Taktical Growth Hacks – #104
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Taktical growth hacks

Growth Hack #1 – Recommend What to Buy for 25% More Customers:  

When showing multiple offers, an emphasized product suggestion might be a good idea as people need a little nudge.

Some psychology studies out there suggest that the more choice there is, the lower the chances of a decision actually being made and acted upon.

In order to combat such analysis paralysis, try emphasizing and highlighting certain options above others.

When GoodUI tried this, they saw a 25% boost.

Source: https://goodui.org/


Growth Hack # 2 – Tactics to Turn Blog Readers into Paying Customers:

Here are some ways you can turn your blog readers into customers:

1. Use retargeting ads. These ads display only for people who have visited your website in the past.

How to do it: Place a remarketing pixel on your blog to capture your audience -> Add remarketing ads -> CTR (Click thru rate): 0.2%

2. Place Hellobar on your blog -> Average Newsletter subscribers: 3.53%

3. Place a popup on your blog -> Average Newsletter subscribers: 0.5% – 2%

4. Opt-in form at the end of each blog post -> Newsletter subscribers: 0.75% – 2%

5. Offer free webinars using Google Hangouts for your subscribers -> Free trial signups: 41% convert to –> Paying customers: 12.1% of the time

Source: www.quicksprout.com 


Taktical growth hacks

Growth Hack #3 – “Shrink” Your Price, Grow Your Sales:

Copyblogger set up a free trial program that customers can sign up for and tested it between two phrases:

1. “a $5 fee”

2. “a small $5 fee”

The second phrase was able to increase sign-up rates by over 20%.

We found that the emphasis on the “small” fee made it much easier for even the pickier customers to deal with .

Source: http://www.copyblogger.com/scientific-copywriting/


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