7 Tips to Create Facebook Ad Campaigns that are More Effective



It’s no secret that Facebook is one of the most powerful advertising platforms on the planet. According to Pew Research Center, close to seven in ten US adults use Facebook. Of those seven in ten adults, 74% check Facebook at least once a day. With numbers like that, it is no wonder that so many businesses depend on creating effective Facebook ads. With so many businesses running Facebook ad campaigns, the competition can be stiff.

You have to compete with so much content that is trying to capture the attention of users. If you are going to have success, you need to develop Facebook ad strategies that will help your brand stand out while also getting people to click on your ads. 

You will find a lot of content about the latest Facebook marketing trends. While this information can be valuable, you need to do more than just follow the latest trends. You need to know how to create good ads and develop campaigns that depend on more than the latest trends.

In this post, we are going to look at some tips to help businesses create better Facebook marketing strategies. 

Focus on the Offer

Having good ad copy and images is a big part of developing successful Facebook ad campaigns. With that said, it isn’t everything. You could be a master of creating effective ads, but it won’t do much good if you are not offering something attractive to consumers. 

Try to focus your advertising on the products or services that will be the most attractive to consumers. As an example, if you have a great package deal for a range of products, create more campaigns that focus on the package deal instead of the individual products. If you sell a service on a monthly subscription, focus the ads on how paying for a year upfront comes with a discounted price. 

Effective Landing Pages

If you are sending your Facebook ads to the homepage of your website, you are not getting as much as you can from your advertising efforts. Even if you are following all of the top Facebook ad trends, you won’t get the best results if you are not using landing pages. Landing pages play an important role in the sales funnel. This is where you provide more information and close the deal with the customer. 

Beyond creating landing pages for your campaign, you also need to optimize your landing pages. Make sure the page has a strong headline and cover the product information that will help to complete the sale. Along with that, use the right call to action and keep it above the fold so every visitor sees it.

Keep Your Roles Straight

When developing a Facebook marketing strategy, you need to recognize the fact that ads have a role and landing pages role. The purpose of the ad is to get the user’s attention and get them to click through to the landing page. The role of the landing page is to provide more information and complete the conversion.

Ads should be simple and to the point. You might want to include a little information, but the main goal is to get the user’s attention and compel them to action. If you try to include too much information in the ad, it will make the user work harder to get the point. As long as you can capture their interest with the ad, they will want to read the details on the landing page.

Highlight the Numbers

You might not want to get bogged down with all of the details, but the numbers are important. If you are selling a physical product, put the price in the ad. If you are running a sale, make sure users know how much they can save by taking advantage of the discount. Numbers have a way of standing out in ads, so this is one of the simplest and most effective Facebook ad design tips for getting more attention.

Create Ads for the Audience

Most of us already know that the audience can make or break a Facebook ad campaign. With Facebook’s ad targeting options, you can get very specific and make sure your ads are only being shown to the users that are most likely to act.

Finding the right audience is a critical part of Facebook ad optimization, but this is only half the work. Beyond finding the right audience, you also want to create ads for the people in that audience. Different buyers have different interests, pain points and motivations, so it only makes sense that different types of messaging will be more effective with different audiences.

As a simple example, let’s say you sell a product that appeals to people in all age groups. If that is true, you need to consider whether people in the 65 and over group are going to respond well to the same messaging as those in the 15-24 group. For many products, you would benefit by creating ads that are unique to each group. 

And this is just one part of it. You might have customers with different interests or of different genders. All of this should be considered. Furthermore, it is about more than just creating ads. In some cases, you might need to consider unique landing pages for different groups. An agency like Evestar, a top eCommerce agency, can help clients scale millions of dollars each month.

Test Ads and Landing Pages

Chances are that you will not get all of your Facebook ad campaigns perfect on the first try. If you want to get the best results over time, you need to test everything to find what works best. This isn’t just testing the ads or the landing pages – you need to test them both together. 

Set up different versions of the same ads. Maybe a group that all have the same copy and picture, but different headlines. Use this process to see which headline gets the best results. After that, you can follow the same practice with images and descriptions. You can do the same thing with your landing pages. Test the headlines, the text, the images and the CTA. You can also test how different combinations of ads and landing pages work together. 

Facebook marketing strategies are not built on one key factor that can make every campaign a success. With that said, there are tips and strategies that can put you on the path to success. By bringing the right ingredients together and doing a little testing, any business can see great results from their ad campaigns.

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(Image: https://giphy.com/gifs/arne-van-kauter-ijEiXYEo9DBxm

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