pace suits you, just make sure you follow it up.

Tip #6: Make It Count

If a person watched your video to the end, that means they really enjoyed what you had to say. That means you have an excellent opportunity to ask something from them – time to insert a call-to-action! That can be something as simple as telling them to like the video or subscribe to your channel, to giving them an actual offer, telling them to check your store page, or something completely different, like asking them to attend a conference you are having. Of course, you don’t have to put calls-to-action on the end, especially if the video is longer. But, just make sure all of your videos have a call-to-action, as you don’t want to waste opportunities.

Tip #7: Up Your Production Standards

 You need to make quality videos. That doesn’t mean you should buy professional TV cameras and lighting. But that also doesn’t mean you should use your old phone and just press shoot. Make sure to do your best, and explore different options to make your videos as smooth as possible.  And little things count, too – such as thumbnails. If you do your homework and make eye-catching thumbnails, people will click on your videos. And if you followed the advice from Tip #1, they will keep listening to what you have to say, even if your videos are not the most incredible looking.  The tips listed above will up your video-making game and put your brand on the radar.  As you can see, keeping your videos short and sweet, including a call-to-action, making videos personal – that’s not exactly rocket science. But, even though the tips are simple to implement, you will be surprised how effective they are once you do implement them, making you wonder why you haven’t done it sooner. So, what are you waiting for?
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